AMIKO Amiko A3 Owners Thread

Do not be stupid, like me. I am an idiot. I break things because I don't read directions and I do stupid things. You too can be an idiot like me if you don't back up your A3.

I'm not an owner (just a wanna be:)). Dee_Ann, don't be so hard on yourself. Your not an idiot or stupid. We've all done it before - we get a cool new toy and dig right in. And it's definitely a different piece of equipment than most of us are used to. A valuable lesson was learned by all. It can be fixed so don't beat yourself up for it. It could have been any of us!
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I have a question regarding the VPN, I already subscribe to Private Internet Access, do I still need to down load the app and than connect using the VPN screen under settings?
the Screen under Settings/VPN/EDIT VPN INFO it asks for Name and server address, if I have to input Name = privateinternetaccess what would be the Server Address for this provider.
Please let me know.
The media function in it works ok. It can plpay my BlueRays I ripped to MP4 but I dont thing it plays the ISO files (I will have to test this more later!)

You should probably just put another media player on the box and be done with it. Heck, about the first thing I do with any new computer (with ANY OS), after getting it on the network, is install VLC, because I prefer functionality over eye candy.
I talked with Brian today and he schooled me on the A3. What I did not realize is that it's a flippin full blown computer.

Basically what I did was the same thing as taking a computer, popping in the operating system install disk and installing the OS as if it were a new computer.

You get a nice, clean, working computer but it has nothing except the basic apps supplied on the OS disk. Everything you had on there before, is gone permanently unless you have a backup to restore.

I did not understand that before. I thought it was a simple dumb box, like all the other STB devices in the past I've ever messed with. It is not.

Don't be like me, Dee Dee Dee....

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Hello Guys
I was playing with the WBMC tonight watch a few videos on it, no problems with the videos, when I exit out of WBMC and went back to the regular TV channels there was no picture, only sound, I had to power down the Box and back on and the picture came back.
I did it 2 times and make sure I was not doing something wrong.
Try it out.
Well, I got mine up and running, but I backed it up first! TWICE (to separate drives) Thanks DEE! I appreciate the lesson, I know it cost you some heartache, but I am SURE you have saved others the same heartache if they read what happened to you and heed the warning.

I am NOT very familiar with Android, even though I do have an Acer Android tablet I barely ever use. I'll have to figure out how to get to the App Store later. Anyway, I got my internal 1TB drive installed, and a 16gb microsd card. I formatted the 1TB drive, and backed up the system to BOTH the sd card and the C: drive (two copies). It took me a while because I deliberately fumbled around a little before reading some of the pdf guides. That helps give me a frame of reference in knowing what to read in the manuals. It got much easier once I realized those invisible PAGE keys existed! (my thinking: WTF! Why the *ell can't I get to the APP screen, these arrow keys around the OK button do nothing! ARGHHH! Oh, there's invisible (totally black) arrow keys, I wonder what they do? lol)

Next thing after getting all the basics done to set it to my router and tv set, set a file path for recordings and such, is to scan in some sats. For now, this is hooked up to the coax that used to be hooked up to my X2 receiver before I got rid of it. Now I had to remember how it was configured with my switches, then remembered I had that written down on a legal pad (I just haven't looked at that pad for a long time, as I've just been watching tv instead of playing with my system.

Anyway, I have 87W c-band setup and scanned in, as that's the last sat my MicroHD just finished recording Doctor Who from. Right now I'm watching the FilmOn channel, which is showing the old horror movie "House on Haunted Hill". I also have 103W ku band scanned in and working as that's on a fixed dish with a different DisEqc setting. That's as far as I've gotten so far. I'm still trying to figure out how to change to different audio settings for some of those channels on 103W, no joy yet for that.

So far I like it, but this ain't your fathers satellite receiver!
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I wonder about the little SD card. How big of one can you put in there?
For instance I have an OLD camera that will not recognize anything bigger than 4gb. It just won't.

A 128gb class 10 microSD is like $40 now.

And now that I realize that the machine is a full blown computer, I'm going to shop for the biggest disk that will fit inside of it. I have a new 500gb I bought for it but I would rather put a 2tb in it now.
I just can't seem to find one that isn't WD. Maybe I'll have to live with a 1tb..
I can't get this thing to go 4x3 Aspect for channels that need that. It stays on 16x9 no matter what I change. I just can't figure it out so far. Changing it in the Settings screen, OR in the Menu screen for the particular channel does nothing. It stays 16x9, and I HATE stretch-o-vision!

Well, I don't know, I messed with it a long time, and then all of a sudden the screen is going 4x3 or 16x9 as needed just out of the blue. Beats me... Hopefully it stays the way I want it.
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I can't get this thing to go 4x3 Aspect for channels that need that. It stays on 16x9 no matter what I change. I just can't figure it out so far. Changing it in the Settings screen, OR in the Menu screen for the particular channel does nothing. It stays 16x9, and I HATE stretch-o-vision!

Well, I don't know, I messed with it a long time, and then all of a sudden the screen is going 4x3 or 16x9 as needed just out of the blue. Beats me... Hopefully it stays the way I want it.

I found an annoyance (when I had my A3) with the screens. For instance, MeTV being in 4x3 is proper. I too despise stretch-o-vision. So I changed it but when I would go to EBRU or RT or Movies! which are transmitting a weird 16x9 SD signal (I don't understand how that even works) it would show their screens squished into a 4x3 format and I would have to manually change the setting to 16x9.
Back to MeTV and back to stretch-o-vision and changing the settings again. I wish there was a way to set display preferences PER CHANNEL because some of them are doing non-standard things like EBRU and RT do.

Then again, there's also a strong probability that I'm just a dumb*** and there is a very simple way to deal with it that I am missing.
I guess I won't get to play until later next week. :(
Because I am a dumb***.
I got my A3 today and been checking it out. The DiSEqC 1.2 problem was there. Also I noticed I can't use a custom LOF 5150/10750 for my Bullseye. Hopefully they can add that. I found I couldn't pull up a menu screen when I had poor signal on a sat channel. I had no picture at all and nothing would create one. I thought there was some serious stuff gone wrong. But I repositioned he dish and I got picture and menus then showed. Kind of strange way of doing things.
Software version 1.0
Software version 1.0
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Software version 1.0
Software version 1.0
Software version 1.0
All I can say is thank you to all for clearing the way to when I decide to buy an A3. All the teething will be done.
Dee_Ann don't be so hard on yourself. You have taught us all a valuable hard learned lesson. If you hadn't goofed some else would have.
I guess I paid the price for jumping onboard the early bus.
I ended up taking a very short trip on the short bus instead.
I'm still really bummed out because I had been planning to watch the Doctor Who series 8 premiere 6 hours early with my A3.

Next time I get something new I think I'll slow down 200% and do some reading before I crash and burn my way through it.
I'm in love with this remote. This thing is so sweet! I had to do it too, My first voice command was in the youtube app "Find Gary Busey" ;) and it did find me tons of Gary Busey LOL The clock keeps time! Nice! Update was smooth, nothing unexpected. The A3 is fast and responds well. We may have a winner here :)

I can't BELIEVE you actually admitted to looking for Gary Busey videos, lol! :eek: :poke