A final cry for help from a Voom subscriber soon to be forced into cancelling.

ive also wasted time waiting for installers who either showed up with the wrong equipment, or cancelled the afternoon install at 5pm the day of. you might consider at least getting a recommendation or estimate from a local antenna installer. they would likely be more familar with what kind of antenna is best for your area than a guy from installs inc who is probably making decisions by looking at an antennaweb printout for your zip code and an antenna spec sheet. i did get a credit for service to make up for a install screw up. perhaps you could talk them into some kind of credit for having your own antenna installed.

in my area (45-55 miles from so-called 'locals' in green bay and milwaukee, wi) many people have three story steel towers embedded in a yard of concrete costing upwards of $1000. perhaps voom was thinking along those lines...
As long as I have control of the Delete key and not you, I will keep deleting you and if you continue I will be forced to put you in moderation mode and if you continue we'll go from there...
bnl107 said:
I took a half day from work this morning, only to have another installer from Installs, Inc. call this afternoon once again claiming that "Voom never sent him the upgraded antenna I was scheduled to have installed". This is now the sixth (count 'em six) time in the last three months that this has happened to me, and because of it I am still sitting here with no network channels (ABC, NBC, CBS, Fox, etc). Each time, I called 1-800-Get-Voom, trying to be as polite and patient as possible, and each time the CSR on the other end apologized repeatedly, put me on hold to call Installs, Inc and "get this straightened out for good", and then scheduled me for another installation appointment about a week later. Finally today I told the Rep (Beth) on the other end of the phone line that I had now wasted and missed the equivalent of 3 full work days of pay, was getting fed up, and wasn't happy with just hearing that they would just have to reschedule me. She put me on hold to call Installs, Inc again... this time she came back with a different answer. Installs Inc had now "changed their position on my matter" and had told her that if I wanted to get my local network channels I would have to purchase the $600 antenna they were originally going to install for free "out of my own wallet". She told me the guy on the other was sure that this would work for my location, but that Installs, Inc would not cover the cost because they could not "justify the expense". After telling the Rep that this was completely unacceptable since, not only had I already had six botched installation appointments, been told that Voom was sending the installer the antenna (I was even told the brand, model number, and that it would take them a week to ship it out), been asked for my permission to have two large poles installed in my backyard, and been told every time that Voom was covering the cost, but I had also been told I would receive a "retroactive refund for one month's service" because of all my inconveniences (along with the fact that my original installer had not aligned the dish correctly and that my first IRD was defective and it took them over a month to replace it) and never received it. She left me with those fateful last words "I'll have to send this to our escalation department for review" and, as expected, I never heard back from anybody.

I have been a very vocal supporter of Voom, both online and around town. I have tried to stand behind the company through all of the problems outlined above along with others I have not mentioned. I dealt patiently with lack of Olympic coverage, local sporting events, and other network programming I have endured because of this OTA antenna fiasco. I passed up better rates offered by my local cable company (who now offers more cable channels along with 21 HD channels including my local networks, the pay channels, and HDNet). And I have tried to work along with the CSR's and Voom's billing department with the one month's service credit I was promised and never received. All because I believed in Voom's vision. But I am now at my breaking point. It is embarrassing, after bragging about and promoting Voom to my friends and family, that I now have to drive to a friend's house to watch my home-team's ballgame or my local nightly news. I refuse to pay $600 for an antenna I was promised for free six times before and was always left disappointed about. I refuse to let my wasted time be worthless by allowing the month's credit I was promised to fall through the cracks in Voom's infamous escalation department. I refuse to be told by CRS's that "they don't blame me for cancelling, they deal with tons of them every day for the same reasons". The Voom I believed in is better than that. I've gone ahead and scheduled an appointment with my local cable company (SECTV) for an install of their extended cable, HD package, and every available pay movie channel on the 25th, if this isn't taken care of by then, I will unfortunately be joining the ranks of other past Voom subscribers adding to that high churn rate we hear so much about. This is my final cry for help. Wilt, or anyone else who may be able to help, are you listening?

Make sure that if you do cancel, you also cancel your credit card. Voom can not be trusted to stop charging people even after they have canceled.

