2016 65" E6 OLED Thread

Yeah, I mean they are around $3200 right now from both Cleveland Plasma and VE, but uniformity is an issue still and I wanted it looked at before it got shipped. Only other best option is Best Buy, but you spend more.

And I got a nice calibration too.
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So, it arrived at Yellow Freight this morning, I must say their tracking system is great. They called me about 07:30 and said they do not bring their 40 footers into residential deliveries and asked if I wanted to pick up. I was busy at work and said I would call back.

When I called back, I asked how it was supposed to get here, because it was shipped as residential, and the guy backtracked LOL and stated their box truck guy comes once a week for residential. I said let me think about it. Well, older and wiser, I called them back and said nope, it can sit there until you can deliver it. When they asked why, I said a) because it keeps pressure on you to fulfil your obligation, b) all the liability for damage stays on you until it makes it to my home.

So, I should get it Wed or Thu unless they "find" a truck.
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Totally agree with your logic. I purchased a 60" Pioneer Kuro several years ago from an authorized dealer in Arizona that was popular at the time and had a fantastic price. I was in the ATL area at the time. I decided to pick it up at the local DC instead of waiting (plus my work schedule at the time was going to make it very hard to line up a delivery). I got it home and found a shattered screen (did not inspect at the DC). The dealer was fantastic about it and shipped a new one to the DC for me and I picked it up without incident, but after that he told me that he changed his policy and they were no longer allowing people to pick up at the DC without taking full responsibility at that point.
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New toy is here. Value Electronics put 294 hours on with the break in and cal, so that's great. Really like the styling, and it is a 612/Dec 2016 model.


I hope I can do some movie watching tomorrow, I'm down with the stomach flu so the new toy has to wait! Keep an eye out for the hellhound in the image.
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Finally living again, drinking some pedialyte and watching some saturday morning fixer upper marathon. My first impressions, coming from the 65EF9500

  • Overall noise looks improved for a cleaner image. I read somewhere that its new panel design every TWO years, so the 2016's panels were an update from the one I had.
  • Haven't checked uniformity yet, will try and do tonight
  • The Value Electronics Calibration on SDR looks great so far
  • On both the 2015 and 2016, you need deblur 10 for 600 lines of motion rez, if not you get 300. The issue on the 2015 with 60hz is that with deblur 10 and dejudder 0, the pans were pretty bad and had a juddery effect to them, so you needed to use dejudder too. Well trumotion did not really work at all on 60hz because even with DB 10 DJ 2 it may look nice, on many programs it would jerk around and glitch. I basically left Trumotion off for 60hz and just had the 300 lines of motion, and used DJ 2 and DB 10 for 24hz and it worked perfectly. What I see so far is, with TM on, DB 10 and DJ 0, 60hz looks great. This was stated in reviews and I have to agree, its nice getting more like plasma motion without crazy SOE. I tried DJ 2 and it wasn't too soapy on 60hz, but I did see some tearing, so Ill leave it on 0 until I fire up 24hz content.
  • Instead of just have Just Scan now for 1:1 pixel mapping, you have a toggle for it while also being able to select 16:9 or original. I am going to go with Original + Just scan, I like 1:1 pixel mapping and OAR. They also added a pixel shift feature this year I guess to deter IR, I remember this from the plasma days and it was basically a placebo, and since my EF9500 never has IR issues like plasma, I cut it off.
If I'm up to it tonight, prob gonna watch Deepwater on UHD/HDR, that would be a good first demo.
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Just demo'd the HDR discs I know with trouble spots to look at (from my other OLED), and the E6 went thru them all nicely, it really does a great job. In the scenes with raised blacks there is no vertical banding or noise, and fleshtones in HDR mode look fabulous with the calibration VE did.
Got some dvr's knocked down.

This set now reminds me of the VT50 in how clean the image was. Older plasmas were kinda noisy with dither but not the 50 and 60 series, watching the same content I recently watched on the older OLED what I thought was cable compression noise is gone.Everything is just not as noisy and is one of the biggest things that stands out to me with dvr'd content.

Right now it reminds me of the vt50 image quality wise with much better contrast ratio, the HDR ability is better than the 2015 OLED, and you seem to be able to get full motion resolution with glitches. Video processing is obviously improved.
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My impressions after a week of ownership, vs the EF9500:

  • Near black is much improved. When there is compression you still have some noise, but it blends well as it comes out of black, you don't have these 8 bit Minecraft looking blocks.
  • Handshake is quirky on the E6, the EF9500 never had an issue but when switching inputs on my Marantz I sometimes lose it and must power cycle the source device, or change inputs. Most of the time the E6 will get it back on its own though without me doing anything, but it is way more sensitive than the EF9500.
  • I still feel the overall image is more "clean" looking too.
  • Still no complaints with HDR and flesh tones, etc. look proper to me.
  • I have not had one problem using Blur Reduction 10, where as I could not use it often with 60hz on the EF9500. I have found certain times using 1 DJ causes tearing on 60 hz, but 1 and 10 on 24hz Blu-ray looks great. I found a movie with a good side pan with buildings and windows and watched it with TM off RC on, TM 0 and 10 and then TM 1 and 10. IMO, TM off was terrible with the judder and bouncing windows, 0 and 10 and 1 and 10 were close if not the same but looked MUCH better. This is pretty much what I saw on side scrolling 24hz patterns with Spears and Munsil, so 1 and 10 is what I'll be using.

    I've also been running 1 and 10 on 60hz the last few nights, and it seems it depends on the program if you see any tearing or not, and IMO, the all the time increase in clarity trumps the rare tearing or artifact. YMMV as motion settings are always owner's choice and highly subjective. The only thing of truth is, you get max motion rez with 0 and 10.
  • The menu structure is better, its faster and the toned-down black is so much nicer, especially when it's in HDR mode. The white menus on the EF9500 were WOW.
Found that Dejudder 1, when it causes artifacts, they can be pretty annoying. Using Deblur 10 for full motion rez and Dejudder 0 seems to look nice. I dont see artifacts anymore and 24hz material looks good.

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