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Thread: Dish Expands High Definition Package
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Today, 05:42 PM
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Join Date: Nov 2003
Posts: 665
I sent an email to Mark Cicero the Corporate Communications Manager at Echostar Communictions Corporation and Dish Network who wrote the press release on the Dish Network website. I asked him which satellite and would they be mirroring it at 148 and how much they cost. This was at 1:19 pm today. His response to me was the usual:
"Here is the list of channels that we well be offering: RUSH HD, Gallery HD, Ultra HD, Equateor HD, MOsters HD, Animania HD, Majestic Hd, HD News and Guy Tv HD. Right now , we have no plans to mirror on 148 , but are looking at it in the future. We believe that the current satellite at 61.5 has coverage , with various geographical limitations on the west coast as of right now. As for the price, we are still working out the details for existing Dish customers, and hope to have an answer in the near future. "
Mark Cicero
Corporate Communications Manager
yada yada yada
So they don't know how much they will be charging us and they have no immediate plans to mirror the Voom channels on the 148 sat for the west coast , which they acknowledge the 61.5 sat has geographical limitations on the West coast. I think they are still making this up as they go. But something tells me we are going to Pay more for the Voom channels before they add them .