An open letter to the DIRT team at Satelliteguys

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As Iceberg has said the rules are different for Dish, because of the trouble they got into offering everyone out of market distant networks several years ago.

That was my understanding also. However, I'm certain that I read somewhere that this "penalty timeout" was over. I've searched my notes, documents, etc., with no results.

Thanks for your response

You need to bombard A.C. Neilson with complaints and petitions to have your county moved to the Birmingham DMA like all the counties around you. The FCC and NAB have ceded the discretion for which DMA you are place in to A.C. Neilson - go after them.

We have petitions. 3500 signatures in a very small rural county, population less that 15,000. If half are adults, and half of them have cable, which carries stations from both DMA's, that's nearly all of the satellite subscribers. Nielsen does not respond to attempts at to communicate with them. We may need to get everyone concerned calling Nielsen everyday.


:deadhorse::deadhorse::deadhorse: I think that it is safe to say that the OP's request has been answered and that OP has been given options if OP does not like it (complain elsewhere or switch providers.) Might I give another suggestion. Move.

If the implication is we're beating a dead horse, that may be. But we can damn well beat it 'til we bloody the whole barnyard.
He's apparently not going to listen -er - read anything that does not agree with his position on this. He doesn't need our permission to send letters or write open letters, and if he doesn't think it is a waste of time, that's up to him. If those channels are significantly viewed then they should be available OTA. Problem solved. Otherwise, to me, just get a provider that gives you those channels. It's not a Dish problem per se - they are providing network channels just not the ones he wants.

I have read and listened. I've talked and corresponded with US senators and representatives. I've corresponded with the FCC, Dish dispute resolution team, and failed at communications with Nielsen.

Bottom line is that the FCC says that satellite providers CAN provide the SV channels, it's up to them. Dish says they cannot because of FCC rules and regulations.

One is lying. My hunch is that it's Dish. But we have to find out which.

Over the air signal is so poor in central Lamar County that it's not an option. And significantly viewed channels have to with viewing habits also. Whether it's "OTA" or cable. You'd take all day to find a half dozen antennas in this county.

People all over the country are fighting this issue. I've communicated with them. It's not something that's going away. I appreciate Iceberg's view of it, but I'm not certain it's 100% dead on. Other's have responded with meaningful suggestions.

Tampa, I thank you for your earlier comments, but this is all so complicated that it's really not a matter of me not listening, but trying to sort it all out.
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My satellite system doesn't run right-it provides news, sports and weather that's immaterial to my life.
The issues that you have are not tecnical. Asking technical support for answers to philosophical or business decision questions is wasting your time and theirs.
The issues that you have are not tecnical. Asking technical support for answers to philosophical or business decision questions is wasting your time and theirs.

Also SatelliteGuys is proud to work with DISH Network and now we have DISH Network staff on hand to help you out with DISH Network issues! We are proud to have the DISH Network Internet Response Team (or as we refer to them as DIRT) on SatelliteGuys.US!

This is from an email sent to me 11/05/2011 from satelliteguys. I suppose everyone got it. It says nothing about technical issues, nor does it mention "business or philosophical" issues. It says nothing about "DIRT" (God, that's so cute it's sickening) being for technical issues only. It says "DISH Network issues". Period. This is an issue with Dish Network and some of its customers. If you have no issues with Dish, I fail to see how it concerns you.

Unless, it takes Dish representative time away from you and your techno-geek problems. So as I said before, go back to your tweeters and woofers and such and you'll be much happier.
You have got your answer from the DIRT team (who has no control over programming) so not sure wat more we can do for you. The issue is a federal one that DISH has no control over.

So not sure what else that can be said that hasn't already so we will close this one to prevent additional arguing on the subject. :)

BTW I should note that I agree with you on the SV situation.
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