My switchover from my owned 6000 to a leased 211 will be happening tomorrow.

I currently have a 2 dish setup using legacy sw-21 switches. A Dish 500 is aimed at 110 and 119, and a Dish 300 is aimed at 61.5. I live in CA but the 129 satellite did not exist when I first got my hd programming.

My questions:

Is there any reason to continue with 61.5 as opposed to 129? No HD locals in my area yet, but should they come, would they be on 129 for the West coast?

How important is strong signal strength on 110 and 119 as opposed to 129, which has all the HD channels, I presume?

Or should I just go with the 2 dish setup if the installer is willing to do it that way?

I also still have my 24" Voom dish and my 30" BEV dish on the roof. Could either be used for 129 or is there an lnb compatability issue?


Since you're on the West Coast, your HD locals when they become available most likely will go on 129. The problem with 129 is that the signal is low for us in the West Coast and other areas. If you can convince the installer to use the 24'' dish go with the bigger dish for 129.

You'll like the 211.
I currently have AT 100+ locals + HD + voom. (no movie packages)

I spoke with Dish today, and they said that my monthly fee would go from 71.95 to 88.96 after the 10 month $10 credit. ($12 of that would be lease fees- I currently pay $5 or $6).

Almost $90/month for AT100 + HD + locals????? Are they on drugs?

I have a 942 and an 811, both leased. 24 months ago, I paid $249 for the 942 upgrade, and now this. My 811 doesn't even work any more, (at all) so I need a different one anyways. I will call to have it replaced.

While I am all for more HD, I think I am going to wait it out and see what Directv brings to the table before I commit to another 18 months. I am sure Dish might still end up being the HD leader, but all of the nickel and diming leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

I like some of Voom (Monsters, Rave and Rush), but there is a lot of filler there, too. I was one of the original Voom subscribers, so I know about the cost of early adoption and the advancement of technology, but I think we should be getting past that point with HD.

If Directv does what it says it will, then things could get interesting with Dish's pricing down the road. Besides, Directv will have my local sports in hd, which is most of what I watch anyways.

Either way, I will keep my options open on this one.....
I predict the $20 DishHD package will go away sometime next year when many of the cable favorites go HD.

...and with Dish, you can bet that miraculous timing will have the AT packages increase by oh...say...$20/each.

The timing will all be a big coincidence, though. ;)

Keep in mind, E* is generally, but not always, a bit cheaper than D*. So price and weigh your options carefully.
I would speculate that the 5 TPs used for VOOM (3 channels each) will go down to 3 TPS, at 5 channels each. 5 instead of the 6 that they use on other TPs, maybe to be able to bump up the resolution some. It would give them almost 8Mbit/channel average, of course with muxing some can peak higher if other channels are not using their max.

I wonder if they are going to do the compression at VOOM? It would be ideal if they were only compressed to MPEG-4 at VOOM before transmission rather than the MPEG-2 compression to transmit via fiber to Dish to be recompressed MPEG-4.
The following email was just sent to Dish Network Retailers regarding the conversion of the rest of the VOOM Channels to MPEG4.

As part of DISH Network's strategy to continue being the leading provider of HD programming, we are moving our VOOM HD Original channels (see table below) to MPEG-4.

VOOM HD Originals will no longer be available in MPEG-2, effective August 15, 2007. Customers who are still subscribing to the VOOM HD Originals package for $5.00/mo. and still have MPEG-2 equipment may be eligible to participate in a free customer "like-for-like" receiver upgrade program.

VOOM HD Originals Package ($5.00/mo.) - No Longer Available
• Animania HD • Film Fest HD • HD News • Monsters HD • Rush HD • Equator HD • Gallery HD • Kung Fu HD • RAVE HD • Ultra HD

Free Customer "Like-for-Like" Receiver Upgrade - Effective June 11, 2007 through July 31, 2007

There are customers across the country who are still subscribing to the VOOM HD Originals package for $5.00/mo., but only have MPEG-2 equipment. For these customers, we want to help them to continue receiving their VOOM HD channels by allowing them to complete a free "like-for-like" equipment upgrade.

