Android Honeycomb Tablets

I think TW is much better than Sense, simply because it is less intrusive into the android OS. Some may want that, but ill pass.
What exactly is so intrusive about it?

It is not my main reason for skipping HTC phones however, the reception on every HTC I have had has been subpar. Samsung is only slightly better.
Motorola is way above those, and in my experience, second only to Blackberry.
Total BS. I've been at both the Verizon and AT&T stores with Samsung, Motorola and HTC Android phones infront of me with the Signal Meter widget installed and displayed. There was never more the +/- 3 dB between the manufactures with all the phones in the same general location,

So no matter the bells and whistles a phone may have (Sense, 3d, ect), it doesnt mean anything if I cant get reception except under the tower.
I live in the middle of nowhere with 1-2 bars of service and can maintain conversations and send and receive data just fine

Customer service will vary from day to day. It all depends on who you talk to and what kind of day they have had. Its pretty universal across the carriers. You may not have had a bad experience with sprint YET, lol, but give it time. (not saying they are bad, im just saying they are no better than the others in this regard only).
Please show me where I mentioned anything about customer service? Because I didn't. So word to the wise, don't you DARE ever put words into my mouth again, got it? It has nothing to do with customer service. Do you know how many times I've called Sprint or Nextel customer service since I've been a Nextel subscriber in 2002? Exactly once and that was to add Nextel Wireless Web Access years ago. It has everything to do with Verizon's attitude.

am with Cellular South, which is one of the regionals. I can get unlimited everything, no caps, on two lines, for $59 each, $79 if you only do one line. That deal is untouched anywhere.
I'd rather pay more monthly and have a better phone options, but that's just me. Other then the Evo 3D, the HTC Sensation and possibly the Thunderboldt are the only other two handsets currently out right now that I could see myself using. I have absolutely no desire to pay less than I do, I have a desire for better hardware.

As far as service goes, if you can get a signal with Verizon, I can get it with CS as that is the roaming partner we have.
Sprint roams on to Verizon as well when there is no native coverage

Its really gonna burn your ass when Verizon buys sprint isnt it? And dont laugh, after AT&T and T mobile, it could very well happen. Who will you go with then?
Verizon is not going to buy out Sprint so the point is moot. I'd be more worried about Verizon or AT&T buying out your small provider first.
That is again, just an opinion. I personally love my Verizon service. Superb network and great phones. How do you know they still operate like they did 30 years ago? I have had absolutely no problems with Verizon customer service. But that will vary. Sprint is not a perfect as you potray it is. Every single company has it's problems including Sprint.

You don't have to live under a rock to see how crappy AT&T and Verizon are. And again what does customer service have to do with anything? Who ever brought that up? Verizon is an awful company, as is AT&T.

I think steve was using a poor app perhaps?

I was using the wifi tether app in the market called simply Wireless Tether. And what don't you people get? I HAVE NO DESIRE TO TETHER! The thought of using anything wifi makes me want to spew chunks. It's a crappy crappy technology and I want no part of it. I WANT to pay Sprint $35 for the data plan. Is that so hard to grasp?
Steve Mehs said:
You don't have to live under a rock to see how crappy AT&T and Verizon are. And again what does customer service have to do with anything? Who ever brought that up? Verizon is an awful company, as is AT&T.

I was using the wifi tether app in the market called simply Wireless Tether. And what don?t you people get? I HAVE NO DESIRE TO TETHER! The thought of using anything wifi makes me want to spew chunks. It?s a crappy crappy technology and I want no part of it. I WANT to pay Sprint $35 for the data plan. Is that so hard to grasp?

What in the heck did they do to earn your awful company title? I don't care for AT&T but I wouldn't call them an awful conpany.

Sent from my iPad 2 using the SatelliteGuys App
I ran Froyo on a Tab and found it to be a very user-friendly operating system, much easier to use with a large 7" screen compared with a 4" screen. I took notes on it at meetings, I found the Kindle reader to be a good replacement for carrying an actual kindle; it made game-play on the games I liked (Easy Sudoku being one of the most frequently used) so much more enjoyable than on the phone. It did video very well, and was easy to use at the gym, again, with a huge improvement over a 4" screen.

