Android Honeycomb Tablets

Steve Mehs said:
Didn’t the 7” Galaxy Tab come with Samsung’s TouchWiz UI? I believe it does as I’ve played with all five versions of it. That is far from Vanilla Android. Spare Parts may have an issue with Gingerbread though.

It does but he probably took it off with root.

Who knows how long Ill be waiting. I waited over 10 years for the perfect laptop, and I sent it back twice because it wasn’t good enough. Hopefully my new one that will arrive on Wednesday will keep me happy. I don’t want to wait that long for a tablet I;ll be happy with and it is only a few hundred bucks.

What other providers are out there? If there Is one company I hate more than Apple, its Verizon. I will never do business with Verizon or VZW. AT&T? Thats a laugh. 16 months using their poor excuse for a cellular network when I had the iPhone was more than enough experience with AT&T for one lifetime. And T-Mobile, while they are the only major wireless provider I have no firsthand experience with, they do have a decent voice network around here, their data network is less than desirable. For manufactures, most of the Android tablet manufactures are no name companies that I do not wish to be a guinea pig for. Motorola, Samsung and HTC are the only manufactures with a reputation


Why do you hate Verizon so much? Just curious. Also what about some of the regionals? Metro? US Cellular? Not sure what is around you. Many of them carry the xoom now.
From the way I've seen NYNEX/Bell Atlantic/Verizon operate over the years in the landline business, my money obviously isn't good enough for them. I've seen them treat their customers pretty horribly, their services are often lackluster and they are just an arrogant rotten company. I don't care that Verizon and Verizon Wireless are two totally separate companies, VZ still owns over half of VZW and that's a no go for me.

As for the rinky dink providers, none of them have a presence in Upstate NY. If it weren't for being a techno junky, I'd have no idea who US Cellular and the other companies are. Gotta give thanks to the hogs known Verizon and AT&T for buying up all the competition and leaving us with those two prize peach of service providers plus the only other carrier worth a damn, Sprint. Funny how in the 80s the government broke up the old AT&T for being a monopoly and now fast forward almost 30 years down the road and we're back to three major landline telcos and four soon to be three major wireless carriers, the two biggest of which in both industries, Verizon and AT&T are direct decedents for the most heinous, vile, disgusting company the United States of America has ever seen, AT&T Corp.
It does but he probably took it off with root.

Gaining root shouldn't change anything significant on the phone at a software level. It just allows you total control of the running operating system.

You need to unlock the boot loader to have total access to the phone, including installation of custom ROMs.

Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk
Yes, the Tab has touch wiz, but other than the silly app drawer, it is a very unintrusive skin; and meant to mostly look like stock android. One of the reasons I liked it.

But I think the criticisms of some of the Droid roms are unfounded. jrummy's kangerade was a wonderful froyo rom; and Pete's Bugless Beast is just that, a beast. I used it for a long time on my OG Droid. My kid would still be running it if he wasn't running Pete's Gingerbread rom for the OG Droid.

My argument all along has been that when you put Froyo (or Gingerbread) on a 7" tablet, you have a very powerful tablet, and an OS that shines far more on the tablet than on the phone itself.
In other words Samsung can't develop anything that provides the same slickness as Sense. TouchWiz is pretty boring and lame, only thing worse could be Vanilla Android. At least it's not like Motoblur which is just down right awful.

Let's see problems I've had with custom ROMs on my Evo, GPS stopped working, email issues, loss of wimax functionality, loss of visual voice mail among others. The last ROM I had on my Evo before I traded it in was a real gem. I could no longer give the phone voice commands, it just wouldn't recognize anything, it worked once or twice, but that's about it. Why the hell should I have to put up with the BS when the stock ROM actually works.

In what ways does Gingerbread on a 7" tablet shine? Other then things specific to the Flyer, like the Scribe, rotating capacitive buttons and Sense I see nothing that makes this thing shine. Most of the tablet specific apps don't even show up in the Android Market, hell quite a few of the regular apps don't even show up, it's 2.7" inches bigger then my phone, well over 10" smaller then my laptop and it doesn't provide me any additional functionality over what my phone offers.
So why did you buy it then??? Your mind was made up before you handed over the cash at the register.

Verizon sucks. Apple sucks. Unadulterated Android sucks. But HP, Sony, and HTC Sense are da bomb. Ok, enjoy yourself. :)
I thought I made it quite clear I bought it so I could see if I could deal with the small 7" screen before I committed to a 2 year contract with Sprint. And I see you ignored my question, so I'll ask again, in what ways does Gingerbread on a 7" tablet shine? Please give me some examples so that I can possibly learn to appreciate Gingerbread on the 7" Evo View.
I ran Froyo on a Tab and found it to be a very user-friendly operating system, much easier to use with a large 7" screen compared with a 4" screen. I took notes on it at meetings, I found the Kindle reader to be a good replacement for carrying an actual kindle; it made game-play on the games I liked (Easy Sudoku being one of the most frequently used) so much more enjoyable than on the phone. It did video very well, and was easy to use at the gym, again, with a huge improvement over a 4" screen.

It was fast; every app worked; and worked without any issues. To me, it was a very powerful and useful device. I have not upgraded it to Gingerbread, as I have moved on to an iPad, which is an even far more powerful and even more useful device. But my wife uses the Tab, and enjoys it. Swype makes data entry easy. Launcher pro gave me opportunities to make it look just the way I want (which is really stock android), and widgets like Pure Calendar Widget, provide me with excellent PDA functionality tied to a task program. It did not act like just a large phone; it was a mid-sized tablet, and easy to use.

While my experiences are tied to Froyo, I do have Gingerbread on my phone, I don't think there are any meaningful differences between it and Froyo in terms of user experience.
Gaining root shouldn't change anything significant on the phone at a software level. It just allows you total control of the running operating system.

