A final cry for help from a Voom subscriber soon to be forced into cancelling.

bnl107 said:
The installer I talked to from Installs, Inc told me the antenna was $200...
You know, even if you are not approved for a free antenna you can still get $60-70 credit from VOOM toward the antenna of your choice, pay $140 or so out of your pocket and get it done. In addition, any CSR can give you a $50 credit for the inconvenience...
But it's up to you of course.
Ilya said:
You know, even if you are not approved for a free antenna you can still get $60-70 credit from VOOM toward the antenna of your choice, pay $140 or so out of your pocket and get it done. In addition, any CSR can give you a $50 credit for the inconvenience...
But it's up to you of course.

I thought that I had read about that on here before, but I asked a couple different reps about it over the last few months and they said no. In fact, I had asked about that after I was stood up by the installer for the first time. The Rep had said that the credit was only available directly to the professional installers in case they bought the upgraded antenna out of their own pocket. A couple other Reps have given me the same story since then. Can anyone tell me if this is misinformation? That would at least give me another option to consider (in all honesty, after witnessing the average competence of the 'professional installers' from Installs, Inc. I'd rather do the install myself anyway).
I went down the Street to the little TV shop,they sell E* and Antennas and TV's(Really old fashioned Store,still has the old RCA and Zenith signs in the window)anyways,I ask him how much for the deepest fringe antenna with install-$225.00,with Tower $300.00 for this monster Channel Master antenna I saw.
bnl107 said:
The Rep had said that the credit was only available directly to the professional installers in case they bought the upgraded antenna out of their own pocket.
I believe this is correct. The antenna credit goes to the installer, not to you. No self-installs currently approved. However, if you are not happy with a particular installer, you can always ask for a different one...
bnl107 said:
I can't waste any more time with this endless back and forth between Voom and Installs, Inc.

Thats why I suggested earlier to take matters into your own hands. I know there is a principle involved here but if you can honestly look into the future and see yourself with being a sat customer and/or wanting to pick-up your local OTA digital stations, then go out and purchase an antenna and install it yourself.
Because of soo many problems, I had recommened that you cancel. I have my own OTA and the Voom installer screwed up my install and I had a poor OTA signal(worked fine before with DTV) and I finally had to fix it myself.

Voom does most of it's HD- very well but I do think the whole OTA thing needs to be fixed. I don't blame you for wanting out. Voom really needs to fix this.
bnl107 said:
I told the Rep to set my account for deactivation on September 25th. That is the day I have my local cable co coming. I still have my fingers crossed that Voom will come through and do what is right here, but I've lost my optimism with them and, with football season starting and me with no way to watch my home-team's games, I can't waste any more time with this endless back and forth between Voom and Installs, Inc.

This is ridiculous, you shouldn't drop Voom you should tell them to give you 2 months of free credit (or date of installation till now), and tell Voom they are giving you free service until they give you an OTA antenna for your area that gets all OTA channels....

"Voom or Installs Inc, congratulations I will have free service until you correct this problem. Please order this fringe antenna, that OTHER installers have put up for Voom in my area... next if you think this is overkill, the installer is welcome to spend as long as he can trying to adjust this piece of crap tinfoil to get my locals.. anything less than PBS/NBC/CBS/FOX/UPN/WB/ABC is UNACCEPTABLE for my area that has towers 30-55 miles away, I will receive free service until you get your act together."

Second fire a follow up e-mail to Wilt again....

Unless his OTA is insanely impossible to get, Voom should cover it, they'd have a customer for at least a year or two.
Dvlos said:
Unless his OTA is insanely impossible to get, Voom should cover it, they'd have a customer for at least a year or two.

My OTA channels can't be impossible to get. As I mentioned earlier in this thread, I can get very pixelated and sporatic coverage from NBC, CBS, and UPN (all transmitting from Philadelphia, the same area all of my other locals are from). I am sure that with this antenna I would at least be able to recieve these three channels consistantly and with acceptable signal strength, and I would be willing to bet that all of my other locals (the more important ones to me: FOX, ABC) would come in with no problem since they all transmit from the same area. I don't even get PBS coverage now.