These customers may be eligible to upgrade to a ViP-series / MPEG-4 receiver so that they can subscribe to DishHDTM. DISH Network is contacting these customers, but if a customer contacts you about exchanging their receiver for a "like" MPEG-4 receiver, and you are their Retailer of Record, you can perform the upgrade.

• Free Customer "Like-for-Like" Upgrades:
o Model 6000 or DISH 811 receivers = ViP211
o Model 921 or 942 receivers = ViP622 DVR

If customers prefer not to upgrade their receiver for a "like" one, (for example, they wish to upgrade their DISH 811 receiver for a ViP622 DVR), they may be eligible to qualify under the DISH'n It Up Promotional Program, and be charged standard upgrade fees.

"Like-For-Like" Upgrade Process for Participating Retailers:

• Initial Requirements:
o You must be the original Retailer of Record.
o The customer must qualify for the DISH'n It Up Promotional Program.
o The customer needs to have one or more of the eligible receivers (6000, 811, 921 or 942) active on their account.
o The customer must request a "like-for-like" receiver upgrade (ViP211 for a model 6000 or 811, ViP622 DVR for a model 921 or 942).
o The customer must currently be subscribed to the $5.00/mo. VOOM HD Originals package.
o The customer needs to subscribe to DishHD. If the customer is newly subscribing to the DishHD package, they may be eligible for the $100 HD Bonus Offer (up to 10 monthly credits of $10 each).

• Customer Qualification Steps:
1. Call the Retailer Care Line at 303-723-3800 after you have generated the DISH'n It Up Agreement.
2. Provide the Retailer Care Line agent with the customer's account number to verify that the customer is on the list of accounts that are eligible for the free "like-for-like" upgrade.
3. The Retailer Care Line agent will verify that the customer has eligible receivers active on their account and that you are the original Retailer of Record.
4. Provide the agent with the DISH'n It Up Agreement number.
5. Print the agreement from the Retailer Care Site and complete the installation.
6. When complete, fax the signed agreement as instructed by the Retail Care Line agent.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q Can any customer participate in this free customer "like-for-like" receiver upgrade program?

A No. Only customers subscribing to the $5.00/mo. VOOM HD Originals package with an MPEG-2 receiver (model 6000, 811, 921 or 942) may participate in the free customer "like-for-like" upgrade program. Please note that if a customer were to choose a receiver that is not "like-for-like", standard DISH'n It Up pricing would apply.

Q How much money do I collect from the customer?

A Nothing. Under this free customer "like-for-like" receiver upgrade program, customers will not be responsible for paying any DISH'n It Up fees associated with their upgrade. Please keep in mind that since you will not collect this money from the customer, DISH Network will pay you for the eligible customer
upgrade fees (under the DISH'n It Up Promotional Program) as well as any incentives associated with the eligible upgrades.

Q Is DISH Network requiring customers to participate in this free "like-for-like" upgrade?

A No. Customers are not required to participate in this upgrade. However, since the (MPEG-2) VOOM HD Originals package for $5.00/mo. will no longer be available, customers will no longer be able to receive this programming (and will no longer be charged the $5.00/mo. for it) after August 15, 2007.

Q For customers who decide not to participate, what HD programming would they still receive?

A If a customer decided not to participate in the free "like-for-like" upgrade, they will lose access to the VOOM HD Originals package (10 channels). However, their subscription to the MPEG-2, $9.99/mo. DISH Network HD Pak will continue to be grandfathered (5 channels - ESPN HD, Discovery HD Theater, HD Net, HD Net Movies, and TNT HD). The DISH Network HD Pak had previously been a requirement for subscribing to the VOOM HD Originals package.

Q Is the customer required to subscribe to the DishHD package under the free "like-for-like" upgrade?

A Yes. One of the requirements of the free customer "like-for-like" receiver upgrade (in the DISH'n It Up Promotional Program) is subscribing to the $20.00/mo. DishHD package.

Q Why would an eligible customer not want to participate in this free "like-for-like" upgrade and subscribe to DishHD?

