1) 501 leased, off-line and bad phone maintains Dish Home Plan (DHP, not DHPP) although that is not on billing? Recordings to be viewed.
2) 921 owned, "last replacement" sayeth Dish, number 4 for clunking. Recordings to be viewed.
3) 622 leased, replaced for HDMI loss. May 2006 update for 811.
4) DPP44 119 110 61.5 129 (locals) justified by 2*2+1 tuners + 4 sat?
Billing: AEP $100, DishHD $20, additional rec $5, leased rec $6, plus tax. HDbonus ends next month $-10x10.
Willing to give up 501, might keep owned 921 as backup/HD tuner even with Voom loss.
Would like second 622.

Could I get second 622 for 501 at reasonable price? DIU? Would I lose DHP? Do I still have DHP? Is DHP any use? ($5/mo x many years.)

Is there a best option?
So are the 622 receivers, MPEG-4? And if so, since I have one, do I have to do anything to keep my current programming the same?
So are the 622 receivers, MPEG-4? And if so, since I have one, do I have to do anything to keep my current programming the same?

Yes it's MPEG4. All Vip receivers are. Your good to go. Do nothing but sit back with the remote and a cold one and enjoy.
• VOOM HD Original Channels are moving from MPEG-2 to MPEG-4 and Free "Like-For-Like" Receiver Upgrade – As part of DISH Network's strategy to continue being the leading provider of HD programming, we are moving the channels in our VOOM HD Originals package (see table below) to MPEG-4. The VOOM HD Originals package will no longer be available in MPEG-2, effective August 15, 2007.

VOOM HD Originals Package ($5.00/mo.) - No Longer Available
Animania HD Film Fest HD HD News Monsters HD Rush HD
Equator HD Gallery HD Kung Fu HD RAVE HD Ultra HD

o Free Customer "Like-for-Like" Receiver Upgrade – Effective June 11, 2007 through July 31, 2007 – There are customers still subscribing to the VOOM HD Originals package for $5.00/mo., who do not have MPEG-4 equipment. For these customers, we want to help them to continue receiving their VOOM HD Original channels by allowing them to complete a free "like-for-like" equipment upgrade. These customers may be eligible to upgrade to a ViP-series / MPEG-4 receiver in order to subscribe to DishHD which includes the VOOM channels plus many more HD favorites.

o DISH Network is contacting these customers, but if a customer contacts you about exchanging their receiver for a "like" MPEG-4 receiver, and you are their Retailer of Record, you may perform the upgrade as further explained below
- Free Customer "Like-for-Like" Upgrades – Only "like-for-like" upgrades will be available at no additional cost to the customer. If a customer prefers not to upgrade their receiver for a "like" model, (for example, they wish to upgrade their DISH 811 receiver for a ViP622 DVR), they may be eligible to qualify under the DISH'n It Up Promotional Program, and be charged standard upgrade fees. Like-for-like receivers are as follows:

? Model 6000 or DISH 811 receivers = ViP211/411
? Model 921 or 942 receivers = ViP622 DVR
OK. I have a 622 and a 942. I have the hd package, but of course can't get the mpeg4 hd channels on the 942. I have had the 622 for 11 months and have not been able to upgrade the 942 to a 2nd 622. What are my chances of getting a like-for-like upgrade for the 942 at no cost?
OK. I have a 622 and a 942. I have the hd package, but of course can't get the mpeg4 hd channels on the 942. I have had the 622 for 11 months and have not been able to upgrade the 942 to a 2nd 622. What are my chances of getting a like-for-like upgrade for the 942 at no cost?

Your chances are slim to none, I'm in the same boat with a 622 and an 811, don't know why we shouldn't be able to do this like for like thingy.
Rod - they should let you upgrade the 942 (but not as a part of the no cost option). If the CSR won't let you do it then just send off an email to the CEO address and explain what you are trying to do and they will almost always do it for you. I have 2 leased 622s and a leased 322.
In your original post you indicate that HBO/Cinemax was available for 3 month trial(?). Did you mean FREE for 3 months? I was not offered anything to do with either HBO or Cinemax when I called in. Also, I was told that I had to download and send in the rebate form to get my $100. I have not yet received my new receiver nor activated. What should I ask for?
I have Voom and the HD Pak and got the (prerecorded) call about upgrading. I have currently active and own, a 921, a 811 and a 311 (& other units not in service). I have 3 HDTV sets and would like to upgrade the 311 to HD too. I called the special # and was told no Dish'n It Up available for the 311 receiver, because of the limit on # of receivers on DIU program. I said I thought the "like for like" upgrade and DIU were separate programs. I was told "no", but I could upgrade the other receiver in 6 months, that they would have new equipment. She could not give any details and said things could change by then. I think it is a ok deal upgrading to the leased receivers, but I am just going to wait for the new programs to be announced July 10th. I may try another call to a CSR. I see a lot of people use the CEO email for better "deals", do you think this is best option? Are there rumors on the new deals or new equipment that I missed?
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I wish they would drop the std to dvr upgrade fee

I wonder if they'll ever be willing to offer a free hd-dvr to mpeg2 hd pack customer over losing them as a customer

they are gonna pull the mpeg2 hd pack eventually and probably force customers to another provider if they cant get an hddvr with them
Scott mentioned in the Directv forum that Dish might possibly move ALL hd to mpeg 4 by years end. He even said he thought that both Dish and Directv would be about even by years end. He also thought that all new hd channels that would be added at Directv would be mostly sd channels upconverted to hd standard or hd place holder channels, since the hd versions haven't launched fully yet.

