Unfortanitly, I'm not holding my breath on this one - as much as I want new HD - I don't think we'll be seeing them for a few more days. But! I would love it if I was wrong.
Wrong answer: it is owned by dish network. (have to love county records!)
It is a broadcast operations center.
(helps give more info!)
and here is the final details (and hopefully my...
If you do not put in conduit, I would still at least reccommend putting some in to allow for easy pulls over vaults, between floors, etc. I have a single floor, but, I have a conduit going from my media box to the attic, and over my vaulted ceiling.
Its always easy and cheap to run cables while building. I added mine after the fact - but - didn't cost a ton since I did it myself.
My Primary area (HT) has 6 RG6, 5 CAT 5, an 2 CAT 3 (voice)
Most other locations in the house have two RG6, 2 CAT5, and 1 voice.
One thing to consider...
As right now I am not seeing it in Phoenix AZ. (Which is rather strange, since we have are local independant station in MPEG4 (They also own the CW station)
Here is a good idea of the NBC cities that are multi-casting this crap. (and taking away bandwidth from the HD picture)
Check out www.tivocommunity.com - all the instructions are there - also be prepaired to open up the tivo, etc. Some basic linux knowledge is also helpful.
You can always try a Ferrite Choke core. It helps cut down on interferrance.
Interesting - how old is the unit - I recieved mine in June.
Optical was hooked to a Sony STR-DE935, now I am hooked up with HDMI to a Pioneer VSX-84txsi