When in Rome.

Soooo, a person that did NOT commit any crime, AND told those above him ... should be fired according to you ...The answers to at least one question, WOW, and seems to demonstrate he doesn't grasp the big picture. BUT, IMO, Ohio State looks as bad if not worse. Like many institutions they were trying to have it both ways, keep a great coach who brought them a championship but they believed they had to punish him in someway. I believe the 3 game suspension is a cop out one way or the other, but after some of Urban's answers led me to conclude, he should be fired for just that alone.
What message do you have for Courtney Smith? Urban Meyer: "I'm sorry we're in this situation."
WOW. That is really bad.
As much as I don't care for Ohio State, I have to agree.This is a PERSONAL case, should not have even been part of any university issue to start with.
Soooo, a person that did NOT commit any crime, AND told those above him ... should be fired according to you ...
Amazing ... how about getting some help for the 2 people actually involved in this case ....
This is a PERSONAL case, should not have even been part of any university issue to start with.
As much as I don't care for Ohio State, I have to agree.
Police reports had been filed in the past between this couple, with restraining orders issued. Nothing was hidden, nor did Meyer violate any laws or rules.
Should we expect every boss in the country to be fired if one of their directs has constant fights with an ex? This has been going back an forth between the assistant and his ex for years.
I'm curious what the response would have been had it been a different school ...
Say an sec team ...
I know, we would have never even heard about it, they sweep everything under the rug and nothing gets done.
Had it been Saban ...
UCLA, Oregon, TCU, Georgia Arizona ...ect ...
Yup, never would have heard about it.
People keep thinking that Urban beat his wife and the abuse was with him ... thats NOT WHAT HAPPENED ..
He has nothing to do with the Personal issues of another couple ....
He DID help them years ago when they had issues .... what do people want him to do ?
As for not apologizing to her, I have read that it was not done as it would open the university up for a lawsuit for some reason, which I don't understand.
I just hope we can get back to talking sports instead of this type of stuff.
Ohio State made their decision so, does this hurt the team in those three games? I don't know who they play but I can't imagine this impacts the team much.
Agreed. So why not we just move on and quit acting like those bitches on "The View."I just hope we can get back to talking sports instead of this type of stuff.
The post suspension conference was very odd.IT isn't personal when it brings a University (or any employer) into the spotlight like this has done. But, I think you know that.
He lied, repeatedly. He talked about cleaning his phone of old text messages. The report that was given after the presser was very DAMNING. "Well, they were a young married couple". Jeeshhh, that is horrible and that is just one part. It just shows how little he seemed to grasp the seriousness of the incidents, especially, in today's climate.
I frankly don't care what Ohio State did one way or another but with the report and with his presser where he acted like a pouting child, DUDE, that was horrendous and puts not only him but the university in a very bad light and IMO, it shows how bad his judgement over the entire time with that assistant really was.
Hell, at this point we don't even know if Courtney's part is true, this could be all made up by her (she brought it out at this time for some reason) ...I would feel the same, regardless of who it was. As a Kentucky fan, the one reason I did not want Cal was his track record. Yes, he as never been in any trouble but he has left a trail behind him of pretty bad things, UMass and Memphis.
I would also argue, in todays political climate, any major university would have had to deal with the incidents, PUBLICLY. To not recognize that is ridiculous.
I don't know how anyone could think Urban was accused of anything other that covering for an assistant and ignoring the incidents over a period of time. You know as well as I do that if any boss ignores things going on with his subordinates, it is quite possible he will get in some type of trouble with his bosses. It works that way in every job.
Do you believe this entire incident, including what is in the report and his presser shows good judgement on Urban's part?
As for the team, I doubt it makes much difference ... they play 2 easy games to start the season, then they play ranked TCU.I just hope we can get back to talking sports instead of this type of stuff.
Ohio State made their decision so, does this hurt the team in those three games? I don't know who they play but I can't imagine this impacts the team much.
Hell, at this point we don't even know if Courtney's part is true, this could be all made up by her (she brought it out at this time for some reason) ...
He swears it didn't happen, she says it did.
Police came and found no evidence of any issue ...
Why did Meyer and the University have to get dragged into this mess ?
Because, Courtney no longer has Zacks paycheck to live off of ...
Sounds like Motive, doesn't it ...
Urban SHOULD be pissed, hes been suspended for something he didn't do.Quite possible. I have no idea how truthful she is or those around her pushing the story. As you and someone else said, this should have been nothing but an inner university/employee issue. But, once it got out......
As I said, if Urban told his superiors about this, then he should not have been suspended IMO. That is why I said the school was trying to appease and punish as little as possible.
The presser and the university release just made it so bad. Urban came off as a complete jerk who was pissed at being punished or even questioned. The university handled this about as bad as you can get IMO.
I hope this doesn't negatively impact the team because at the end of the day, this has NOTHING to do with the kids playing football.
And nothing ever comes of it.One of the many excuses the university made for Meyer was that he had memory problems from medication he was taking, would that be medication for that "heart" condition he has?
Lucky for Ohio that they're considered a wholesome midwestern school, if anything had happen to an SEC power that has happened to schools like them, Penn State, Michigan State, Maryland, Rutgers, etc. The media would have gone ballistic about that athletics mean too much to these schools.
Google Ohio State wrestling. But sure it's southern schools that sweep stuff under the rug. Matter of fact SEC schools are under more scrutiny than anyone else when it comes to football.
There were actually games on yesterday.Finally, were actually now IN the week leading up to the 2018-19 FOOTBALL SEASON !!!