I am at a moral dilemma here on which antenna will work with my HDTV! For some reason, I can’t get any signal into the house when a neighbor down the street can get just about everything available here in this area on the “Rabbit Ears” 7 dollar junk antenna she's got!
I have a Philips MANT940 - HDTV antenna in the bedroom and it seems to work fine inside but was wondering what advice on a good UHF antenna to get further out of my area? I really want to try something else other than another Phillips!
Suggestions on what kind of antenna to purchase or one that a member swears by that is a good distant antenna. I have bought a couple so far and yes, the stupid same 7 dollar junk with no good results and this can get quite expensive with the "Big Boys" HDTV antennas - Higher Priced Ones on trial and error.
Thanks for the help! :up
I have a Philips MANT940 - HDTV antenna in the bedroom and it seems to work fine inside but was wondering what advice on a good UHF antenna to get further out of my area? I really want to try something else other than another Phillips!
Suggestions on what kind of antenna to purchase or one that a member swears by that is a good distant antenna. I have bought a couple so far and yes, the stupid same 7 dollar junk with no good results and this can get quite expensive with the "Big Boys" HDTV antennas - Higher Priced Ones on trial and error.
Thanks for the help! :up
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