722K Screen Shots and Initial Setup Thoughts

I hope that was a joke and not a serious comment. ;) Or either I'm reading it wrong.

No Digi, I was being serious. My wife and I both noticed that the pq was much sharper than before. I just got a new hdtv in January and it is a 42" Toshiba REGZA hdtv . The pq was not that sharp before and last night we immediately noticed that the sd picture looked more in focus with no compression artifacting in the background . But as I commented before the 722 was a nice improvement over the 622 in pq on our old 57" hdtv rear projection Toshiba tv. I am just wondering if the receiver pq starts to fade as the new chip set gets used for some time. I am sure that as new receivers are created each year that they use the latest technology to create the best picture quality. Or it might just be we become accustom to the picture after a while and no longer see the difference, but for now the pq looks quite sharp.
Actually I dont think its a joke, and in fact he might be correct, I reported last night that the colors seemed richer and t he blacks seemed blacker.

The PQ wasn't something I really paid attention to on my first night having it, I was more interested in getting screen shots and posting my findings as I was finding them. But last night I actually sat down and watched TV and noticed a difference in PQ.

I wouldn't say its a major difference, but a good difference. :)
No Digi, I was being serious. My wife and I both noticed that the pq was much sharper than before. I just got a new hdtv in January and it is a 42" Toshiba REGZA hdtv . The pq was not that sharp before and last night we immediately noticed that the sd picture looked more in focus with no compression artifacting in the background . But as I commented before the 722 was a nice improvement over the 622 in pq on our old 57" hdtv rear projection Toshiba tv. I am just wondering if the receiver pq starts to fade as the new chip set gets used for some time. I am sure that as new receivers are created each year that they use the latest technology to create the best picture quality. Or it might just be we become accustom to the picture after a while and no longer see the difference, but for now the pq looks quite sharp.

I wasn't talking about the quality being better but your chipset fade comment. It's all 1 and 0's. If it "fades" then you are missing some 1's and 0's which would cause tons of other issues.
Have any of you with 722K done 4 stream recordings at the same time while watching another recorded show? How was the receiver performance?
I wasn't talking about the quality being better but your chipset fade comment. It's all 1 and 0's. If it "fades" then you are missing some 1's and 0's which would cause tons of other issues.
I agree, I doubt the chipset can fade like he described -- more likely is that someone just gets used to the new PQ and since it doesn't seem new, impressive anymore then that person thinks something has faded.
I got all 4 to record at once and was watching a 5th (which is amazing) until my OTA reception dropped again and the OTA recordings stopped.
Ok woke up this morning to find that te Over The Air Audio Glitch has Returned.

YouTube - 722K OTA Tuner Audio Glitch

To me this is one of more annoying bugs, as I said before I can live without the 2 fringe digital signals that the 722K can not pull, but this one could get annoying.
I have reported this issue to the beta team and hopefully I get a reply.

I am hoping that perhaps I have a bad MT2 tuning module.
I got all 4 to record at once and was watching a 5th (which is amazing) until my OTA reception dropped again and the OTA recordings stopped.

I wonder if the ota module is not installed correctly and that is what makes some people have problems with the ota reception? Or the ota module is getting damaged when it is installed or already came that way? I have had no problems recording my ota tuners or sat tuners in the two days I have had it. I had a initial decrease of ota signal strength but it has all came back ,except my CBS ota station that went from 92-95 down to 82-85. Still no breakups or problems.
I was just contacted by the Beta department and they are looking into it.

Good to get a reply and I will do what I can to help them resolve this issue.
Go for it. The 2 channels I can't get that I could get on the 622 are really far away stations. Its just the fact that that the 622 could get them and this next generation product could not concerns me.

And I think the reason for it is because the off air signal is split inside the tuner cartridge causing some signal loss.

I am not sure if there is some kind of Pre Amp I can put in line just before the 722K to boost the signal enough so that the split in the cartridge does not drop the signal down as much. I am sure someone can chime in who knows. :)

Thanks Scott I'll go with it and see what happens.
I have noticed that the sound through the a/v receiver will for no reason suddenly get louder at times and I have to adjust the volume. This happened during the movie I was watching today. I also noticed something strange that I didn't notice before. The ota station for ABC was up on both ota tuners at the same time. I did a swap and checked the strength and there was at least 5 points difference on one ota tuner vs the other. I am wondering if this is why some are having some problems with their ota reception?
... The sd picture looks more in focus and no compression artifacts in the background as before on some of my most watched sd channels. I also noticed a jump in pq back when I replaced my 622 with a 722.
The SD up-conversion in the 622 is awful - deinterlacing artifacts make some programs unwatchable. If I take the time to reset the 622 to SD output, the TV does a MUCH better job at converting it to 1920x10890 for display.

But I thought the 722 was the same receiver.
I wonder if this is just a temporary thing because of the newer chip set in these receivers. Maybe once you have them for while they start to fade again and you go back to the same pq as before.
No reason for things to change over time. There's nothing to "wear out". There's also not much reason for MPEG decoding to be different. But changes in encoding can significantly affect PQ.
The SD up-conversion in the 622 is awful - deinterlacing artifacts make some programs unwatchable. If I take the time to reset the 622 to SD output, the TV does a MUCH better job at converting it to 1920x10890 for display.

But I thought the 722 was the same receiver.

No reason for things to change over time. There's nothing to "wear out". There's also not much reason for MPEG decoding to be different. But changes in encoding can significantly affect PQ.

The 722 is supposed to be the same receiver but it has a bigger hard drive and it came out a year after the 622 , so newer chip sets. Newer chips sets should bring improved picture quality. As to the fading of pq, I was just speculating. More likely you become accustom to the pq and what once looked sharp , now loses its eye catching appeal after a while.

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