I didn't spend $3,000 to watch BW movies from the 50's or some foreign film that you have to read. and you're right it isn't........but they won't come get it. lol
that's one way to keep customers
squicken said:
Tim, have you seen what's coming up on the Cinema 10s?

Magnificant Seven
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
Fistfull of Dollars
Mad Max
Hard Days Night

in addition to already

Manchurian Candidate
Platoon (long ago)

I agree. I love the unfolding content on the Cinemas (even if epics are not epics). By the way I'll take a B&W movie classic over short run HD sitcoms anyday (and I love Hogan's Heroes - It was a long run Bing Crosby production). In contrast to other posters, B&W DOES benefit from HD treatment, REALLY.

I would be happy with
The Great Race (oops in living color)
Manchurian Candidate
Seven Days in May

if that was all that ever appeared on the Cinemas, I would be happy. I actually did spend 10K+ on HD equipment to see content like the Cinema 10s. Patton in HD would push me to nirvana. I was pretty psyched to see The Man Who would be King on Sean's new movies thread.

The one thing I couldn't live w/o (my fav film) is The Wind & the Lion. So it was an impulse buy & I even just upped the unit to 70 hours of HD. I think it will be a rare occasion that I'll have a "keeper" from HDnet, actually The Wild Bunch was the only other content I could think of wanting the last 6 mos.

So Voom remains MY HD content provider. Come'on Voom PVR. In retrospect, I actually don't understand the point of this thread. Cuban's competing jewels aren't ever likely coming to Voom, so the issue is moot. People saying they are walking if one or two channels don't come to Voom are as shortsighted as pi$$ing contests of moot channels are undiplomatic. Ooops, did I actually say "out loud" what I was thinking.

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