A final cry for help from a Voom subscriber soon to be forced into cancelling.

I have to admit, the communications btwn Voom and Installs Inc seems to be lacking. But I blame Installs Inc. and some of the independent installers for most of the problems.

I went through three different independent installers before finding one who was responsive and able to install on the roof of my townhouse (it's three stories). The installer I ended up using (www.symphonysoundandwire.com) came out on a Saturday and did an excellent job.

They went ahead and upgraded my antenna to the winegard squareshooter SS-1000 based on Voom's recommendation for my area (urban). The first antenna was the GS-1000 I believe, but it wasn't strong enough. I'm not sure if he picked up the upgraded antenna from his company or if he paid for it out-of-pocket, but it wasn't charged to me. The SS-1000 works great, and the signal strength is around 98% according to the Voom system settings. Anyway, it took a little effort, but I'm very happy with my Voom system now!

Sorry to hear about your problems getting the antenna. I hope you can find an installer who can get it right.

<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=582 border=0><TBODY><TR vAlign=top><TD style="PADDING-RIGHT: 10px; PADDING-LEFT: 10px; PADDING-BOTTOM: 10px; PADDING-TOP: 0px">

VOOM gives you more than just a satellite dish. You also get a digital antenna to enable reception of digital local channels. This is no rabbit-ear antenna. This is the next wave of TV and VOOM delivers it today.

</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><TABLE cellSpacing=10 cellPadding=0 width=582 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD vAlign=top>
</TD><TD vAlign=top>

Every local network is going digital. It's the new FCC standard. To see them, you need the right tuner and digital antenna. With VOOM, they're both included. VOOM supports listings for over 1,700 off-air channels nationwide, bringing you the 100% digital-quality local channels available in your area.

When you watch a local channel broadcasting in high definition, you enjoy a crisp wide screen picture and Dolby digital 5.1 surround sound! Check out www.antennaweb.org or www.titantv.com to get an idea of what you'll see.

The entire industry is converting to digital in the next few years. VOOM puts you at the forefront of the digital revolution - for no extra charge.

</TD></TR><TR><TD bgColor=#f4dec7 colSpan=2>
</TD></TR><TR><TD colSpan=2>With VOOM, you have the power to access these digital channels and more. As they continue to increase their HD lineup, expect more and more of your favorite shows in brilliant high definition.</TD></TR><TR><TD colSpan=2>
As a lot of people that have dealt with Local Digital reception over the air will tell you that the implication of over the air digital receptions is not an exact science whatever marketing scheme you may read. Over the air reception is not guarantee anywhere as it is subject to

1 - having your local stations transmit digitally. Digitally more often than not does not means HD to a lot of stations. Take the example of my UPN station here in NYC own by Fox. Their digital transmittion is so bad that the analog is probably better because of the compression they are using. They do not transmit any HD programming. Another example is my NBC local station. It does transmit HD programming but there are so compressed that in any fast moving action the picture macroblocks.

2 - Multipath. This is one big problem that some are affected. It means that your location suffers from too many signal picked up by the antenna.

3 - Trees, obstacle, big buildings...

4 - Low power stations. This applies to my area as well. Where the station is transmitting digitally and in HD but no one can pick it up.

5 - Range in miles of antenna. Without the correct range for VHF/UHF, one may not pick up the stations.

6 - It is good to know that sometimes there are technical problems not with the reception but understanding the hardware. Does it need amplification? Is there a bad diplexor? Are there cables that loose or broken? OTA module?

7 - In the case of the VOOM receiver, if the local channels are not mapped then you need PSIP data in the data stream (this will be resolved when the super DMA mapping is done).

These are some of the factors that can determine whether or not one may get locals over the air or not. It is not an exhauted list of items and I am sure that more can be added. From my personal experience, I had to do a trial and error about my location with antennas that did not work and worked. In my case, I never tried an inside antenna and I basically did everything. I knew very little about the whole installation and how I was affected by the whole problem or issues that may or may not happen. It took me a while to come up with what I got today. RS XV90 antenna with a range of 65 miles, rotor, and I also have another channel master antenna for another TV.

