Hank, that dish should be fine for c and ku, the lnb you have in the picture there is c-band only, its the part the cable is plugged into. You'll need either a c/ku feedhorn plus a ku lnb, or just a c/ku lnbf instead. With the lnbf-type, you'll change polarity (vertical or horizontal) with voltage from your fta receiver. With the older type feedhorn in your picture you'll need an analog c band receiver , or the vbox or gbox, whatever its called now. On the older type feedhorns, polarity is switched by a little motor mounted at the end of the feedhorn, called polarity motor or 'polarotor'. Most fta boxes will not supply the voltage to that, hence my suggestion for the newer, lnbf which is voltage controlled. Hopefully some of our members, if we have any in AZ can contact you to assist. I'd be glad to if I weren't so far away!