offer from dish...this is better!!!!

Matt said:
doesn't apply for SBC/Dish Network customers. I just called and they told me, that SBC is NOT offering this atm. :-( :shocked

It doesn't even apply for Dish Commercial either. My apt. complex is serviced by Dish Commercial and since I have an N facing balcony I can't put a dish up. Not being able to get the offer with Dish Commercial is a ripoff as far as I'm concerned. I'm just going to stay with OTA.
Just a reminder--you can use the Dish Club referral discount with a Local Retailer. That's what I did and was able to have them point the dish to 61.5 without any extra charge. Please PM me for a Dish Club referral number for your $50 discount and some tips on working with the Local Retailers (I found one that does the regioinal installs for Dish and other retailers in the area).
Need some feedback as to whether this is correct or not....I use to be with E* back in the day for one year. My original contracted ended in 10-16-04. At that time I signed up for Voom and had it till the end. I called this evening hoping to jump in on the voom offer by dish however I didn't have any luck. I was told to qualify I would have to make a 2 year commitment instead of 1. Does this sound right? If so then thats how it goes and I just won't bother. I don't want to get locked into a 2 year agreement with MPEG4 coming. Thanks for the help!
Sarcoptic said:
Need some feedback as to whether this is correct or not....I use to be with E* back in the day for one year. My original contracted ended in 10-16-04. At that time I signed up for Voom and had it till the end. I called this evening hoping to jump in on the voom offer by dish however I didn't have any luck. I was told to qualify I would have to make a 2 year commitment instead of 1. Does this sound right? If so then thats how it goes and I just won't bother. I don't want to get locked into a 2 year agreement with MPEG4 coming. Thanks for the help!

It is true. I was with them before, and I committed to 2 years in order to get all the new sub equipment and spiffs. I don't regret it one bit. PQ is kicking Voom's ass, got the 942 for $249, the 811, the $100 fee waived for 2nd dish, and all the programming deals.

Don't worry about the 2 year commitment

If you sign up with Dish, and they deploy MPEG4, and you are a paying subscriber, don't you think they will have a reasonable offer for new MPEG4 equipment (such as the new 411 receiver), or upgrade your equipment for free? They want to keep you as a subscriber...

mitch672 said:
If you sign up with Dish, and they deploy MPEG4, and you are a paying subscriber, don't you think they will have a reasonable offer for new MPEG4 equipment (such as the new 411 receiver), or upgrade your equipment for free? They want to keep you as a subscriber...


For what it's worth, before I signed up the CSR told me that if I leased the 942, then the upgrade would be free once they went MPEG4.

Think about it.

If your leasing something and it stops working you would just turn it back in and leave if they did not offer you a newer model that would work.

Same with dish, I predict Free upgrades to Mpeg4 receviers if you are leasing.

Best deal I can think of for Prev Voom Customer that never had Dishnetwork before.

1. Use a Club Dish to avoid the $49.95 activation fee (many here have the referal numbers, just Private message any of us).

2. Free 2nd Dish for 61.5 if any of your locals require it be FCC law
Can also take the 148 degree local sat and have the installer point it to 61.5
You can check you address here (if the link does not work go to: local programing, the link is at the bottom)

- If your in a Super Dish market its $100 for the Voom 2nd dish

- If your in a normal DIsh 500 market its also $100

3. Get a 942 for the $250 upgrade price on the $5 a month lease and hope for free upgrades to the 942 Mpeg4 version also on the same lease when it comes out.
Ordering questions...

Hi, I am looking to switch to dish since I can no longer live without some quality television.... I miss the voom and so here is what I am looking at getting:

1 - 942 dvr - $250.00 fee
2 - 811 hds - free
voom dish - $100
activation fee - $50
switch fee? - $114??

From what I have read I know I can eliminate the activation fee by using club referral, what I am unclear of is what the 'switch fee' is? I haven't come across it anywhere in the forums.

I decided that I will probebly go with the everything package + hd pack + voom + italian channels (they look interesting), I will be going with the 'no committment' option that they offered me and forego all the special 3 month offers.

Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance!
Russ Inman
The switch is 200.00

I just got my bill yesterday :mad: I though it was part of the free install. And I can't return it and get my own since it was in very fine print on page 4 of the contract you sign after the install is done.

Also the 942 is cheaper if you sign up and cancel the next day and pay 500.00 for unreturned equipment.
roachxp said:
Also the 942 is cheaper if you sign up and cancel the next day and pay 500.00 for unreturned equipment.

I am not following you on this one... does one sign up, have it installed, and then cancel the day after install? I think that there is a 3 day window after install where you can cancel free of charge.. is this correct? But more importantly how would this make the 942 cheaper?

Thanks - Russ
russ1977 said:
I am not following you on this one... does one sign up, have it installed, and then cancel the day after install? I think that there is a 3 day window after install where you can cancel free of charge.. is this correct? But more importantly how would this make the 942 cheaper?

Thanks - Russ

I have never heard of the "switch" fee as a new Dish customer--where did you get this quote?

Also, if you lease the 942 for $250, it is leased and from other posts on this and the Dishnet forum, it is most likely your 942 will be upgraded for little or nothing for the MPEG-4 if it is leased.