A Good question. Even though customers could choose to maintain their subscription to the 5-channel (MPEG-2) DISH Network HD Pak for $9.99/mo., keep in mind that for just $10.01/mo. more, they could instead subscribe to the DishHD package, which has up to 27 MPEG-4 / HD channels - including the
VOOM HD Originals channels they will lose. And, customers would be able to take advantage of a "free" upgrade to an MPEG-4 receiver! Please keep in mind that qualified programming of AT100 or higher is required with a subscription to DishHD.

Q Can a customer upgrade from a model 6000 or 811 receiver to a ViP622 DVR?

A Not for free, because the free upgrade program is only available for "like-for-like" receiver upgrades. These customers can, however, upgrade to a ViP211 receiver under the free upgrade program, which is a single-tuner MPEG-4 receiver. Customers with a model 6000 or 811 receiver who wish to upgrade to a ViP622 DVR, a dual-tuner MPEG-4 DVR, would be required to do so under the standard DISH'n It Up Promotional Program and would be responsible for all standard upgrade fees and applicable charges.

Q If a customer participates in the free "like-for-like" receiver upgrade, can they also participate in the $50 DISH'n It Up Bonus Offer?

A No. These customers would only be able to participate in the $100 HD Bonus Offer with their initial subscription to the DishHD package, and not the $50 DISH'n It Up Bonus Offer. However, standard DISH'n It Up receiver upgrades would be eligible for the $50 DISH'n It Up Bonus Offer.
Q Why would an eligible customer not want to participate in this free "like-for-like" upgrade and subscribe to DishHD?

I can answer this like I did before.

First, it's not free. It would cost me $11 more per month. $6 of which is a DVR fee. I don't know why extra fee for a 622 over my current 942, but that what I was told.

Secondly, an 18 month commitment. I just completed my first one, not sure I want to be locked in again.

I can answer this like I did before.

First, it's not free. It would cost me $11 more per month. $6 of which is a DVR fee. I don't know why extra fee for a 622 over my current 942, but that what I was told.

Secondly, an 18 month commitment. I just completed my first one, not sure I want to be locked in again.


Well, take the $11, your business and go to Comcast. :rolleyes:

Why people continue to complain about this I dont understand. Either do it or dont, complaining on here isnt going to get you anywhere. Let the dead horse lie. Do you still think Al Gore won the election?
Well, take the $11, your business and go to Comcast. :rolleyes:

Why people continue to complain about this I dont understand. Either do it or dont, complaining on here isnt going to get you anywhere. Let the dead horse lie. Do you still think Al Gore won the election?

Wow, I don't think I have seen anyone of this forum been more wrong.
I don't understand someone complaining about something they clearly do not understand.

Heres what I dont understand.

Dish has made a decision, yes people are mad. Instead of either:

A) Cancelling
B) Upgrading

They choose C), complain about it.

If Im missing it and your not complaining, then explain it to me.

Its cut and dry to me, you have a few options:

Lose Voom
Upgrade and pay a little more
Cancel and go to cable
Cancel and go to D*(Commitment)

Oh yeah, forgot, they can complain.
Heres what I dont understand.

Dish has made a decision, yes people are mad. Instead of either:

A) Cancelling
B) Upgrading

They choose C), complain about it.

If Im missing it and your not complaining, then explain it to me.

Its cut and dry to me, you have a few options:

Lose Voom
Upgrade and pay a little more
Cancel and go to cable
Cancel and go to D*(Commitment)

Oh yeah, forgot, they can complain.

I choose to lose Voom for now.
My issue, which you would see if you weren't blinded by your own foolishness, is that they say it's free, when it is clearly not.
I, like others, are not interested in the additional commitment to Dish at this time. How is this a complaint?

I never said, "Why can't Dish do this or that and give me whatever?" I never said Dish should or shouldn't do something or that Dish is evil for making us do something or charge extra for something. Those are complaints.

You really make yourself look like an idiot for making such stupid remarks such as the Gore thing and for making baseless accusations.

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