txdude said:
I have a service call scheduled for Tues. afternoon 5-11 for the Starz problem on one of my STBs, I was told they are going to switch out the STB in question and make sure everything else is ok. I have 2 STBs both connected with a diplexer, one works fine and the other does not. I was originally told that this was a known problem on Voom's end, and that they are working on it. But after reading this thread I called back in for a follow up. The tech I spoke to the second time seemed perplexed that no service call was setup the first time. I will post the results of service call tomorrow afternoon.
I had a very bad experience with the techs that came out this afternoon. They were both very rude and I'm still not sure whether they were lazy or just incompetent, but in any case my problem was not fixed and I was treated very rudely in my own home
First off, I called in for a service call for two problems. #1. 261 & 262 problem as discussed in this thread and #2. an excessive rain fade problem which I have been documenting for about a month and a half. The rain fade problem has recently become more and more apparent as we are now entering our rainy season here in North Texas. This has caused me to lose my signal completely for up to three hours in just light to moderate rain to the south east of my house and light to no rain at my house. Maybe it's me, but with no storms on my local doppler radar and just light rain, I feel this shouldn't be such a pronounced problem.
Back to the service call... Installs Inc. sent two guys from
Satellite Installation Services. When they first arrived I took it as a good sign that there were two of them. I figured the issue would be resolved quickly and effectively. Sadly I was very wrong
When they first arrived I showed them the problem with starz 261 & 262 and how they worked on one STB but not the other. Without looking at my setup one of them told me in an accusatory tone that I must have some type of amplifier on the line to be having this kind of problem. I showed them that there was no amplifier on the line and advised them that the only device on the line was a diplexer that was installed outside.
They quickly pulled out a new STB and one guy proceeded to attempt to disconnect my old STB with the power to my HDTV and my Audio system still on, obviously very careless about other peoples property. This irked me but in interest of having my problem fixed, I bit my tongue and powered down the equipment myself via remote.
With the new STB hooked up, the problem was still there. This didn't surprise me, but I figured it was a good first step in troubleshooting. That is until one of them told me that that was all they could do and that there is "no fix" for this problem. They pulled out their form and wanted me to sign it. This had me taken back. So I asked them couldn't it be a polarity problem? or a problem with the wiring? the LBN? or the diplexer? and so forth. I did so, so that they would be aware I wasn't about to accept some BS excuse about there being no fix. They both immediately dismissed all those sugesstions and chuckled at me as if my suggestions were ridiculous. They told me to let the STB "take" for a while and maybe it would fix itself.
Obviously by this time I was upset so I demanded that they look at the other equipment. They reluctantly went out and replaced the diplexer after I requested that they do so. This had no effect on the problem, and once again I was told that there was nothing else that they could do. "our job is done here" one said. Frustrated, I told them that was unacceptable considering they have not even bothered to check the dish or the rest of the wiring. I was told in a very condescending tone that the problem was not my dish or wiring since I was receiving other channels and the dish "only points to one spot". The guy then proceeded make negative comments about Voom.
I was at the end of my rope with these guys but tried to remain civil. I asked them to bypass the diplexer altogether and only hookup the SAT to the STB in question for troubleshooting purposes. If this resolved the problem, I said, then the diplexer is causing this problem. They both refused and said that Voom would not allow them to connect it without a diplexer and therefore they will not bother troubleshooting without one. At this point I felt like I was in a bad cable tv commercial aimed preventing people from switching form cable to satellite. I grabbed my phone and dialed voom... They both shook their heads at me and laughed as if I was being unreasonable, mumbled something about me choosing voom and went out front to their trucks.
After waiting a few minutes I got a Voom TSR on the line. I explained to her what my issue was and that the techs dispatched were refusing to troubleshoot my problem, being very rude and had yet to address the rain fade problem. While the Voom TSR was very nice, she was not aware of what would would resolve this particular problem. I suggested to her that I believe it is a polarity problem. She put me on hold while she researched the issue. During this time that I was on hold the two techs came back into my house. I asked if they could check into the other issue (excessive rain fade) that I had called in about. I described to them the type of problems that I've been having and they said this is perfectly normal and there was nothing they could do about that either. :shocked Apparently these guys couldn't do anything!!!
Still on hold and trying to keep from yelling... I told them that was absolutely ridiculous that they could do nothing at all about either of my problems. They both said that they need to go. Having long lost my confidence in them being able to fix anything I asked them for their names and their supervisor his number. after some back and forth they finally provided me this information and I asked them to leave.
When the Voom TSR came back on the line she confirmed that this is most likely a polarity problem as I had suggested. She said that the techs should be able to resolve this issue and possibly may have to change out my LNB. When I told her that the techs were gone and what had happened while I was on hold she apologized profusely. She wanted to contact the contractor and have them come back immediately and fix the problem. I told her that I did not want either of those guys in my house again and I did not want that contractor handling the problem either... She agreed and setup a new service call with Installs Inc. and provided me with a number to place a complaint and request that a different installer be sent out. I did just that and placed a complaint with their supervisor as well.
I have a new service a call set up for Sat. afternoon with the contractor that originally installed my equipment. I'll keep everyone here updated on how it goes.