$399 Installed for VOOM? (Yes, it is confirmed...)

Just subscribed--$399

I just hung up the phone from subscribing. When the CSR asked where I heard about V I said a friend had told me about it and the great deal for $399. He went on to ask what the details of the offer were. I quoted the 4 items listed further back in this thread, and was then asked which state I lived in--I said CA, to which he responded, your right it is $399 (total of 428.43 with tax). My install is scheduled and I'll have to let the forum know how it goes. :D

I also asked about the release of the DVR/HD Receiver and was told they haven't been given any details as of yet.
Voom Looks at Big Price Cuts

First time that it's published somewhere other than a forum...

Voom Looks at Big Price Cuts

By John M. Higgins -- Broadcasting & Cable, 2/9/2004

Abstract: After a dose of growing pains, startup high-def DBS service Voom is set to rework its prices and launch a more serious marketing campaign. Quietly, the Cablevision Systems subsidiary has been testing several new pricing and packaging proposals. One cuts its high, $750 equipment price to $399. Another offers a $500 rebate to anyone buying a Voom receiver and a new HD set, cutting the entry pric...
More news that we know already... Are these news reporters reading the different forums in the internet? ;)

Satellite TV Price Cuts

Voom, the satellite service offered by Cablevision, is getting ready for price cuts and deals to boost its subscriber base, according to a trade publication.

The equipment package required to receive the Voom high-definition signal has been selling for $750 since its introduction last fall. According to the Web site of Broadcasting & Cable magazine, Bethpage-based Cablevision is looking at lowering the price to $399.

The service has had trouble attracting subscribers because of difficulty installing equipment and reception issues, the Web site said.

The $39.90 monthly fee was being waived through early this year as part of the kickoff promotion. It was unclear whether that offer was being extended.

The service includes 39 high-definition new channels, including several created by Cablevision's Rainbow programming division.

Voom executives could not be reached for comment.
I live in CA .. Does anyone know How I can get a Flyer????????

I live in CA .. Does anyone know How I can get a Flyer????????
I wanted to ask you ... Where in CA do you live? (SO when I call I can tell the CSR that buddy in such & such CA just scheduled an inststall for $399.00) I just had mine installed on 2/9/04 and maybe I can get a partial refund!! Thanks for your help!!

tandclewis said:
I just hung up the phone from subscribing. When the CSR asked where I heard about V I said a friend had told me about it and the great deal for $399. He went on to ask what the details of the offer were. I quoted the 4 items listed further back in this thread, and was then asked which state I lived in--I said CA, to which he responded, your right it is $399 (total of 428.43 with tax). My install is scheduled and I'll have to let the forum know how it goes. :D

I also asked about the release of the DVR/HD Receiver and was told they haven't been given any details as of yet.
whiteypants said:
I wanted to ask you ... Where in CA do you live? (SO when I call I can tell the CSR that buddy in such & such CA just scheduled an inststall for $399.00) I just had mine installed on 2/9/04 and maybe I can get a partial refund!! Thanks for your help!!


I do not want to dissapoint you about this. You may try it and let us know what happens. I think the current policy (which sucks!) is that once you signed up and installed, you can't claim any promotions. Again, do not take my word as policy maker and try it. We all waiting to see what VOOM will do for those that spent $749 initially.
To be honest w/ you after first impressions.. I haven't been overly enthraled w/ the service (Not $800 worth anyways) and was considering cancelling before I saw that that there was a $399 install promo. If I coud get it for $399 I think it would be worth it to keep just b/c of how damn clear HD technology is (It's a great WOW factor when freinds come over) but I just don't think impressing my freinds is worth a $800 start up. I do like how it only costs $40 a month w/ one free plus package. No other service will give you their service w/ a movie package for so cheap. (Not even taking into consideration the fact that it's in HD) But overall I just have a few issues (After two days of impressions)
1. Very slow loading time from channel to channel.
2. The VOOM box doesn't have the ability to ZOOM the display on SD channels. (Only Pillars or Stretch)
3. SD channels seem to not be very clear at all. (Granted my dish might need to be adjusted)
4. Missing some key channels. (I know they are adding new ones all the time so that probably isn't a big deal.)
5. The fact that other people are getting it for $399 and all I had to do was mention a flyer to save $350. (that's not chump change that's alot of $$) I always count money by how many Playstation 2's or XBOX's I could buy w/ the money. (such as $900 = 5 XBOX's) $350 is $10 short of 2 XBOX's. That's no joke!!

