This is the last thing I will say and the last post I will make on this thread. It's off topic, but it has to be said.
Aside from the one time I called Cosmo a troll, I have never once made any post about a poster nor have I ever made little snide remarks about what they may have said. Yet, over and over a few on this site constantly make posts mocking my views, and me personally. You know it is true. So please stop and think before you judge me. It is no surprise that many are defending Cosmo as they too have made the same comments. Everyone of them have made some comment along the line of, "I read somewhere that HFA does not matter," followed by some rude smiley, or an offensive personal comment directed at me but done so without directly using my name or in a more indirect manner. You know this too is true.
After a while it gets old and annoying. I probably should not have reacted in the way I did, particularly on a post that by itself was not that bad, but sometimes something has to be said to put an end to it. So for my reaction, I apologize.
Most of you know that if your views, opinions, or thoughts were constantly being mocked, no matter if those views are correct or not, you too would get pissed off after a while. I can go back and post the countless posts made by the same three people saying the same thing over and over, but I don't think I need to.
I can guarantee you if anyone else decides to do the eye rolling crap with some rude comment directly or indirectly made about or towards me, I may not be so nice.
Have fun posting for the rest of the post season. Look forward to reading your posts in other threads.