$399 Installed for VOOM? (Yes, it is confirmed...)

Here's another promotion coming from AVS:

Originally posted by potus
I just got a mailer for a $500 rebate on Voom if you show proof of purchase of an HDTV set between 11/1/03-2/29/04.

That brings it down to $250....

The HDTV cannot be a projector.
Sean Mota said:
Here's another promotion coming from AVS:

The HDTV cannot be a projector.
Huh? What difference should it make if you bought the HDTV before 11/03? It's not like v* is selling TV's yet. Doesn't make much sense to me....
Here are 9 of the 10 states where this offer will be good. Either $250 or $399 and it will have to be a mailer. This was taken from AVS

Originally posted by bhambrad
The States for the deal:


This is really one marketing mess!!!!
Just passing along the information from Yahoo Group:

----- Original Message -----
From: Jeffrey Yapp
To: VOOM@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Sunday, January 18, 2004 12:32 AM
Subject: RE: [VOOM] 399

Hi My Name is Jeff and I work in Marketing at Voom. I have been following this group for several months and watched the interactions on the technical side and the input has been very valuable. Thank you.

Now to switch to the topic of the day. We are currently testing several different offers in the marketplace. You seem to have picked up on a couple of the test offers. We have been in a preview period which will be ending on Feb. 29th. We are looking at a number of changes that reflect changes in the competitive landscape and the consumer market place.

We have all watched and been effected by the policies of existing DBS providers that have focused on new customers. We don't intend to let that happen to our subscribers. We value all of our subscribers, and we will work very hard to avoid losing anyone.

We are moving as quickly as we can to finalize our programs. I am hopeful that you will wait until all of the facts before you make any decisions. I am hopeful that once you have all of the facts you will feel that you've been treated fairly. Also, that you have a great product that represents the best value in the HD market.

Thanks for your patience and sorry for any confusion that our test offers have caused.
Whatever happened to their lease option? Are they deciding to not have the lease option at first to try to get more money on the hardware upfront?
I think it will eventually happened. Right now, there is two offers that we know about:


Jeffrey Yapp has admitted that there are more offers that we do not know about.

Independent retailers​

and there are probably others. He also admitted that this marketing scheme was a bad idea without letting your current subs know what's going on. It sounds like he is trailing water right now and whether to believe that VOOM will do the right thing (eventually) with earlier subs is jus a guess right now. To me it sounds like the same type of garbage that we hear from big corporation. We'll take care of you but at the end who knows if it will happen. This information does not keep me quiet, it kind of send a strong signal to us user. If they do not come up with compensation for early adopters before 3/1/04, they might as well receive my equipment back because I will not stay on to find out that nothing was done. They still owe me $300 that they overcharged my account for the 2nd receiver, it has been over a month and still I did not get my money back. How hard it is to do this I do not understand, but it was very easy to charge it. Do you think there is a big group people that bought two receivers and were overcharged? I know this does not fall into the topic of the thread but it comes to show that old saying "I believe it when I see it" may become the theme for VOOM. It just becoming like E* --- promises without delivery...
I will most certain cancel just as soon as I can after say 2/15 when I see if they are going to produce any other channels, its all I can do to wait until then, this is the most worthless peice of junk I have ever seen. A big rip off. I for one will stay with Directv, and wait on more HD programs. Just my opinion.
Sean- Just a tip for you so you will not be caught off guard on your $300 overcharge.

Contact your CC bank immediately and advise them that you have requested this correction and they have not yet complied. You have to establish your dates to protect your rights under the Federal CC protection act. I believe you have 60 days and then your rights expire, 90 in Canada. That would be from the date of your first statement listing the incorrect charges. Just tell your CC bank that you have notified VOOM anf they have not issued the credit. This will trigger a chargeback with VOOM and they will be required to show proof that they had every right to charge you the amount stated or issue the credit. No!, if you used one of those VISA Check cards or a debit card rather than a credit card, then you have no legal protection at all. You will have to sue VOOM. One good reason to never use VISA check cards or debit cards to make purchases. (I believe the legislation to bring these cards under the CC protection act is still in committee)

Normally, I give a merchant 48 hours to correct an error on their own and tell them I will give that amount of time, no exceptions! After passing of 48Hours, I automatically notify the CC of a fraudulant charge. Don't try to be the nice guy here, you will lose. Just conduct yourself in a business like and firm manner.

I have taken your advice... I have contacted the CC company and the process has started. BTW, My charged was on 11/20/03 and today is 1/18/04 almost two months into this nonsense. I agree completly with you. Thanks.
On the Yahoo message board, Jeffrey Yapp in marketing at VOOM writes: "The end of the preview period is 2/29 and know that are are going to have to a program for all of you before that date."
I was given this information by MagicConch regarding the $399 deal for new subscribers

Hey Sean,

I wanted to let you know something since you amalgamate all the data on Voom. If you want to get 399 without certificate you must (1) also be part of the 10 states (2) say you are friend or family of someone who gets certificate.
So if your in one of the 10 states it is 399 vs 750???, and the 2nd receiver is only 199 vs the 400-500 (or what ever I paid) ? Argh! Hopefully there will be a plan for the early subscribers.

On a side note a Voom installer came by and moved my 61.5 satellite. It is now working fine with a signal strength of 45. I still cant get the 2nd receiver working.


Gregg Loewen said:
So if your in one of the 10 states it is 399 vs 750???, and the 2nd receiver is only 199 vs the 400-500 (or what ever I paid) ? Argh! Hopefully there will be a plan for the early subscribers.

On a side note a Voom installer came by and moved my 61.5 satellite. It is now working fine with a signal strength of 45. I still cant get the 2nd receiver working.



The early subscribers will be compensated, most likely with programming credits.

signal strength of 45 will most likely give you nothing when a cloud go over, thats way too low to be stable in raining conditions.
Are you sure about the signal strength?? What SS do you have?
I have been told that it is a different measurement than Dish and Direct.

Please help,

I usually run about 55, never had a total dropout, but do get some pixelization, changing to a 24 inch dish soon