So, it arrived at Yellow Freight this morning, I must say their tracking system is great. They called me about 07:30 and said they do not bring their 40 footers into residential deliveries and asked if I wanted to pick up. I was busy at work and said I would call back.
When I called back, I asked how it was supposed to get here, because it was shipped as residential, and the guy backtracked LOL and stated their box truck guy comes once a week for residential. I said let me think about it. Well, older and wiser, I called them back and said nope, it can sit there until you can deliver it. When they asked why, I said a) because it keeps pressure on you to fulfil your obligation, b) all the liability for damage stays on you until it makes it to my home.
So, I should get it Wed or Thu unless they "find" a truck.