I have a ViP222k that I purchased on ebay with the internal smart card. My buddy lives in the US. What would be the best way to activate it.
1. Bring it to his place and have him call DISH and have it turned on.
2. Do it from my place in Canada with a Voip phonewith his info
I have read they do audits if it is not plugged in, if it is on his account should I bring it to Canada and plug in phone cable to avoid audits?
If they call him, could he just say its at his cottage? Any other options would be helpful.
1. Bring it to his place and have him call DISH and have it turned on.
2. Do it from my place in Canada with a Voip phonewith his info
I have read they do audits if it is not plugged in, if it is on his account should I bring it to Canada and plug in phone cable to avoid audits?
If they call him, could he just say its at his cottage? Any other options would be helpful.