Listen this is retarded and Installs Inc is to blame, no way this antenna costs $600.. time to e-mail Wilt, wilth@opt.net, link him to this thread and copy your post into the e-mail. No way an OTA antenna costs $600 .. in any case, you live in an area you can get OTA with a certain range antenna, they documented all the times you waited for this call, and each time the tech said "What freaking antenna???" Tell them you want a month's credit for every week that goes by without a resolution to this matter. The fact the CSR just hussles back and told you whatever Installs Inc said is retarded. Also demand to speak to a supervisor, and if she says "escalation department" to you in the phone conversation it's going to cost Voom a month's worth of free programming for you.
Dvlos said:
Listen this is retarded and Installs Inc is to blame, no way this antenna costs $600.. time to e-mail Wilt...

I just emailed him. I will be sure to update this thread if/when I recieve a response.
I think that installs,inc tried to inflate the cost($600.00 please)for when they get reimbursed from Voom,and then Voom said too much $$$$,and then it wasn't worth it to installs,inc to do.
I checked the Winegard site and it seems like the HD8200P matches the descriptions the Voom CSR's have given me. It is Winegard's 'deep fringe' antenna and does mention that it is "engineered for extra strength with double boom braces", a statement I am assuming relates to the CSR's mentioning and asking permission for two poles in my backyard. Also, the Winegard site does start the antenna's description by saying it is "designed with the professional installer in mind" which coincides with Installs, Inc claim that I would need them to install it even if I purchased it privately. I've looked online and this antenna is around $200, and it also requires a pre-amp. Could these items plus whatever Installs, Inc charges for the install bring the total to around $600? If anyone can confirm that they have had this antenna installed by Voom as an upgrade, it could give me more ammo next time I talk to one of their Reps. Here is a link to the Winegard description: HD8200p

To add another interesting twist to this story. I actually had signal (albeit very sporadic and broken up) from three of my local network broadcasters for about 45 minutes today. I received digital OTA picture on UPN 17, CBS 3, and NBC 10 for a few minutes. The picture was very pixelated and would frequently cut out and bring up the "no signal" message, but it was there for the first time I have ever seen it. Strangely enough, I only had reception while it was raining hard today (I noticed I had the channels by coincidence when I was browsing the lower channels after rainfade knocked out my Voom channels), and I was only able to tune channel 10 in on my HD set downstairs (the small TV in the bedroom only got channel 3 and 17). The rain went away and so did my sporadic OTA coverage, but I think this experience blows some serious holes in Installs, Inc claim that I don't qualify for an OTA antenna upgrade! With a good 'deep fringe' antenna like the one they had told me they were going to install for free I am certain now I would have no problem receiving at least these 3 network channels, and although I would still miss FOX and ABC, this would be enough of an incentive for me to stay with Voom awhile longer.
The fact that you were able to get OTA stations at least for a short time is a very good sign! It means that not everything is hopeless and an upgraded antenna can indeed help.
I too have a distant station that I only get on rainy days... Funny that you mentioned!
Rain does have an effect on OTA signals, but it's more due to multipath than anything else. With a BFA you'll probably be fine.
Here's a post from our local OTA thread at AVSForum, this is from our CBS Engineer:

Seasons, revisited

I know I've posted this before someplace, but I can't find it. So here it is again in a nut shell.

TV reception in our area varies greatly with the seasons. This is especially true with UHF, but the changes do affect VHF as well. (There is an area in Oregon City that generates calls about channel 6 reception every spring and fall. It took me several years before I made the correlation.)

In the Winter, when there are no leaves on the trees, there is less absorption of the signals by the foliage and signal levels improve, unless you live in a stand of wet Douglas Firs. Then there is more absorption. The absence of leaves also affects which multi-path reflections reach your antenna. Reception will be pretty stable - unless there is snow or ice.

In the Spring, the leaves come out and they are wet. This increases absorption of both the intended (main) signal and reflections (multi-path). As we move later into Spring and the weather alternates between wet and dry reception can vary along with the weather - good one day, bad the next.

In the Summer, things dry out (right after the Rose Festival most years) and the leaves don't absorb as much. Reception will be pretty stable clear into Fall.

In the Fall, the rains return and the leaves get wet again. The leaves themselves will dry out internally and absorb less signal, but it will vary with how much it rains on any given day. Finally, the leaves fall off the trees and we return to Winter conditions.

