I see this Forum is for Voom supporters only!
I apologize for posting this original post, since no-one really wants to hear the problems people are having with Voom.
You say I should have cancelled, maybe so, but with a non-refundable $1400.00 + investment I thought I could eventually get thing worked out.
After 5 service calls multiple receivers and antennas I finally hit my limit. After they called me about my letter I sent them stating what I was willing to do to catch up on my billing, it sounded like we had things worked out.
They scheduled another service call #6, to replace my antenna and receiver or even use my high gain UHF antenna. When the service guy shows up, he does not have my replacement receiver, and said he could not use my antenna unless he runs a cable back to the Satellite on the other side of the house.
What the installer told me & what I had worked out over the phone where two different things.
I build aircraft parts for various companies', they don't buy parts that are scrap! They only buy the parts that are built to the drawing and are in tolerance.
I would love to be a happy VOOM customer, I think their HDTV is Great, when it works!
I guess a Foam customers that have problems are just suppose to keep throwing money to VOOM so others that have good equipment and set-ups can keep watching. No Thanks!!