2010-11 NBA Basketball Season

Then you should "taken your talents" to the T.D. Garden on Legends Way! You could have been a big help to the last Celtics championship because the last one they won, according to a BIG Celtics fan here...He is a very big part in help them win and might have not won it without him.;)

Absolutely!! The Celtics were pathetic before KG and Ray Allen joined Pierce, and obviously they were the nucleus to the 2008 championship team.

KG, Pierce and Ray made the Celtics instant title contenders, BUT it was the additions of the James Poseys, Eddie Houses, P.J. Browns, Leon Powes, and Big Baby Davis' of the world that pushed them over the top!
Interesting words by Dave Hyde...beat writer for the HEAT for the Sun-Sentinel..

By Dave Hyde November 26, 2010 08:25 AM

The No. 1 issue for the Heat isn't injuries or rebounding or what Phil Jackson said about Erik Spoelstra. It's getting LeBron James and Dwyane Wade to play together. This seemed a given in July considering their talents and unselfish games.

But as November turns to December, it's troubling. Wade looks like Wade when James is on the bench taking a break. But when James returns, he disappears. Their games aren't meshing. You can draw up some technical or emotional reasons why. Are they buying in? Can they share the basketball?

Here's a question: Where are the plans incorporating the two of them? This has to be priority No. 1 starting for the Heat tonight against Philadephia. The offense has to bring their two games in sync. That's the challenge for James, Wade and Spoelstra.

How to do it? A fundamental way would be the two-man games to one side. The high pick and-roll with Chris Bosh and either James or Wade works well. But why start using it with Wade and James? It's not how you'd typically do it in the NBA. But these aren't typical talents. A pick-and-roll involving them would seem unstoppable, especially if James Jones or Eddie House spot up on the other side if the defense drops (and they hit the 3-pointer)..

The Heat will get healthy at some point, even if it's next season. They'll get a more effective point guard and center. But for this to work in the manner everyone expected James and Wade have to mesh together on the court. I've always believed two Alpha Dogs of the right mindset can work together. Getting it to happen is the Heat issue that matters above everything else right now.

Dave Hyde | Sun Sentinel blogs | Hyde5: Time to get James and Wade to play together

Which is what happened tonight. Now mind you it was against a bad 76er team, but there were some increased signs of cohesiveness. We shall see what happens tomorrow in Dallas.
We are 6 days away from Cleveland's Day of Reckoning against their former hero.

I'll be interested to see HD's thoughts as we draw closer.

After the initial game, the interest will die IMMEDIATELY. Because the next one will be in Miami in February, I think....and no one will care outside of NE Ohio.
Interesting radio on the to work tonight...The rumor mill has started about the possibility of heavily going after Chauncey Bilups before the trading deadline. ESPECIALLY since IF Carmelo is gone...which more than likely he will be, they will go completely into rebuild mode. The package from here would include a Chalmers and who knows what.
SabresRule said:
We are 6 days away from Cleveland's Day of Reckoning against their former hero.

I'll be interested to see HD's thoughts as we draw closer.

Bet camp treo is already there outside the arena
Wizards are leading the Magic by 3 with under 3 minutes remaining. Dwight Howard sure looks like a center. So did Yinka Dare. Howard has about as much offensive skill when he gets within five feet of the basket as Greg Kite ever did.

I've seen Scott Wedman make eleven shots in a row before, but when Greg Kite goes three for five, with a hook shot, you know it isn't your night.

- Pat Riley
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Tonight....it was terrible shooting that did them in. They cut a 19 point lead down to 5 with 3:51 to go....but 6 straight good defensive stops lead to NO POINTS...! Tonight, they could not find the hole even if they where in a Amsterdam whorehouse...

From my Vibrant using Tapatalk.....
Look at your top ten....IF ALL were to be free agents RIGHT NOW: Who would be on everyone's wish list? In this order(give or take): Lebron, Durrant, Wade, Kobe, Howard, Gasol and Bosh....then the rest. You cannot sit there and not say he was not a top ten when MORE teams wanted Wade, Lebron and Bosh more than anyone else during this off season. And this was, according to EVERY SINGLE NBA insider from media to scouts to GMs, the best FA class in the history of the NBA.

