That is actually a 1/4 Wave vertical with a ground plane. A di-pole has two 1/4 wave elements at 180 deg end to end, known as col-linear.
I would not use a vertical for TV reception as the antennas on a TV tower are horizontally polarized. Going vertical you can lose several dB of gain.
If you are close to the tower you will not notice but any distance out and you will see a big difference.
Very easy to build a 75 ohm Yagi antenna, yes.
Years ago when twin lead was king, antennas were made to match the impedance of the twin lead, thus 300 ohm.
Still a lot of people using twin lead, and the fact that lazy manufacturers have to re-design their machines to make a 75 ohm feed point........
So TV antennas mostly still come with a 300 ohm feed point.
You lose about 3dB gain with a balun to convert 300 to 75.
However, machine made antennas at a factory or much better than home brew, unless you have the equipment, so the loss is less than a home brew.
I know I have tried, as I have built many yagis for radio use, the commercial stuff(if made my a good manufacture), has always done better.