The plain and simple fact is I won't keep it if they don't give it to me for $399.. I'll let you know how it works out!
"3. SD channels seem to not be very clear at all. (Granted my dish might need to be adjusted)"

I am sooooo glad you posted this. :clap I was worried it might be my TV that was causing this. I too am dissapointed with SD picture quality. :mad: Is anybody else dissapointed with SD PQ? :confused:

When we get spoiled by increasing amounts of HD, SD always looks bad, but admiittedly worse than less compressed OTA SD (which bests Sat SD). Big high res sets (even with good scalers) show garbage in garbage out and the flaws inherent in a signal meant for small Philco's. Compared to the other DBS services, Voom's SD is actually quite good, but being the best of the bad is no great shakes.

I find myself watching HD almost exclusively.

I just ordered mine today, said I read about a $399 offer. He asked me what state and California is one of the eligible ones. Just call - it was easy. He looked up the coupon code and I got it for $399 - Install date is 2/21
Just call and ask for the $399 deal - I did this morning and they gave it to me without any hassle.

whiteypants said:
I live in CA .. Does anyone know How I can get a Flyer????????
Does anyone know what kind of antenna they give you? Is it just the one that clips on the dish? That won't help me as I need something a little bigger with a rotor.
pmalve said:
Does anyone know what kind of antenna they give you? Is it just the one that clips on the dish? That won't help me as I need something a little bigger with a rotor.


welcome to the board. It is a stealth antenna. Here is a link to it Model 3010 - http://www.channelmaster.com/pages/s1.htm. In my case, I am not using it since I already had my own antennas installed. Others can give you a better assessment of the performance of this antenna.
adtoolco said:
"3. SD channels seem to not be very clear at all. (Granted my dish might need to be adjusted)"

I am sooooo glad you posted this. :clap I was worried it might be my TV that was causing this. I too am dissapointed with SD picture quality. :mad: Is anybody else dissapointed with SD PQ? :confused:

I'm glad to see I have some company here, I thought I was the only one who bitched about SD programming. :shocked

I don't have VOOM so I am talking about Dish, but I was curious about VOOM SD as well since I am viewing on a 110" screen. :yes
I had heard through the grape vine that there was supposed to be some kind of "pricing / promotional announcement" today. Any word???
Gregg Loewen said:
I had heard through the grape vine that there was supposed to be some kind of "pricing / promotional announcement" today. Any word???
I just talked to a VOOM CSR about the $350 and $500 rebates. He wouldn't extend either of these offers to an existing customer, BUT(!) he mentioned that there is going to be an announcement (as early as Thursday or Friday) affecting existing customers. He wouldn't go into specifics, but he strongly advised not to make any "moves" until then.

Hold your breath, guys!
I guess this is what they were talking about...

... I don't think I'm satisfied. :(
Here's the email from VOOM:

As one of our first VOOM customers, you and other "VOOMERS" like yourself have supported us through our early days and watched our programming lineup expand. Starting February 19th we're adding 26 new channels including 4 new HD Channels. Our new channels include HBOSM, CinemaxSM, CNNSM, TNTSM, TBSSM and Turner Classic MoviesSM, to name just a few. In total VOOM now has 34 HD channels - more than any other service provider in America. We will also now offer over 70 channels in standard definition format, with the free monthly preview extended through March 31st!

As we unveil new offers for new customers, we want to extend our appreciation for your loyalty. After all, you've been with VOOM since the beginning. Therefore we are offering you a one time $300 VOOM credit towards future monthly billing statements. This offer is for all customers who have signed up for our service prior to February 20, 2004. This credit will happen automatically, and you don't need to do anything. If you have any questions, please call one of our customer relations agents at 1.800.GET.VOOM.

We appreciate your support and your input as we continue to grow and expand our lineup of the most HDTV anywhere. Thank you for helping us to make VOOM America's best HDTV provider.

Okay, so now I want to ask you all a question...

In the email they state, "This offer is for all customers who have signed up for our service prior to February 20, 2004." So I am assuming that this offer is not exclusive to only the people that spent $750+TAX set up. So basically the unlucky people who spent $750+TAX now after the $300 service credit will basically be paying $450 and the lucky few who got VOOM installed for $400+TAX will be paying basically $100 after the this $300 service credit. I'm sorry but to me that is an even bigger slap in the face!!

Am I wrong about this assumption?
Can someone who only paid $400+TAX for install please confirm or deny this?