In conclusion: these things are not an exact science and it took me a while to get the hang of it. When the VOOM installer came to my house I told him here is the coax of the antenna and plug it in there's nothing you need to do I have done everything for you. I am not saying that everyone should do this but to give you an idea that local over the airs are not guaranteed.
barth2k said:
maybe they're building him a 200 ft tower. he should be able to pull in everything within 200 mile radius :)

HAhaha! "Guess what sir, we've decided to make a FOX HD TOWER!!! In exchange you can get all your locals from here to Canada!"
barth2k said:
maybe they're building him a 200 ft tower. he should be able to pull in everything within 200 mile radius :)

I want one of those.

Here is another update. After I emailed Wilt, I recieved a call from Melissa at "Voom's Corperate Office". She seemed very helpful and understanding, and she set my account for approval of a "large directional antenna". I just got off the phone with her and the conversation ended with her telling me she was going to check with the OTA tech in my area to determine the best antenna choice and best local installer for my location. She told me she was going to call back this afternoon with an install date. Now that I am bypassing the CSR's, I hope my next post will be about the performance of my new OTA antenna.

Ok. I just got a call from my local installation company. They confirmed that I was approved from Voom for the upgraded antenna and they set up an installation date for next Wednesday. However, when I asked the guy what kind of antenna they were bring out for me, instead of him saying the Winegard HD8200p I was expecting, he only said I was getting a "parabolic antenna" and he was confused when I asked if that was going to require a mast to be installed in my backyard or if it included the pre-amp. When I talked to Michelle at Voom's Corperate Office, she had assured me that I was approved for a large directional antenna. I'm not sure what a parabolic antenna is, is this the same thing as the large directional deep fringe antenna?
I have had the same kind of trouble you speak of...first i got voom and the OTA did not work..so i call and complain and they promptly shedule something,but the day comes and no one...so i call again,this time they shedule me and the guy comes..He explains they had not approved me yet...and that was why he never came the first time..fair enough....so i get the wingard Sqaureshooter(don't know the model #) and things are looking up all channels seemed to be working,but fifteen minutes after the guy leaves..boom no fox..no i can't watch football or nascar...so i wait a few days and then i start to get only ABC which comes from another state while fox,CBS,and NBC are in my own city...so i call again...new appointment...new install company..and no one shows..so i call again and they get my old installer here he replaces the power supply.and they sorta work but not really...so he requests a upgrade like what you were talking about with the two ten foot poles,but since this was about a month ago..and i thought voom was shutting down i never called...when i heard they would not .i called and they were very helpful on the phone..."lets go ahead and set up that upgrade he says"..i even explain what happened last time with the wrong install company..and they almost got me with that one again..but i fixed that....but here i am...it 4/2/05 and is 2 hours past when they were to come and no one...i know what happened.They will say i was not approved yet..but you'd think i could have been given a phone call...anyways sorry to rant and if i brought this thread from the deep ..i feel like this guy... i just want someone to come and install the right antenna for the job whether i have to pay for it or not...

thanks ,
Welcome to the forum, pkjohnson420! Sorry to hear about your problems. Unfortunately, No-call/no-show situation is not very uncomon. The only way to avoid this is to take the process in your own hands. As mentioned in many threads and in our FAQ, it is very important that you contact your local installer directly. A couple of phone calls may help you avoid problems and frustration. Good luck!

After you order your system and get an install date, call Installs Inc at 888-987-3474 and have the local installer call you. Sometimes Installs Inc will give you the name of the local Installer other times they won't. They can tell the installer to give you a call.

After you get in touch with local installer, keep in touch with him/her to ensure that your equipment has been delivered on time. There has been problems with equipment not delivered on time. It is imperative to keep on top of this otherwise your installation might not occur.
High Ilya,
thanks for the welcome...i do have and did call and leave a message with the installer that i have been using...just for a little background.i'm in Mobile,Al..and my guy comes from Miss. why i don't know,but the guy is always helpful and i doubt this is his fault.Come to think of it i don't remember if i got a confirmation email.i'm pretty easy going about the whole thing..If i don't hear from my installer..i'll call Voom again...my local cable provider has only one local "NBC" and most of their regular channels are not digital so.i support voom or at least until my six months are up.lol...


My OTA mapping fixed today

What happens if Dish takes over Voom's asset

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