722K Screen Shots and Initial Setup Thoughts

Black Lighting what's this have to do with anything? I thought that black lighting was something installed in clubs to make things look WACKY and to have fun. :haha

Back lighting is a feature on TOSHIBA regza hdtvs that allow the picture to look brighter and more vivid. Before I had to turn it down to about 20 to hide the artifacts in the backgrounds of sd channels. Now I can turn it up to 80 and I still don't see the compression artifacts on any of the sd channels and the hd channels look even better than before. Oh and I changed the original post to reflect that.
My new 722K was installed only one little problem they forgot the OTA tuner, but said they would be out Friday to install (had to order) other than that am pleased with the unit. Now what external Harddrive would you all suggest for additional storage and to move recording from my 622 to the 722?
Just got my 722K installed today - so far, so good. The OTA module locked in most of my channels at the same (+/- 1) signal strength as my 622, but 2 of the channels came in about 6 points lower. But, it also picked up one channel that the 622 had never picked up before (and I just did a rescan over the weekend). I will be recording (hopefully) 4 shows at once tonight, so I'll know soon if it is ready for prime time. One thing that I hadn't seen mentioned here was that it will allow you to record directly to the external drive, so I have something set up later tonight to try out that feature. I'll report back tomorrow with my experiences.
I notice there is about 5 points difference between the ota tuners on the same ota channels. I took ABC ota and use pip and put up the same ota ABC on the other ota tuner and there was about 5 - 6 points difference between the two. I don't see any problems with the ota strength but there is a difference on all ota channels when I compare them between the two ota tuners.
Ok had a strange error tonight... and it has my wife MAD.

It was set to record CSI Miami on CBS WFSB (003-01) and for some reason it recorded Fox (WTIC 061-01)

Yet the info screens when playing back show the info for CBS.
Ok, the 4 recordings at once worked like a charm. The recording to the external drive did not work (although the receiver said the timer was completed). I also was able to delete my 622 from the SlingGuide beta and add the 722K with no problems.
Ok had a strange error tonight... and it has my wife MAD.

It was set to record CSI Miami on CBS WFSB (003-01) and for some reason it recorded Fox (WTIC 061-01)

Yet the info screens when playing back show the info for CBS.

I had 4 shows recording in Dual mode and the one show I was actually watching while it was recording was the Charlie CHat. Every 2 minutes I would see a record screen in my right side of the screen and the picture would go black. So after the 8 th time I hit stop on recording and then hit record again and no more problems. I had 8- 2 minute recordings and a 50 minute long recording for Charlie Chat.
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Ok had a strange error tonight... and it has my wife MAD.

It was set to record CSI Miami on CBS WFSB (003-01) and for some reason it recorded Fox (WTIC 061-01)

Yet the info screens when playing back show the info for CBS.

If you still have your Netflix streaming on the XBox360, you can watch the CSI episodes usually the day after they air on CBS.
Ok had a strange error tonight... and it has my wife MAD.

It was set to record CSI Miami on CBS WFSB (003-01) and for some reason it recorded Fox (WTIC 061-01)

Yet the info screens when playing back show the info for CBS.
That happened to me a while back on my 722. I think some sort of way if you loose the ota signal on any ota channel, the tuner sort of gets confused and thinks it is on the correct channel. I didnt even use the timer, i was watching a show on cbs , hit the record remainder of this show button , went to watch back later, the recorded info said cbs but it recorded tnt.:eek:
I notice there is about 5 points difference between the ota tuners on the same ota channels. I took ABC ota and use pip and put up the same ota ABC on the other ota tuner and there was about 5 - 6 points difference between the two. I don't see any problems with the ota strength but there is a difference on all ota channels when I compare them between the two ota tuners.

Are they using the same tuner/chipset or could this be due to the splitting of the signal and the 3.5 db loss that occurs when this is done?
I have to wonder if it would have been better to split it ourselves externally. Could even use a small amp behind the splitter. Not suggesting amping the OTA module...that might do something bad.
Wish they had just kept the same single OTA tuner built-in, and had a 2nd tuner option.
I don't like upgrading a DVR and getting less, until I pay a bit more. It would be different if it worked perfectly, which I am reading it does not.
I have great OTA signal strength so I am hoping that will override any issues when I get mine.
I am trying to find an amp now to see if that helps things. Radio shack has 2 of them that I found online but they were $70.

It screwed up again last night and my wife is PO'ed.

I had to reprogram all the timers and am not allowed to use OTA anymore until Dish fixes this issue. What concerns me is that Echostar is not replying to my emails about these issues.

What a great way to support your customers.

I would stick away from the 722k with OTA for now, but the 722k itself has been good.
Give me source code of the receiver and I'll make you happy with increased signal level in 5 min of my time include time for burning back into the receiver. :D
ROFLMAO! Apologies to Rob Reiner. Here you go. [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d54UU-fPIsY"]"These go to eleven!"[/ame]
I am trying to find an amp now to see if that helps things. Radio shack has 2 of them that I found online but they were $70.

It screwed up again last night and my wife is PO'ed.

I had to reprogram all the timers and am not allowed to use OTA anymore until Dish fixes this issue. What concerns me is that Echostar is not replying to my emails about these issues.

What a great way to support your customers.

I would stick away from the 722k with OTA for now, but the 722k itself has been good.

I think you have a bad ota tuner. I have a 722k and ota tuner and it is recording pretty reliably . The only problem I notice is a 5 - 6 point difference between ota tuner 1 and ota tuner 2 comparing the same channel. But luckily the strength doesn't drop out to affect the recordings. I get the following using pip on the ota tuners:

ABC tuner 1- 74 /ABC tuner 2 - 68
CBS tuner 1 -85 /CBS tuner 2 - 80
NBC tuner 1 -74 /NBC tuner 2 - 69
CW tuner 1 - 85/CW tuner 2 - 79
Fox tuner 1 -73/FOX tuner 2 - 67
I think you have a bad ota tuner. I have a 722k and ota tuner and it is recording pretty reliably . The only problem I notice is a 5 - 6 point difference between ota tuner 1 and ota tuner 2 comparing the same channel. But luckily the strength doesn't drop out to affect the recordings. I get the following using pip on the ota tuners:

ABC tuner 1- 74 /ABC tuner 2 - 68
CBS tuner 1 -85 /CBS tuner 2 - 80
NBC tuner 1 -74 /NBC tuner 2 - 69
CW tuner 1 - 85/CW tuner 2 - 79
Fox tuner 1 -73/FOX tuner 2 - 67

That kind of re-affirms my theory that if you have strong signal strength to start with 5 or 6 points will not be significant. But those with low numbers, and just making it with one tuner, may have problems.
Glad I decided to go with a small outdoor antenna and dumping unreliable indoor hardware last year. That kind of loss would have been intolerable. YMMV.
I am trying to find an amp now to see if that helps things. Radio shack has 2 of them that I found online but they were $70.

It screwed up again last night and my wife is PO'ed.

I had to reprogram all the timers and am not allowed to use OTA anymore until Dish fixes this issue. What concerns me is that Echostar is not replying to my emails about these issues.


Have you done a hard reset after each of those failures? (press and hold power button) How about, unplug unit and re-plug. What you report is like something that was happening to my 622 when I first hooked up the DTV antenna and tried to do lots of recordings at once, and then also press buttons... it didn't like it and got way freaked out. Including showing it was recording one show, yet the info was for a completely different channel.

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ridiculous commercial volume