It was fast; every app worked; and worked without any issues. To me, it was a very powerful and useful device. I have not upgraded it to Gingerbread, as I have moved on to an iPad, which is an even far more powerful and even more useful device. But my wife uses the Tab, and enjoys it. Swype makes data entry easy. Launcher pro gave me opportunities to make it look just the way I want (which is really stock android), and widgets like Pure Calendar Widget, provide me with excellent PDA functionality tied to a task program. It did not act like just a large phone; it was a mid-sized tablet, and easy to use.

While my experiences are tied to Froyo, I do have Gingerbread on my phone, I don't think there are any meaningful differences between it and Froyo in terms of user experience.
Thanks for the reply. None of that applies to me though. I don't do meetings (thank god) and I have no desire to read books, digital or otherwise. Reading is boring, I don't have the attention span for it and can't make it past the first page of any book, so while in some way may be able to see it as a good e-reader, although a 10" would probably make a better one, I'd never use it for that purpose. I don't find any of these games on these devices entertaining. One of the Bubble Wrap games on the iPhone kept me entertained for a few minutes once, other than that, don't need 'em. I installed some air hockey game on the Flyer and played two rounds and got bored and deleted it.

All I want to do is use this thing to watch videos and surf the internet on the go, but the small screen size makes it inefficient to do so.
What in the heck did they do to earn your awful company title? I don't care for AT&T but I wouldn't call them an awful conpany.

Sent from my iPad 2 using the SatelliteGuys App

Just look at them, that's all you have to do. Both AT&T (SBC) and Verizon are continuing their monopolistic abusive ways that they did when they used to be AT&T. I'm not saying they're monopolies, because they're not, but they sure as hell act like it. They are destroying the communications industry, they are over promising, and under delivering. They are abusing customers, destroying competition and want to control every aspect of communications, but only when it's convenient for them (see Verizon pawning subscribers off on Frontier). Hopefully the government does not allow AT&T to purchase T-Mobile.
Steve Mehs said:
Just look at them, that's all you have to do. Both AT&T (SBC) and Verizon are continuing their monopolistic abusive ways that they did when they used to be AT&T. I’m not saying they’re monopolies, because they’re not, but they sure as hell act like it. They are destroying the communications industry, they are over promising, and under delivering. They are abusing customers, destroying competition and want to control every aspect of communications, but only when it’s convenient for them (see Verizon pawning subscribers off on Frontier). Hopefully the government does not allow AT&T to purchase T-Mobile.

Yeah they sold some customers to Frontier. What's the big deal? They have a great network and is the first us provider to have an LTE network. What are they doing to destroy the communications industry? I don't think they are doing anything wrong. Sales and aquisitions happen all the time.

Sent from my iPad 2 using the SatelliteGuys App
Cherry picking where and who they deploy their services to, offloading customers that they don't want, buying out other operations that do them more benefit then keeping existing customer. What good is LTE when you can blow through your cap in no time. At least Sprint has no limits on their wimax service whatsoever on any device. I'm usually not in favor of government interference, but they really need to take a look at both Verizon and AT&T on both the wired and wireless side. Not to mention the whole iPhone thing. Apple approached Verizon first with the iPhone, the rejected it, then for the next four years all you heard was about Verizon bellyaching about not having the iPhone. Well it was their own damn fault. Friggen crybabies!
What exactly is so intrusive about it?
I didnt say it was "so" intrusive, I said the others are less intrusive, and they are.

Total BS. I've been at both the Verizon and AT&T stores with Samsung, Motorola and HTC Android phones infront of me with the Signal Meter widget installed and displayed. There was never more the +/- 3 dB between the manufactures with all the phones in the same general location,

Ive actually owned all three brands in the past year, and had two HTC phones before that. I dont care what your signal meter widget says, the HTC had the poorest reception out of the bunch, and Samsung was not much better. Motorola is a tier up from both in this regard.

Please show me where I mentioned anything about customer service? Because I didn't.
When you mentioned this:
I've seen them treat their customers pretty horribly,
I naturally assumed that it fell under the topic of customer service. If it did not then you need to be more clear in your rants.

So word to the wise, don't you DARE ever put words into my mouth again, got it?

LMAO, I didnt, but assume I did. So what?

I'd rather pay more monthly and have a better phone options, but that's just me. Other then the Evo 3D, the HTC Sensation and possibly the Thunderboldt are the only other two handsets currently out right now that I could see myself using. I have absolutely no desire to pay less than I do, I have a desire for better hardware.

