I downloaded Spare Parts (the free version) and went through all the settings, but didn't see anything about scaling to size. Even if apps filled the screen, that wouldn't solve my problem with 7" being too small for serious web browsing and streaming video. I tried Launcher Pro a while back on my Evo and didn't like it, just tried it again on the Flyer and still don't care for it. I simply cannot use an Android device without the Sense overlay and widgets. Never going to happen, and Launcher Pro inconjunction with Beautiful Widgets is a very poor substitute.
I know in your mind it is not ideal, but have you ever actually tried using wifi tether through your EVO? You might be pleasantly surprised and save yourself some money in the process.
Yes, not with the tablet obviously but with my laptop, and I couldn't stand it, hence why I got the air card. Not only does the wireless tether feel like a cheap, lame solution, but the speeds were not as good being tethered. Plus I do not want to go back to the days of dial up in the '90s when you couldn't talk and surf at the same time. I have absolutely no issue paying $35/month for 3GB of usage, so long as I can take advantage of it. If I ditch my other cell phone, I'll be saving $20/month making it a net difference of $15. Big deal.
For me the whole point of smart phones and tablets is for 24/7 data access. It sucked yesterday driving 15 minutes away from Best Buy to a grocery store to use their free wifi, in which I barely got a bar of signal in the parking lot. I have no idea where people get the notion there is free wifi covering the planet, but there is certainly not much of it here and even if there was I wouldn't use it. I was desperate yesterday, and had no choice, but that's probably the fifth or sixth time I've ever used public wifi in my life, and I felt so dirty for doing do.
Plus in order to get free wireless tethering working you need to be rooted. While my original Evo was rooted, what a huge mistake that was. I have no plans or desire to do any sort of rooting with the new phone when one becomes available. Since the Facebook app was not preinstalled on the phone, I have zero reason to root now.