You are right. If Voom can get their act together and get this antenna up for me I will: (1) be completely content with whatever OTA channels I get, if I don't get them all at least I know I have the best possible antenna for my area, and (2) I would be a loyal Voom customer and spokesperson for a long time to come. These channels are the only thing I feel I am missing since I switched to Voom.
As a potential Voom customer (close to signing up), this is a wake up call for me. With all the HD channels being offered by local cable providers and other satellite firms, I can't believe how patient you are with this. I do understand Voom has neat technology but it's matter of time that others will catch up - my local cable company (Cox) is already installing HD PVR in Southern California. I am sorry what you had to go through - now you made me "think" again before I call Voom to sign up. :shocked
Dvlos said:
Listen this is retarded and Installs Inc is to blame, no way this antenna costs $600.. time to e-mail Wilt, wilth@opt.net

I've sent two emails now, both were returned to me stating that:

"Unable to deliver message to the following recipients, due to being unable to connect successfully to the destination mail server.


Is that address wrong, or is it just not active any more?
If anyone wants to buy a 600.00 antenna form Idiots Inc(sorry thats Installs Inc)please contact me first, with the airfare battles, I can get you the antenna, fly there, install it fly home, and probably make a couple of dollars in the process.I signed up for VOOM on 7/19/2004 think that I am up and running,LOL LOL LOL LOL F***ing LOL,and who has been handleing the ball Take a guess.So now instead of them missing the app it's the reverse
Mr. Biggles said:
go out and purchase an antenna and install it yourself.

I hear ya and 2 or 3 months ago, before all of this BS I've gone thought between Voom and Installs, Inc., I probably would have just done that. But at this point I've wasted so much time and been promised so much money in credits from Voom that I have never received, that I am not willing to shell out any money from my pocket. Either they correct this problem for free like they promised, or they are going to lose my business on the 25th. To be honest, I am surprised that Voom is not really making any effort to hold on to my business. I have actually had CSR's ask me if I wanted to cancel without me even bringing it up. Its really kind of upsetting for someone who has had such high hopes and optimism for Voom like me to hear/go through. I can think of at least 10-15 people I could have signed up with Voom within a week if they did what it took to get me my locals, not to mention the loyal customer they would have in me for years to come. But with the way it is now I can't even watch any of my local sports games (even the Yankee's game was blacked out for me last night and I live in the Philly market), much less any of the network programming people care about. Its been months since I could even watch a Simpsons episode :(
I just got an email reply from Wilt. I'll be sure to keep this thread updated and will post any new developments.
I agree with you(why buy a antenna if promised to you),but if you want to get your networks OTA you are going to have to anyways,if you go with cable make sure they offer everything you can get OTA(the cable company here offers the networks here except for the WB and UPN and I am really enjoying Smallville and Enterprise in HD here)
Installs Inc has to be one of the most miss managed companies out there.Most likely a they pick up the people from the corner 7/11 or what may be in your area to help them out for the day,2nd day they make them installers
I called VOOM today and explained that the reason that I am not a paying customer to date is because Installs Inc can't get anything right.
If you send me your single lnb dish(single mind you)I can have it up and running in 30 minutes. I am not an installer but have installed my triple lnb D* and 4 others for people that I know,and have them going in minutes,minutes mind you not hours
If VOOM wants to make it they need self installs.People with brains know how to get a compass and a protractor and find a site on thier property to get signal the ones that need a self install, well they probably go to jiffy lube,and use pea pod and the kids can't go to soccer because it starts too early(one woman on the street said that to her child--trash)
I give VOOM 9 months at the rate that they are going till they call it quits
I cant wait to hear VOOM's response when and if they call me back about the self install
if can't pay 600$ out of your pocket why do u want hd tv? even without voom, if u had only ota digital tuner, u need antenna. if 600$ is too much for you, buy that 200$ antenna yourself and do your own install. Couple years ago, that attenna install would of cost 1500-2000$. If you can't afford to have someone install it for you, don't mess with HD tv. (no offense) or u can move to area where u can better signal. It's just seems to me someone driving Bentley and trying get free oil change. (if you can't afford it u just don't do it)
Why don't you read his posts before jumping in here. It's not that he can't afford it. It's now the principal of the thing. He has been promised over and over by Voom that he will get the antenna and each time it's shot down. He is having cable installed on Sept. 25 and he won't have to worry about it anymore. And because of Voom's treatment of him, not only will they lose him as a customer, there are 10-15 other people whom he could have convinced to sign up that won't now.
So read the posts before spouting off.
How can you possibly say that the antenna install would be $2000? That's ridiculous. This isnt evolving technology, antennas have been installed like this for decades.
maybe they're building him a 200 ft tower. he should be able to pull in everything within 200 mile radius :)

My OTA mapping fixed today

What happens if Dish takes over Voom's asset

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