I just thought about this and if DISH upgrades all hd customers to the new mpeg 4 receivers and then gets them to move their sat dishes to the new mpeg 4 sats at 86.5 & 97 slots when they are up and running, they could move all hd off of 110/119/61.5 and 129 ,since they will be able to duplicate ALL sd and hd and international channels at the new sat slots. THen instead of being forced to upgrade the sd customers with mpeg 2 receivers right away in the next 2 years , they could keep two sat services up and running simultaenously.

THe sd /mpeg 2 service at 110/119/61.5 /129 slots and the new HD/mpeg4 service at 86.5 and 97. All new customers would of course be issued new mpeg 4 receivers and be aimed at the new sat slots. All sd customers could be upgraded over time as DISH sees fit since they have two services running simultaenously . THis would save them as they could take their time upgrading receivers and reaim the sat dishes one group at a time. LIke the older 2800/3900/7100/7200 receivers, 301/311/322 receivers, then the 500 series of dvrs, then the 721s , then the 522,625 receivers. Then once all are upgaded they might find something else for the old slots at 110/119 to be used for like maybe a west coast time zone version of their mpeg 4 service.
I got an email from dish about losing Voom (well about losing HD channels, not about voom specifically) even though I only have a mpeg4 622 activated. I'm guessing I'll eventually lose voom and the orginal HD pack.
MikeD-C05; said:
Scott mentioned in the Directv forum that Dish might possibly move ALL hd to mpeg 4 by years end. He even said he thought that both Dish and Directv would be about even by years end. He also thought that all new hd channels that would be added at Directv would be mostly sd channels upconverted to hd standard or hd place holder channels, since the hd versions haven't launched fully yet.

I just thought about this and if DISH upgrades all hd customers to the new mpeg 4 receivers and then gets them to move their sat dishes to the new mpeg 4 sats at 86.5 & 97 slots when they are up and running, they could move all hd off of 110/119/61.5 and 129 ,since they will be able to duplicate ALL sd and hd and international channels at the new sat slots. THen instead of being forced to upgrade the sd customers with mpeg 2 receivers right away in the next 2 years , they could keep two sat services up and running simultaenously.

THe sd /mpeg 2 service at 110/119/61.5 /129 slots and the new HD/mpeg4 service at 86.5 and 97. All new customers would of course be issued new mpeg 4 receivers and be aimed at the new sat slots. All sd customers could be upgraded over time as DISH sees fit since they have two services running simultaenously . THis would save them as they could take their time upgrading receivers and reaim the sat dishes one group at a time. LIke the older 2800/3900/7100/7200 receivers, 301/311/322 receivers, then the 500 series of dvrs, then the 721s , then the 522,625 receivers. Then once all are upgaded they might find something else for the old slots at 110/119 to be used for like maybe a west coast time zone version of their mpeg 4 service.

It's hard to make sense out of what they are doing isn't it? What you've outlined seems a good explanation. It's hard for me to fathom why they are putting the new sats at the old slots at 110/119 and shuffling the existing sats to the new locations at 86.5 and 97 as was discussed here:
I still don't buy the 86.5 and 97 W DBS "tweener" slots. Use of these DBS "tweener" slots has yet to be approved by the FCC. Bell ExpressVu provides programming to Canada from 82 and 91 W using regular DBS frequencies and DirecTV has DBS programming at 101 W. In addition, Bell ExpressVu uses Dish receivers. One of the satellites talked about related to this is AMC-14, a SES Americom DBS satellite that was suppose to go to another DBS "tweener" slot i.e., 105.5 W. SES Americom has had an application with the FCC for AMC-14 at 105.5 W for a few years but that still has not been approved.
Scott mentioned in the Directv forum that Dish might possibly move ALL hd to mpeg 4 by years end.

-Yes, this idea has been around for a while.

I just thought about this and if DISH upgrades all hd customers to the new mpeg 4 receivers and then gets them to move their sat dishes to the new mpeg 4 sats at 86.5 & 97 slots when they are up and running, they could move all hd off of 110/119/61.5 and 129 ,since they will be able to duplicate ALL sd and hd and international channels at the new sat slots.

-I doubt it would be worth it. Just leave HD there also, and save on equipment replacement by delaying it.

THen instead of being forced to upgrade the sd customers with mpeg 2 receivers right away in the next 2 years , they could keep two sat services up and running simultaenously.

-Isn't that what they will do, even if they leave HD where it's at now?

I doubt they'll shut down the HD on current satellites and force all HD customers to move to the new sats. Many HD customers still also have non MPEG-4 SD receivers. I have a ViP622, 508 & 721. I'd lose the utility of two of my receivers if they forced me to move to an MPEG-4 only system. And I'd lose grandfathered DVRs. I know, it will happen eventually, but this year or next would be rather early. If that happened, I think I'd drop from 3 to 2 receivers, and maybe to just the one (and move to dual mode). Especially if external USB storage comes online.

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