All channels except StarzHD 261 and 262

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It was magic...

Oh boy,
the magic is gone. When the installer left my house without touching anything (all 6 channels were working), I turned it off. When I got back home after a few hours the channels were (and still are) gone. It looks like the problem might be intermittent. It was working at the worse possible time - when the installer was around. And it was the only time over the last 2 weeks... :no
Have Solved the case of the missing Starz

Well I have finally figured it out. I was getting BravoHD when I would go to channel 261 and would get upgrade your subscription when I went to channel 262.

I went up on the roof and found that the installer used the wrong diplexor when he installed my satellite. He used the diplexor from the stealth antenna. This is nor 100% compatible with Voom. So I removed that diplexor with the one Voom gave me and like magic all my channels come in now.

Mystery Solved!!!

Bil :D
Videofx said:
Well I have finally figured it out. I was getting BravoHD when I would go to channel 261 and would get upgrade your subscription when I went to channel 262.

I went up on the roof and found that the installer used the wrong diplexor when he installed my satellite. He used the diplexor from the stealth antenna. This is nor 100% compatible with Voom. So I removed that diplexor with the one Voom gave me and like magic all my channels come in now.

Mystery Solved!!!

Bil :D
Wow,, some of these installers!
Still problems with SD channel mapping.. STARZHD, etc.

I'm still having problems with my Va-Va-Voom service, in particular, channel mapping. I have the following channels not coming up for me:
206 - should be HB02W, I'm getting Discovery
226 - should be MMAXW, Im' getting CNBC
261 - should be StarzHD, I'm getting BravoHD
262 - should be StarzHDP, I'm getting an "Upgrade - Call Voom" screen

I live in Baltimore, MD 21236 and everything else is comig in as it should. I have some poor picture quality on channels 509 (Comedy Central), 510 (A&E),
513 (E!) and 520 (Spike). I've been calling VOOM on several occaisions and finally spoke with a Supervisor. Apparently, this is a know issue and they are working on it. I've had this problem ever since I was upgraded to 5.5C.
Is ANYONE else experiencing this? I've tried several options I've read about here, including the polarity tuning, etc.. Nothing has changed. I'm getting pretty fed up with all the problems I've been having since I initially signed up.
The lockups are getting more frequent, picture quality varies from night to night, etc. Can anyone give me any more advice on how to take care of this channel issue and the other problems in general? Or will I just have to wait until the next firmware upgrade???

If your installer connected the OTA diplexer, try removing it. (Remove both ends, by the antenna and by the receiver so you end up with a single cable from dish to STB).
I don't have access to the roof diplexer, should I request that the installer come back out to try this??

Dawson9 said:
I don't have access to the roof diplexer, should I request that the installer come back out to try this??


Call VOOM to get you a service call or send "Joe Harkins" <> an email. Let him know the problem you are having and that you want the diplexer removed.
This problem (including a case of a successful resolution) is discussed in this thread. Moderators, please merge these threads.
261 and 262 not coming in

I had this same problem when I got my Voom Installed found out that the dish was not pointed for the maximum signal strength. When I repointed the dish and got a better signal strength it fixed the 261 and 262 problem Now I have StarzHD! Hope this helps.
Problem Fixed!!!!

The problems I was having with channels not showing up (StarzHD, etc) has been fixed!! The probelm was that my stealth antenna was mounted on the same pole that the dish was on. This caused problems with those channels. Once the antenna was moved to it's own pole... everything is now coming in as it should be! Call VOOM and have them schedule someone to come and take a look at your setup...

I think it's not the pole, but the diplexor, it's connections, or something of that sort. Something that was affected in the process of the antenna re-installation. Are you still connected through a diplexor, or do you have a separate coax cable to your antenna?
I just had my install today and I have all of the mixed-up channels that you HAD. (plus a couple more). I have already called Voom and i am set-up to get a visit from an installer on Monday. But until then, I will enjoy my new service.

It was NOT the diplexor. I'm still connected to the same one that I had originally installed. I was told that the reason for the channel mixup was because the dish and antenna shared the same pole. Once they were seperated.. all those channels that were missing.. came back! I even got another OTA channel that was missing before. I asked specifically if he replaced the diplexor and he said no. Your mileage may vary!

Starz are back

Starz HD, channels 261 and 262, just started coming in for me this evening.
The other missing channels -- 204, 206, 226, and 229 -- are working also.
I did not make any equipment changes -- maybe Voom fixed whatever was interfering with them?
mike528 said:
Starz HD, channels 261 and 262, just started coming in for me this evening.
The other missing channels -- 204, 206, 226, and 229 -- are working also.
I did not make any equipment changes -- maybe Voom fixed whatever was interfering with them?
This is interesting! Anyone else cured?
Further information on Starz

Here is some additional information, for what its worth:

I got Voom installed on Monday 3/29. On Wednesday, I noticed that 261 and 262 were having severe dropouts (loss of audio for a second or two, picture freezing up), and then at some point I got no signal on them at all. They suddenly started coming in loud and clear Friday in the late afternoon or early evening. But when I checked again later in the evening, they had severe dropouts. This morning, they are fine -- no dropouts.

We have had light rain on and off for the past few days. Today the rain has stopped completely. I have not noticed any loss of signal due to rain on other channels. But could there be an equipment problem (like the diplexor) that causes a loss in signal strength on 261 and 262, and the rain deteriorated it further, to the point where I got dropouts and complete loss of signal?

Further equipment information:
I have not changed my equipment at all since getting Voom installed. The OTA antenna and the Voom satellite dish are not on the same pole, and in fact are several feet apart (OTA antenna on the chimney, dish on the roof surface). I do have a diplexor, but it was installed several years ago when I first had a rooftop OTA antenna and DirecTV dish installed. (Voom replaced the dish and the STB, but left the OTA antennna and wiring in place).

When I called Voom about this a few days ago, the customer service guy said that they were aware of a problem on those channels and were working on a fix.

I don't really know what is going on here. Is it an equipment problem on my end? Or is it Voom doing something that has made the channels better?
For now, they work, but I'll keep an eye on them.
261,263 and 264 have disappeared from my channel menu. I can get to them manually though with channel button or key them in. Terrible problems with Tears of the sun a short time ago. Are they playing with transponders? Is this a package they say we may lose?
i have had problems with stars too. I think its on their end. All channels are on at the moment(starz) but lost a couple earlier.
I have the service guy here now trying to fix this problem. He doesn't know what the problem is. I NEED SUGGESTIONS QUICK. Please help

mkwillia said:
I have the service guy here now trying to fix this problem. He doesn't know what the problem is. I NEED SUGGESTIONS QUICK. Please help

Did you try without the diplexor?
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