You need to unlock the boot loader to have total access to the phone, including installation of custom ROMs.

Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk

I understand that, what I was getting at without going that far, is you need root access before you can do any of that. ;)
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In other words Samsung can't develop anything that provides the same slickness as Sense. TouchWiz is pretty boring and lame, only thing worse could be Vanilla Android. At least it's not like Motoblur which is just down right awful.

And again, that is a matter of opinion.
I think TW is much better than Sense, simply because it is less intrusive into the android OS. Some may want that, but ill pass.
It is not my main reason for skipping HTC phones however, the reception on every HTC I have had has been subpar. Samsung is only slightly better.
Motorola is way above those, and in my experience, second only to Blackberry.

So no matter the bells and whistles a phone may have (Sense, 3d, ect), it doesnt mean anything if I cant get reception except under the tower.

I will say that HTC builds a quality phone though as far as fit and finish. I havent seen the EVO 3D yet, but if it follows recent trends it will be put together well.
From the way I've seen NYNEX/Bell Atlantic/Verizon operate over the years in the landline business, my money obviously isn't good enough for them. I've seen them treat their customers pretty horribly, their services are often lackluster and they are just an arrogant rotten company. I don't care that Verizon and Verizon Wireless are two totally separate companies, VZ still owns over half of VZW and that's a no go for me.

As for the rinky dink providers, none of them have a presence in Upstate NY. If it weren't for being a techno junky, I'd have no idea who US Cellular and the other companies are. Gotta give thanks to the hogs known Verizon and AT&T for buying up all the competition and leaving us with those two prize peach of service providers plus the only other carrier worth a damn, Sprint. Funny how in the 80s the government broke up the old AT&T for being a monopoly and now fast forward almost 30 years down the road and we're back to three major landline telcos and four soon to be three major wireless carriers, the two biggest of which in both industries, Verizon and AT&T are direct decedents for the most heinous, vile, disgusting company the United States of America has ever seen, AT&T Corp.
Customer service will vary from day to day. It all depends on who you talk to and what kind of day they have had. Its pretty universal across the carriers. You may not have had a bad experience with sprint YET, lol, but give it time. (not saying they are bad, im just saying they are no better than the others in this regard only).

I am with Cellular South, which is one of the regionals. I can get unlimited everything, no caps, on two lines, for $59 each, $79 if you only do one line. That deal is untouched anywhere.
As far as service goes, if you can get a signal with Verizon, I can get it with CS as that is the roaming partner we have.
Phones are comparable, although I will admit we get them later than the big companies. That is a drawback (the only one) that I can deal with to pay half for better service. (sprint doesnt pick up anywhere near here, so I cant compare them in any other way, even if they did, they cant beat CS on price, and offer no phone that id swap for at this point, not saying they dont have nice ones).

Its really gonna burn your ass when Verizon buys sprint isnt it? And dont laugh, after AT&T and T mobile, it could very well happen. Who will you go with then?
Steve Mehs said:
From the way I’ve seen NYNEX/Bell Atlantic/Verizon operate over the years in the landline business, my money obviously isn’t good enough for them. I’ve seen them treat their customers pretty horribly, their services are often lackluster and they are just an arrogant rotten company. I don’t care that Verizon and Verizon Wireless are two totally separate companies, VZ still owns over half of VZW and that’s a no go for me.

As for the rinky dink providers, none of them have a presence in Upstate NY. If it weren’t for being a techno junky, I’d have no idea who US Cellular and the other companies are. Gotta give thanks to the hogs known Verizon and AT&T for buying up all the competition and leaving us with those two prize peach of service providers plus the only other carrier worth a damn, Sprint. Funny how in the 80s the government broke up the old AT&T for being a monopoly and now fast forward almost 30 years down the road and we’re back to three major landline telcos and four soon to be three major wireless carriers, the two biggest of which in both industries, Verizon and AT&T are direct decedents for the most heinous, vile, disgusting company the United States of America has ever seen, AT&T Corp.

That is again, just an opinion. I personally love my Verizon service. Superb network and great phones. How do you know they still operate like they did 30 years ago? I have had absolutely no problems with Verizon customer service. But that will vary. Sprint is not a perfect as you potray it is. Every single company has it's problems including Sprint.
No. I've had my Thunderbolt tethered to my laptop and my iPad for 8 hours plus a day for multiple days with no problems and no speed difference that I can tell.

Dont have the thunderbolt, but as I have said before, I have noticed no problems or speed difference (if there is it isnt noticeable). And it is a one button click, so it is super easy.

I think steve was using a poor app perhaps?
msmith198025 said:
Dont have the thunderbolt, but as I have said before, I have noticed no problems or speed difference (if there is it isnt noticeable). And it is a one button click, so it is super easy.

I think steve was using a poor app perhaps?

Or he just won't give it a chance. I am using the built in official Verizon mobile hotspot app. It's free until July 6th.
I will say, and this is no offense to any person here (and not directed at anyone either), that when it comes to customer service, I have been treated as well as I have treated the person I am dealing with.
If you are nice and polite, that is what I have gotten back in the vast majority of the cases. If It hasnt been returned, then I simply dismiss myself from the conversation and start fresh with someone new, and rarely have to do that.

Just my experience.
Or he just won't give it a chance. I am using the built in official Verizon mobile hotspot app. It's free until July 6th.

Ever used the rooted version? In fairness, your official version may work better in some cases, although as I stated, using a rooted version I have has zero problems.
msmith198025 said:
Ever used the rooted version? In fairness, your official version may work better in some cases, although as I stated, using a rooted version I have has zero problems.

I haven't rooted my phone yet. Probably won't any time soon. What app are you using to tether?

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