IF all hd is to go MPEG 4 by years end , which Scott said he thought would happen, which means all receivers will be upgraded to mpeg 4 ones, and the new sats for mpeg 4 are launched and up and running by next spring at the latest, then why would they need to keep hd running at both the 110/119/61.5/129 sd mpeg 2 slots and the newer mpeg 4 sat slots 86.5 and 97? IF they do as I suggested and keep the 110/119 slots for all SD customers with mpeg 2 receivers and run the newer mpeg4 service for all HD customers with mpeg 4 receivers then there is NO need to force any one with older sd receivers to upgrade till DISH wants them to. THat is the beauty of the whole thing.

They could have the newer customers automatically upgraded to mpeg 4 since they are not going to make any more mpeg 2 receivers available to newer subs. They could aim all their sat dishes at the newer mpeg 4 sats since ALL programming will be duplicated there in mpeg 4 anyway.

Then it is only a matter of DISH deciding when they will offer upgrades to their new mpeg 4 sat and service for all sd subs. I think this makes sense as much as anything . What else are they going to do with the 110/119 sat slots once they get everyone upgraded to mpeg 4 anyway. It might be years before they upgrade all those millions of subs to the newer mpeg 4 receivers and sat slots. This way Dish gets to have their hd cake and eat it too -with regards to keeping the mpeg 2 SD service up and running anway.
I got upgraded today--from an 811 to a 211. The pq (resolution ) if horrible. If VOOM became HDlite when it migrated to Dish, it is now just plain old tv in widescreen.

M Nystrand
IF all hd is to go MPEG 4 by years end , which Scott said he thought would happen, which means all receivers will be upgraded to mpeg 4 ones, and the new sats for mpeg 4 are launched and up and running by next spring at the latest, then why would they need to keep hd running at both the 110/119/61.5/129 sd mpeg 2 slots and the newer mpeg 4 sat slots 86.5 and 97? IF they do as I suggested and keep the 110/119 slots for all SD customers with mpeg 2 receivers and run the newer mpeg4 service for all HD customers with mpeg 4 receivers then there is NO need to force any one with older sd receivers to upgrade till DISH wants them to. THat is the beauty of the whole thing.

They could have the newer customers automatically upgraded to mpeg 4 since they are not going to make any more mpeg 2 receivers available to newer subs. They could aim all their sat dishes at the newer mpeg 4 sats since ALL programming will be duplicated there in mpeg 4 anyway.

Then it is only a matter of DISH deciding when they will offer upgrades to their new mpeg 4 sat and service for all sd subs. I think this makes sense as much as anything . What else are they going to do with the 110/119 sat slots once they get everyone upgraded to mpeg 4 anyway. It might be years before they upgrade all those millions of subs to the newer mpeg 4 receivers and sat slots. This way Dish gets to have their hd cake and eat it too -with regards to keeping the mpeg 2 SD service up and running anway.

There are many issues that will have to be resolved. First it does not appear that there will be a lot of capacity initially available. Dish has a large number of spot beams to serve the local channels. They do not appear to be launching a new spot beam satellite. It appears that they are going to replace E8 at 110 which is running with its spots turned off (since E10 is doing spots).

E8 does not have very much in the line of spot beam capacity. This is why the spots are turned off at this time. The new system may only be able to serve the top markets to start with. I suspect priority will go to markets that are 61.5 since they are 2 dish markets currently (like the heavily populated NE).

The new system can grow as they launch new satellites with more capacity, but it appears limited at first (unless Dish has not announced other satellites yet).

I would speculate that if you are not in one of the top 30 markets (or perhaps some smaller NE markets since 129 is out) the new system will not be for you for a while. Of course you will probably be able to use 2 dishes, 1 to point at the new system one to point at 129....
"...why would they need to keep hd running at both the 110/119/61.5/129 sd mpeg 2 slots and the newer mpeg 4 sat slots 86.5 and 97?"

Because then I'd need to aim at 4 (or 5) satellites, not the 3 I do today. I'd need 110/119 (& possibly 61.5) for my SD MPEG-2 programming for my 508 & 721. And I'd need to point at the two new slots for HD. No, I'm not putting more dishes up on my roof. They don't really need to remove HD from 110/119/61.5 - I don't see a lot of new SD stations being added.
I bet the HD will not be removed but you would not be able to receive any of the new HD that they may launch. IMO, they most likely will just keep things as is on those SAT's until they can migrate everybody off.
Yep. That makes sense. And it would "encourage" people like me to "cost share" the expense of moving to new MPEG-4 receivers. But then could they really charge people with the "old" system HD package the same as they'd charge people on the "new" satellite system with more HD?
I got upgraded today--from an 811 to a 211. The pq (resolution ) if horrible. If VOOM became HDlite when it migrated to Dish, it is now just plain old tv in widescreen.