And everyone is different and has a different definition of what hardware is better. Yours seems to be limited to HTC. Which is fine.

Sprint roams on to Verizon as well when there is no native coverage
Not around here. Sprint (and T-Mobile) is an also ran in this market.

Verizon is not going to buy out Sprint so the point is moot. I'd be more worried about Verizon or AT&T buying out your small provider first.
Based on?
And yes, Verizon buying out CS is a possibility, but I would say it is far more remote than them buying out Sprint.
I haven't rooted my phone yet. Probably won't any time soon. What app are you using to tether?

It is simply called Wifi Tether in the market if I am not mistaken, and it works great. Open the app, click start tether, and you are online. Click it again and it disconnects.
Probably one of the better apps out there IMO.
I was using the wifi tether app in the market called simply Wireless Tether. And what don't you people get? I HAVE NO DESIRE TO TETHER! The thought of using anything wifi makes me want to spew chunks. It's a crappy crappy technology and I want no part of it.
Just trying to help, but it is obvious you want no part of that. Fair enough.

I WANT to pay Sprint $35 for the data plan. Is that so hard to grasp?
When there is an option that works just as good that you are already paying for? Yes. lol
But to each their own. If you like to spend money on it, by all means, do so. Its yours and not mine.
I thought this thread was about android tablets..... this just seems to be a wireless provider complaint thread lately..

Sent from my Nexus One using SatelliteGuys super rad app.
I thought this thread was about android tablets..... this just seems to be a wireless provider complaint thread lately..

Sent from my Nexus One using SatelliteGuys super rad app.

Hey it would have been fine if people here didn't get their jollies on trying to belittle and harass me, but oh well. Their problem.

Anyhow, just got off the phone with Sprint. I ordered the HTC Evo View tablet for $400 with the free Scribe. Got the 3GB/month Tablet Plan which is $45/month but I get $10 bundling discount. The Flyer is going back tomorrow or Wednesday, the Evo View will be here no later than Thursday.
Steve Mehs said:
Hey it would have been fine if people here didn't get their jollies on trying to belittle and harass me, but oh well. Their problem.

Who has tried to do either ? All I've seen is people try to give differing opinions and help to you.
The response seems to be your problem.

Sent from my iPad using SatelliteGuys
Last edited:
Anyhow, just got off the phone with Sprint. I ordered the HTC Evo View tablet for $400 with the free Scribe. Got the 3GB/month Tablet Plan which is $45/month but I get $10 bundling discount. The Flyer is going back tomorrow or Wednesday, the Evo View will be here no later than Thursday.

So you ordered another 7" tablet that isn't running honeycomb? Why will it be any better? You already said the Flyer wasn't very good at viewing websites; and since you neither like to read nor write, what use will the scribe pen be? :confused:
So you ordered another 7" tablet that isn't running honeycomb? Why will it be any better? You already said the Flyer wasn't very good at viewing websites; and since you neither like to read nor write, what use will the scribe pen be? :confused:

Its better because he is paying sprint $35 bucks for it. He WANTS to pay them extra. He even said it here.
I WANT to pay Sprint $35 for the data plan. Is that so hard to grasp?

Dont you read the threads?

Ok, steve, this one was picking fun at you. I couldnt help it. I really couldnt. And honestly, no offense, but "sense" you were so defensive I had to. Friends?
Edit: I know how the last part can come across as sarcasm. I dont mean it that way.
Not sure why anyone with a capable phone wouldn't just use cell phone tethering for out-of-wifi internet connections. For many tablets (iPad, Xoom, Tab, etc) the cellular branded version is more expensive than WiFi only and the costs for an internet plan are about the same as the mobile hotspot, unless of course you find a way around it, like I have with my rooted Nexus One and now get free hotspotting. Of course that's just my opinion; I could be wrong.
Its better because he is paying sprint $35 bucks for it. He WANTS to pay them extra. He even said it here.

  • R
Dont you read the threads?

Ok, steve, this one was picking fun at you. I couldnt help it. I really couldnt. And honestly, no offense, but "sense" you were so defensive I had to. Friends?
Edit: I know how the last part can come across as sarcasm. I dont mean it that way.
Leave steve alone.LEAVE HIM ALONE!!! LEAVE HIM ALONE!!

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