So, you can pretty much expect your reception to vary throughout the year. If you are lucky you might find THE sweet spot for your antenna location and aiming for year around reception. If you're not so lucky, maybe you can convince your neighbor across the street to cut down that big maple tree to improve your odds.
***Follow-Up*** 9/8/04

Here is a follow-up:

I just got off the phone with another Voom CSR (Jason). He seemed very helpful. I told him the whole story and he seemed shocked. He said that he had never even heard of a $600 antenna, but that I sounded like the perfect candidate for a deep fringe antenna upgrade since none of the regular "antenna upgrades" would do me very much good. I told him about the HD8200p I saw on the Winegard site and explained to him how it seemed to fit the description of what I had been told I would receive by the other Reps. So he put me on hold and called Installs, Inc. Surprisingly, only about 3-4 minutes later he came back on the line to tell me that Voom was going to cover all of the costs and I should be getting a call from Installs, Inc to set up an appointment soon. He told me that the Installs, Inc guy knew what antenna it was as soon as he gave him the model number and that, sure enough, they charge Voom $550-$600 to install it (I was sure to tell the CSR to pass on to his supervisors that the highest price I found online for this antenna was only $197; thats quite a mark-up on Installs, Inc's end).

Everything sounds great... but its been three hours and still no call from Installs, Inc. Even if they do call, I'm going to have to keep my fingers crossed that I don't get stood up a seventh time. At least this time the Voom Rep put the antenna's model number in the account notes. Maybe one of these days I'll actually get network channels!

I'll be sure to keep this thread updated. If this works out for me, hopefully other Voomers in similar situations can use this info to get their local OTA channels, too, instead of adding to that churn rate. And, on the other hand, if it doesn't work out those same Voomers will know there really is no hope and not spend as much time as I have being strung along.
Great! Keep us posted.
I'm happy for you, but I have to say this: Voom is just getting screwed here by Install Inc. $600 for an antenna installation? Ultimately, guess who'll be paying for that? That's right, all of us customers. Customer satisfaction is one thing. But at some point you have to put your foot down and say "we're sorry but we can't accomodate you." There's no guarantee when it comes to ota reception.
Have you tried putting an amp onto your OTA first. the fact that you got signal from the antenna when it was raining says something. I had no amp on my antenna before I got Voom and had a signal of 49.....with the amp the signal went up to 85...It may be worth trying it, and will be a cheap experiment. I think you can get them at Radio Shack.
The problem is Installs, Inc. I recommend you call Voom back, as soon as you can, tell them you want either Installs Inc. phone number, then call and schedule an appointment time. They are probably going to tell you 1-2 weeks because I seriously doubt the local installer has it on hand, Installs Inc. should have ordered it already and there will be a waiting period until it arrives in your area.

However don't let them sit on it, have them schedule you, and tell you who the local installer is, that way the day before you call them and verify. If you get a good tech, tell Voom, if you get a bad tech, tell Voom. I have like 3 local installers phone numbers and names I refuse to have them come into my house because they either A) stood me up or B) didn't know what they were doing.
Well... I got all excited over nothing. I got an email from Installs, Inc today with an installation reference number and the phone number for my local installer so that I could set up an appointment. Well, surprise surprise, my local installer called me back and said that apparently "I was not approved for the antenna"... WTF! I'm approved, then I'm not approved, then I'm approved again, then I'm not, then yesterday they say I am, give me an installation reference number and even the antenna's model number, then today I'm not authorized again! I called Voom (this time the Rep was Tamika) and sure enough, she said that my approval for the antenna had been "reconsidered" because of antennaweb (I let her know that antennaweb is completely wrong for my area since I do get stations it doesn't even say are digital yet, but to no avail). I guess this is the final straw for me, seven times I've been easily approved (a few of the reps have even said that I should "obviously be qualified", and the local installer says that other Voom customers in my area have had this exact model installed with positive results) and then either stood up by Installs, Inc or strung along by Voom CSR's. I told the Rep to set my account for deactivation on September 25th. That is the day I have my local cable co coming. I still have my fingers crossed that Voom will come through and do what is right here, but I've lost my optimism with them and, with football season starting and me with no way to watch my home-team's games, I can't waste any more time with this endless back and forth between Voom and Installs, Inc. I hope Voom works out for better for the rest of you guys, and I wish them the best of luck as a company, I guess my business just wasn't worth it to them. Take care.

[*BTW, an interesting fact: The installer I talked to from Installs, Inc told me the antenna was $200... funny that they are telling/charging Voom $550. Somebody at Voom should do something about that.)

My OTA mapping fixed today

What happens if Dish takes over Voom's asset

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