M Nystrand

But they haven't changed anything yet. The VOOM channels should look exactly the same from a 211 as they did from your 811. If they don't, then you have a setup problem - such as the 211 still being in its default 480 output mode.
"...why would they need to keep hd running at both the 110/119/61.5/129 sd mpeg 2 slots and the newer mpeg 4 sat slots 86.5 and 97?"

Because then I'd need to aim at 4 (or 5) satellites, not the 3 I do today. I'd need 110/119 (& possibly 61.5) for my SD MPEG-2 programming for my 508 & 721. And I'd need to point at the two new slots for HD. No, I'm not putting more dishes up on my roof. They don't really need to remove HD from 110/119/61.5 - I don't see a lot of new SD stations being added.

You keep missing my main point here. SCOTT G. SAID that ALL HD would probably go mpeg 4 by years end . IF this happens you won't see ANY HD at all on your mpeg 2 receivers like the 921/942 /811/6000 etc. So it would make no difference at all in regards to whether they keep hd on the old sats or move all to the newer ones. Yes in your situation you would face a dilemma or upgrade to all new mpeg 4 receivers to avoid the problems. I see that in your case and others I am sure that Dish would have to offer to upgrade all of your receivers at the same time or they would have to install two sets of dishes so you and others would be able to keep older mpeg 2 receivers.
You keep missing my main point here. SCOTT G. SAID that ALL HD would probably go mpeg 4 by years end .

I don't think that you are understanding Navy's point. If someone had one HD receiver and 5 SD receivers it would be a mess for them to upgrade all 5 receivers to 211's just to move to the new SAT's. Yes you would have to at least upgrade your HD receiver to get HD programing but you could keep all the SD systems the same if they did not move the current HD off the existing SAT's. They would be able to plan the costs of upgrading over a period of time.
Yep. Don't care if HD is MPEG-2 or -4. I only watch HD on my ViP622. But don't take HD off current sats, so I can keep current dishes aimed as they are and still get HD to one receiver and SD to the others.
I haven't been called yet

I have 2 622's and 2 self-purchased 921's. DISH has not called me to upgrade my 921's yet.

I have American Everything Package with DISH HD. The two 921's were self-purchased at $1000 each.

Can I keep my 921's for the 'upgrade' to leased 622's?
I have 2 622's and 2 self-purchased 921's. DISH has not called me to upgrade my 921's yet.Can I keep my 921's for the 'upgrade' to leased 622's?
You're not eligible because you don't subscribe to the $5 VOOM package. You're also not eligible for Dish'n It Up because you're at the limit for leased tuners.

The feeling that I get is that sometime later this year or early next year, they will raise the limit on leased tuners.
I contacted Dish and the best that they could offer me was $149 to upgrade my 942 to a 622 (I presently have a 622 and a 942). Shouldn't I at least be able to get the $50 rebate. I think some people on this forum have done it for $99.

I guess the thing that kind of pisses me off is that I pay $120 a month for programming and now that I have my 942 hooked up via HDMI it is buggy as all hell. It seems that the 'handshake' or something similar gets repeatedly lost and I have to reboot my 942 to re-establish a connection. Add this to the fact that I am probably going to eventually lose all/most HD on the 942 and then throw in how much I have paid to 'lease' my two receivers thus far ($200 a little over a year and a half ago and $200 last spring for my 622) and I think I may just wait it out now and see what happens after my 18 months is up. I would imagine that I would have to re-start my 18 month commitment to get the $149 deal too!

Talk about screwed up CSR people, every time you call you get a different answer. I had to email the ceo office just to get the $149 offer.

This sucks, I really like the Dish Network service and feel that I get more HD here than I can get anywhere else (by far) but some of their business decisions astound me.
You're not eligible because you don't subscribe to the $5 VOOM package. You're also not eligible for Dish'n It Up because you're at the limit for leased tuners.

The feeling that I get is that sometime later this year or early next year, they will raise the limit on leased tuners.

Actually only one of the 622's I have is leased, is other 622 is purchased.

no matter what, I'm not going to pay $300 to get another 2 622's leased!
I contacted Dish and the best that they could offer me was $149 to upgrade my 942 to a 622 (I presently have a 622 and a 942). Shouldn't I at least be able to get the $50 rebate. I think some people on this forum have done it for $99.


They offered me a swap of my owned 301 for a leased 622 for $99, or a 211 for $99 with a $50 credit.
Problems with VIP211 receiver

He might not have had voom on his 811, with the changes dish has been making lately I'd look at an OTA HD station to compare picture quality.

I have had VOOM since VOOM started, and my 211 is receiving VOOM, and it's worse than with my old 811.

On my new VIP211, OTA HD looks like SD, maybe 5% better, but really awful.

My 211 setup is 720p, the same as my tv (Samsung HLN437W).

My picture looks like an uncalibrated tv; it was perfect with my 811.

Could any of my problems be due to switching from a DVI-DVI cable to a HDMI-DVI cable?

Martin Nystrand

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