1/11 Retailer Chat Recap

hmm if they only allow you to "upgrade" one receiver ho do they justify not allowing you access to the new HD channels (that you are paying a huge premium for) on your other receiver!! E* had better fork over some kind of compensation for this outrage!!!
Scott Greczkowski said:
I asked this at CES. :)
Simple Answer - ExpressVu! :D

kokomogator said:
:confused: Say wha???

ExpressVu is a DBS service in Canada which uses the same equipment that Dish Network does.

If Dish took back the 942's and 921's they could change the nameplate to say ExpressVU then send them up to Canada where I am sure ExpressVu would gladly pay $250 each for them to resell them for $499 - $699!

Doing things this way it would actually cost Dish next to nothing to do these MPEG4 upgrades. :)
Did I miss it...is there confirmation whether the 'Dish'n it Up' program is or is not the same as the upgrade program outlined on the Charlie Chat? There was a specific question asked during Monday nights show that suggested multiple box upgrades were no prob and, say, a 942 and an/other HD set-top(s) simultaneous upgrade would be no prob and the combination of the promotional prices.

If this in on tape/on air, would they actually do a total 180 in two days? I mean, seriously, that's RIDICULOUS.
One Receiver- Dish'n it Up/HD Upgrade

shanewalker said:
Did I miss it...is there confirmation whether the 'Dish'n it Up' program is or is not the same as the upgrade program outlined on the Charlie Chat? There was a specific question asked during Monday nights show that suggested multiple box upgrades were no prob and, say, a 942 and an/other HD set-top(s) simultaneous upgrade would be no prob and the combination of the promotional prices.
If this in on tape/on air, would they actually do a total 180 in two days? I mean, seriously, that's RIDICULOUS.
Scott said he would look into this and report back as to the meaning. I have not seen the answer to this yet :confused: . Gerry
shanewalker said:
Did I miss it...is there confirmation whether the 'Dish'n it Up' program is or is not the same as the upgrade program outlined on the Charlie Chat? There was a specific question asked during Monday nights show that suggested multiple box upgrades were no prob and, say, a 942 and an/other HD set-top(s) simultaneous upgrade would be no prob and the combination of the promotional prices.

I have email dish on this and am waiting a reply back. They got the message as I got a "Ill check" message back.
What about those that OWN

I have not read if this has been addressed yet but for those of us that OWN or 942's are they expecting us to give them or equipement if and when we use the upgrade path/rebate program?
shanewalker said:
Did I miss it...is there confirmation whether the 'Dish'n it Up' program is or is not the same as the upgrade program outlined on the Charlie Chat? There was a specific question asked during Monday nights show that suggested multiple box upgrades were no prob and, say, a 942 and an/other HD set-top(s) simultaneous upgrade would be no prob and the combination of the promotional prices.

If this in on tape/on air, would they actually do a total 180 in two days? I mean, seriously, that's RIDICULOUS.

Once again, there are WAY too many spokespeople at Dish. Yes Charlie took the question of how to upgrade to a 211 and 622. It was "free" for the 211 and then the 622 would cost the caller $299 upfront to lease. He didnt mention anything about only one at a time.

Of course, some other bean counter in the meantime could have said "We dont have enough boxes to allow people to do multiple upgrades!"

I have a feeling once all of this shakes out (maybe March or April), existing subs will be allowed to upgrade all their HD boxes.

Also, to the person asking if new SD subs will be forced to pay for HD programming, I don't think so. In fact, at first, I doubt new SD subs will get a 211/222/622. Only new HD subs will get those. Eventually, when they have enough supply, I could see ALL new subs getting only mpeg4-HD boxes. Until then I bet SD subs will get the normal SD boxes.
Ok folks I just got the answer in my inbox.

I feel this is important enough that I may start another thread about it.

To confirm, on Feb. 1, current customers can get more than one receiver in the Dish’n it up promo, but only one receiver can be MPEG4. Additional MPEG4 set tops would have to be purchased. Pricing will be announced closer to Feb. 1 for purchased boxes.

Marc Lumpkin
Interim Director of Corporate Communications
Scott Greczkowski said:
Ok folks I just got the answer in my inbox.
I feel this is important enough that I may start another thread about it.
To confirm, on Feb. 1, current customers can get more than one receiver in the Dish’n it up promo, but only one receiver can be MPEG4. Additional MPEG4 set tops would have to be purchased. Pricing will be announced closer to Feb. 1 for purchased boxes.
Marc Lumpkin
Interim Director of Corporate Communications
So nothing new, were back to one per offer per 12 month period.
Scott Greczkowski said:
Ok folks I just got the answer in my inbox.

I feel this is important enough that I may start another thread about it.


So for those of us that OWN 942's...all we will have to do is pay 99.00 for the upgrade after rebate and they will send us a 622.

Paradox-SJ said:
So for those of us that OWN 942's...all we will have to do is pay 99.00 for the upgrade after rebate and they will send us a 622.
According to a retailer I just spoke with, you would also have a 1 year commitment.
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To confirm, on Feb. 1, current customers can get more than one receiver in the Dish’n it up promo, but only one receiver can be MPEG4. Additional MPEG4 set tops would have to be purchased. Pricing will be announced closer to Feb. 1 for purchased boxes.
This is really contradictory with Echostar's desire to ultimately get EVERYTHING switched to MPEG4.

Perhaps there's room for benefit of the doubt there. Maybe they just can't handle the volume of all users switching out all boxes. Once the supply is sufficient maybe they'll open up the upgrade deal for the rest.

Of course, if this was the case it would nice if Dish would just be upfront about it. Get one box to everyone and start a wait-list for extras.

(When Comcast in Denver first got the HD PVR they would only allow each sub to get one box. Within a few months that restriction was lifted.)
Paradox-SJ said:
So for those of us that OWN 942's...all we will have to do is pay 99.00 for the upgrade after rebate and they will send us a 622.


You have to send them your owned 942 & $99 and they will lease you a 622.
Lucky said:
This one set upgrade is idiotic !!!!! What am I supposed to do with my second 811 ? I cannot upgrade only one HDTV. That is ridiculous. This will force me to go to DirecTV or somewhere else. They have to rethink this.

I have already done it, D* is coming to do the install Friday, when I called to see how I go about canceling my service and sending my leased 811 back the CSR at DISH wanted to know if I had heard about all the " new and exiting HD programming coming to DISH in February" I said yeah, that’s why I was leaving and she hung up the phone on me. Of course she did not speak very good English so I hope I did not say anything offense to her by mistake.:devil:

Just got hosed by DISH!!! Sorta...

Re-aligning Dish 500