yeah, but as a mechanic I don't like to spend money just to throw parts at things and see if it works or fixes the problem. You guys have more experience. That saves money and frustration. I am sure that I will be out in a blizzard or the hot sun getting more experience soon enough. Example : I just learned that I could not use a lnbf that has 22k switching and a separate switch that has 22k switching already. I was actually about to make that mistake. That would have really sucked. So I understand NOW why you pointed me to the ecoda switch and the "non" 22k switching "not universal" dual lnbf. I understood how it worked but not why these items in particular. Now, I do. Reliability, future add ons capability, and the switching not in the lnbf. So thank you all for bearing my questions. I will order and do this now and later post pics.