It was posted earlier in the thread that a Dish CSR had explained that the $5 second Hopper 3 fee was only for purchased Hopper 3's that were added after January 14. I laughed at the explanation at the time. However, since you had no trouble getting the new rate, it is starting to look like that explanation may indeed actually be correct. That may be what Dish had been trying to do in order to fix the billing in dweber's case above. However, in that case, it didn't work. So, dropping the existing purchased Hopper 3 and adding the same one back again will not fix the billing issue. It has to be a brand-new Hopper 3, purchased after January 14, to get the new rate. If that is the case, that is a really screwy way to do things. Like I said, Dish already required these existing two-Hopper 3 users to purchase the second one, in order to be allowed to have two Hopper 3's at all. Now, they are apparently being forced to remove their existing purchased Hopper 3 and purchase yet another one, if they want to take advantage of the new rates. Otherwise, they are stuck "grandfathered" at a higher rate, which is not how Dish's grandfathering normally works. Add to that the fact that customers who only have one Hopper 3 do not get the discount at all, even though it is purchased (as we found out earlier in the thread) and it is starting to look like Dish is actively trying to screw over as many Hopper 3 owners as possible. I am glad that things worked out okay for you though, ewindowman.