Rearrange the parameters of the discussion all you like, the bottom line is that the ten players I mentioned are all better than Bosh. Period. And you can mention a whole bunch of other players (starting with Carmelo Anthony) who are arguably better than Bosh as well.

I just find it SO funny and strange that how NOW, people think Bosh was/is overrated...when EVERY single team that had a smidget of salary cap space either wanted to sign him or trade for him....

Teams can only bid on who is available. When you limit supply, demand goes up. That's how free agency works.

Just an economic principle that has been around some 5,000 years or so... ;)

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Rearrange the parameters of the discussion all you like, the bottom line is that the ten players I mentioned are all better than Bosh. Period. And you can mention a whole bunch of other players (starting with Carmelo Anthony) who are arguably better than Bosh as well.

Are better how? NOT all ten statiscally? I am gonna assume you are basing it on YOUR opinion.

Teams can only bid on who is available. When you limit supply, demand goes up. That's how free agency works.

Just an economic principle that has been around some 5,000 years or so... ;)


Oh gimme a break "the supply and demand". More than 10 teams had the "demand" for his skills and they more than had enough money to "supply" it. Your Knicks were one the top players in the hunt.
Are better how? NOT all ten statiscally? I am gonna assume you are basing it on YOUR opinion.

Well if you want to think Bosh is better than Kobe Bryant, Lebron James, Dwyane Wade, Pau Gasol, Dwight Howard, Kevin Garnett, Paul Pierce, Steve Nash, Tim Duncan, or Kevin Durant, you go right ahead.

And an argument can be made that a whole lot more are also better than Bosh.

Oh gimme a break "the supply and demand". More than 10 teams had the "demand" for his skills and they more than had enough money to "supply" it. Your Knicks were one the top players in the hunt.

LOL I guess we're not quite grasping the concept that Bosh was getting more free agent offers than the players who weren't free agents because...they weren't free agents!

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Well if you want to think Bosh is better than Kobe Bryant, Lebron James, Dwyane Wade, Pau Gasol, Dwight Howard, Kevin Garnett, Paul Pierce, Steve Nash, Tim Duncan, or Kevin Durant, you go right ahead.

I would say the ONLY players better than him RIGHT NOW...not in their past, not in the career years...but right now, ONLY Kobe, Lebron, Dwayne, Pau, Dwight and Durrant are "much better" than Bosh.

And an argument can be made for a whole lot more.

PLEASE, make that argument, I would like to see that one.

LOL I guess we're not quite grasping the concept that Bosh was getting more free agent offers than the players who weren't free agents because...they weren't free agents!

There were PLENTY of FA that played his position.
I would say the ONLY players better than him RIGHT NOW...not in their past, not in the career years...but right now, ONLY Kobe, Lebron, Dwayne, Pau, Dwight and Durrant are "much better" than Bosh.

Well you are entitled to your opinion. I think Garnett, Pierce, Nash and Duncan are much better than Bosh too.

PLEASE, make that argument, I would like to see that one.

Dirk Nowitzki, Carmelo Anthony, Amare Stoudemire, Deron Williams, Brandon Roy, Chris Paul, Manu Ginobli, Yao when he's healthy, Derrick Rose, Rajon Rondo, and I'm sure I'm forgetting some.

An argument can easily be made that some or all are better than Bosh.

There were PLENTY of FA that played his position.

But not many from the above lists.;)

Well you are entitled to your opinion. I think Garnett, Pierce, Nash and Duncan are much better than Bosh too.

Dirk Nowitzki, Carmelo Anthony, Amare Stoudemire, Deron Williams, Brandon Roy, Chris Paul, Manu Ginobli, Yao when he's healthy, Derrick Rose, Rajon Rondo, and I'm sure I'm forgetting some.

An argument can easily be made that some or all are better than Bosh.


I will give you Carmelo, Chris Paul and throw in Rose and Rondo. But it ALL depends on what a team needs and what they want in a player.

I guess YOU TOO are entitled to your opinion.;)
I will give you Carmelo, Chris Paul and throw in Rose and Rondo. But it ALL depends on what a team needs and what they want in a player.

I guess YOU TOO are entitled to your opinion.;)

That's why I said an argument can be made for players on that second list, and others as well.


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