Well, owning a MacBook Pro was a bad move for me as it really is a piece of poorly constructed over priced junk. Have you tried to replace the hard drive yet? Good luck and about 2-3 hours work. It is a mess to get to. Compare to my Dell xps M1210, that runs rings around the MacBook Pro in every respect! Swap out the hard drive in a Dell and it is simply 4 screws to remove the caddy and pop out the caddy and you slide in the new drive. I've even repaired the mother board fan assembly for $14.99 on my wife's M1330 and 10 minutes work. I'd hate to do that on the Mac Book.
diogen- the reason I do try to understand the cult mindset is so I can predict the stock move on new products. I made the cost of my ipad and then some on it when it was announced by understanding this mentality. There was a day for aol and I have a friend who is a millionaire because of it. The huge difference with anything Apple today, is they understand the market better than you do. They recognize that people, the buying public want this tech stuff but don't want to understand or jump through hoops to have what it offers. Steve Jobs leadership gives them this product and this is why it has done so well. Not saying others can't do as well but Apple is king of this way of building and selling tech. If you recognize there is a whole market for tech like this, it is silly to fault them just because you or I want what the other side offers. As far as ipad is concerned, I wanted exactly what it offers. Would be nice to have a few extras but Apple is listening and, in their own way will be making that available. In the meantime, I enjoy everything about my ipad except the screen glare. The more I use it and share with others the more I find it can do rather than can't. I also look forward to these competitive devices. Who knows, the second pad device may be an android one for me. I'll have to wait and see before a decision can be made.