If you buy it, then no guarantees, plus it is a rather new equipment--only out in the last few months and why take a risk of owning it without knowing what other changes it may need?
The switch is free if you are a VOOM customer switching to dish and never had dish before. Some CSRs are outsourced contractors and do not know the right screen to enter the information into. Also I have heard of some local retailers trying this on Super Dish install for the DPP 44 switch.

Call back till they get it right, whatch out for the India outsourced call center.
Use only the number on the dish main page

The and other sites are all outsourced 3rd parties that get commisioned on sales.

If you need a Club Dish referal number to avoid the $49.95 activation fee let any of us know, just Private message us (click on our screen names for the pull down menu option).
Avoiding Mpeg 4 equipment failure

I just had my service installed yesterday and now have the 924 hd-dvr receiver and Both dish antennas installed. I opted for the second antenna install at no extra fee due to the fact I live in an area where a second 61.5 dish is needed for my extra locals.

I haven't had the Voom hd package activated yet and will wait approx. 2 weeks to do so. Hoping since I have the extra equipment on site there will be no extra installation charge of $100 to activate the Voom package.

I signed up at E*'s website and noticed right off they have a customer "home protection plan". Simple put it cost $5.99 per month and covers you in case of Equiment damage/failure. Signing up with a 1yr or 2 yr commitment will give you the Protection Plan at no cost for the length of your commitment. When and if you cancel your service before your commitment ends you are subject to penalty. The contract agreement states the "lesser of the two", $10 per month or $240 max. If I have service and fullfil 18 months of my 24 month agreement, then I move cancel service I would have to pay $60 for early cancelation (that of course being I signed a 2 yr commitment).

Best part is when Mpeg 4 arrives and my equipment fails they replace it at no cost. So a person could either waive the commitment deal and still pay $6 per month to have insurance on the Mpeg 4 equipment exchange.

Has anyone done the same and had the second dish install for extra locals? How long did you wait to add the Voom package and were your hasseled over the $100 install fee?

There is no need to wait for signing up with VOOM as the $100 install fee is waived by FCC LAW if you have locals in your DMA like you do. Many others are also by law not getting charged $100 of there locals are on the 148 degrees sat, they then just ask the installer to point it to 61.5 for voom (they of course give em a little TIP like you should give all good installers).

This is a law set by the FCC under MUST carry for locals. THey CANT charge you $100 of your locals are on a wing sat. Starting late next year this law will change and all loals must be on the same dish (cant split em up on two dish like they do in some markets).

As for the warranty, it will not apply to MPEG4 as if your under the lease they will have a special offer for all lease customers (terms not announced yet). I bet it will be a free upgrade with an other one year contract or something like that to match direct TVs offer.

For the warranty, I would go with ONLY the free one year warrant and one year contract, NOT TWO, as one year from now is when Mpeg4 will be hitting hard (you can do an other year then). Gives you more options that way.

PS -
installer like it when you sign the one year contract (they get an extra bonus and you get a one year warranty) a win win for all.
bookwalk said:
I have never heard of the "switch" fee as a new Dish customer--where did you get this quote?

It was the price they charged me on my 1st bill for a #44 switch.

If someone knows that this charge is bogus let me know.
On the Retailer chat the CEO Charlie E him self said the 34 switch is free, the 44 switch required for Super dish is not unless they are a voom customer new to dish as its part of the $100 switch to Voom promo.

If they are not a prev. Voom customer then the 44 switch is extra for super dish and the CEO said he would suggest waiting to upgrade them till Mpeg4 (the 44 switch for super dish is expensive).

I would call them back.

Also here are the published details from the site.
THey say the $100 is the price for the certain Voom HD channels not $100 plus the price of the switch.

The site does say that the activation fee is only waived if you order online. I would order on the phone to be sure they get the order right (use the number at Dish corp not the outsourced one on the web page).
For that you may need a club dish referal number to avoid the $49.95 activation fee (the referer gets $5 off there bill).

====pasted text=========

**Price valid for first 3 months. Offer requires 1-year commitment to qualifying programming under the Digital Home Advantage program. If qualifying service is terminated or downgraded prior to end of 1-year period, a cancellation fee equal to the lesser of $240 or $20 per month for each cancelled month of service will apply. Customer must call to downgrade after 3 months or the then-current price for the 180-channel package will apply.

Certain HD channels require an additional dish antenna at a cost of $100 at the time of initial installation.
Well lucky me some called up to follow up on my complaint about the switch fee, they credited me back the 200.00 :) They also got the ball rolling on the CBS-HD waiver. I guess that call to the executive offices to complain did the trick.
For those of you who has experience with Dish network installs can you help ?
My local installer tells me the following: Are these true ?
1) Using someone else's Club Dish referel # will not get me any
promotions or discounts. Only the person whose name which
is associated with the number gets a bill reduction.

2) You have to pay the installer the activation fee of $49.99 on the
day of the install. It'll be refunded on the 1st bill.

3) You get charged for 2 months on the first bill.
WRONG--If you use a Club Dish Referral Code--You, the customer get $50 off the Activation, but you STILL get the $49.99 credit on your first bill. I used a Club Dish referral and paid nothing (except the 942 receiver lease fee of $250) on install, but I did get the $49.99 credit on my first bill.

Yes, the Club Dish member who gives you the referral number gets $5 off his bill. That's IF the local retailer uses the member's referral code, instead of his own!

You do get charged 2 months on the first bill.

If you want to try it, PM me (click on my username) and I will give you a Club Dish Referral Number and special code for Local Retailer installs.