Rebranding of HD Cinema Channels have been done!

I don't understand why The Three Stooges doubleheader is playing on Majestic and not HaHa. Perhaps they should rename this station to NyukNyuk.

WOW, just as submitted this post the Majestic (Channel 107) station went off the air. It looks like there may be further changes? Add 102, 108-110 to the mix.
Relax Guys!!! Let's give them a break until things settle down. The change from MOOV to LAB is interesting, hopefully it means additional (and different) content ;)
I'm disappointed guytv isn't babestv. Between gunslinger, vice, and haha, I think we have the guys covered, EXCEPT FOR THE BABE FACTOR!!
Now lets make them (cinema10) a package so most can turn them off and reduce their bill. :D

Rebranding? Who cares? Flipper is still flipper.
So how about a separate channel for Tank? I would pay for that! Its nice to be able to sit & read with an 11ft fishtank on the wall. Totally blows people away. :shocked
Primetime on the East Coast, it goes off about the time us Left Coasters come home from work.
The schedule looks weird as well. It's not the constant 2 movies alternating. Sometimes they'll have three different movies, then the same movie twice and another movie twice.
Is there any chance the day might come where the cinema channels would play a full days worth of movies like a real channel instead of just the 2 movies per day. If they've got a decent size catalog why don't they do this?

Or is their catalog not that big, do they only get certain movies for a certain period?
I actually like the way they repeat the two movies all day long. I don't always have the time to watch a movie all the way through, and I like being able to come back later and pick up where I left off. Had to do this yesterday -- it took three tries to get through The Slugger's Wife (although in this particular case it was because the movie couldn't hold my interest!).
You might be on to something with your time limit guess, though. Maybe they rent the movies by the day?
I agree. Until the DVR is available, I'd rather have multiple re-runs throughout the day, like in a theater, so I can pick the best time to watch. I hate it when I miss a good movie because the time was not convenient. Once the DVR is released, this will be a different story though.
Well maybe they could go up to 4 movies a day. Just looking to see if they could offer some more variety to increase the odds of something being on that's worth a watch.
BFG said:
Well maybe they could go up to 4 movies a day. Just looking to see if they could offer some more variety to increase the odds of something being on that's worth a watch.
BFG, between CINEMA10 and MonstersHD, they are adding 50-60 new movies each month (according to Sean's records). Assuming that this stays the same, would you prefer to have bigger variety throughout the day, resulting in more frequent repeats throughout the month, or would you rather have less repeats throughout the month and more repeats throughout the day? ;)

By the way, don't remember if anyone mentioned this: they have three movies per day on ch.103 "FilmFest HD".
would you rather have more repeats throughout the month and less repeats throughout the day? ;)

Yes, I think I'd rather have those movies repeat more during the month.

They could do it in like blocks, repeating 1 movie in each block ex morning, midday, primetime, and late nigt. That would give you four movies a day and repeated between 2-3 times in each block.

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