FOX Finds Way To Advertise While Commercials Are Being Fast Forwarded On Tivo

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Supporting Founder
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Supporting Founder
Sep 7, 2003
Western WV
Fox is running a 30-second television spot with just one static image in an effort to reach viewers who fast forward through ads using digital video recorders like TiVos.

Looks like they are figuring out ways to get the advertising to us one way or another. Next thing you know they will find a way to change the frames of commercials to where you can view the ads whether you see them in real time or fast forward them.;_ylu=X3oDMTBjMHVqMTQ4BHNlYwN5bnN1YmNhdA--
The best thing they can do is make the commercials interesting. An example that comes to mind is the GE ads, one featuring the 1880's dirty steam trains and introducing the clean-running locomotive, and another with an elephant dancing - both of these had bonus material at the end you could only see by using a DVR with single-frame-advance capability.
Stargazer said:
Fox is running a 30-second television spot with just one static image in an effort to reach viewers who fast forward through ads using digital video recorders like TiVos.

Looks like they are figuring out ways to get the advertising to us one way or another. Next thing you know they will find a way to change the frames of commercials to where you can view the ads whether you see them in real time or fast forward them.;_ylu=X3oDMTBjMHVqMTQ4BHNlYwN5bnN1YmNhdA--
There was talk that they were going towards a 5 or 10 second commercial as well.

I dislike all the ads as much as anyone, but with a quick fastforward push, you can skip them. After all, the stations and networks are trying to pay for their services and equipment.

I watched 4 1/2 hours of recorded material on my new HR20 HD DVR last night, and actually found it not to be much of an issue to skip over the ads. Who knows, I may actually be interested in an ad some day (probably unlikely). :D
Once again, these mental midgets in Madison Avenue can't seem to get it through their pointy little heads that people who skip commercials are actually paying MORE attention to the images on the screen than those who passively wait for the commercials to go by. Anyone who ever skips or fast-forwards through commercials whether it be through a VCR, DVR or whatever, is concentrating on the images flashing in front of them making sure they do not go too far. They want to catch the point where the program resumes. The trick is to have eye-catching images to look at! When i skip forward on my Dish receiver I can tell you every product that was being advertised in that slot just from the images that flash through. Once in a great while, an image on the screen is so interesting (or wierd) that I just have to go back and find out what it was all about and I end up watching the commercial.

These morons need to adapt to the times and not fight it! The first ad agency to realize the potential gold mine in "flash" ads will change the industry. After all, we (the consumers) are just begging for subliminal images using the "skip" technique.

See ya
TNGTony said:
Once again, these mental midgets in Madison Avenue can't seem to get it through their pointy little heads that people who skip commercials are actually paying MORE attention to the images on the screen than those who passively wait for the commercials to go by. Anyone who ever skips or fast-forwards through commercials whether it be through a VCR, DVR or whatever, is concentrating on the images flashing in front of them making sure they do not go too far. They want to catch the point where the program resumes. The trick is to have eye-catching images to look at! When i skip forward on my Dish receiver I can tell you every product that was being advertised in that slot just from the images that flash through. Once in a great while, an image on the screen is so interesting (or wierd) that I just have to go back and find out what it was all about and I end up watching the commercial.

These morons need to adapt to the times and not fight it! The first ad agency to realize the potential gold mine in "flash" ads will change the industry. After all, we (the consumers) are just begging for subliminal images using the "skip" technique.

See ya

Great point, an interesting (and scary) tactic might be to actually make the commercial look like the show or movie, it may fool people into thinking the commercial is over and make them stop FFing, not saying it would be effective at upping sales, it certainly would piss off alot of people though.
Seeing how some people might go too far or not far enough through the frames before the shows starts, those commercials that are on right before the show airs would probably get more attention since you sometimes have to watch the end of it right before the show comes back on.
Long long ago in a theater far far away , unscrupulous theater owners would place subliminal messages in their movies. I believe it would be something like "buy more candy" every 10th frame or so (something like that). I would not be surprised if advertisers would try such a thing as customers fast forward through commercials. Place a still shot that would be to fast for the human eye to see. but slow enough for the mind to catch a brief glance..
If the networks are so worried about us skipping the dam commercials, then they need to find a way to charge me not to see the commercials and quit bitching about it and trying to find ways to force us to watch them.

I would gladly pay an additional $50/mo just not to be bothered with it.
It is also why we are starting to see more and more product placement in shows, movies, etc again. (Just like things were many years ago!)
I always use the 30 second skip to get past the commercials but Tivo does not allow you to do that out of the box from what I understand. Maybe this is one reason why.
i've caught myself actually watching commercials shown in widescreen HD with 5.1 surround sound (can't remember which one now, just that it look purty!)! :eek: I've noticed more and more HD commercial now showing on prime time! I guess that's one way to make it interesting!

Pepper said:
The best thing they can do is make the commercials interesting. An example that comes to mind is the GE ads, one featuring the 1880's dirty steam trains and introducing the clean-running locomotive, and another with an elephant dancing - both of these had bonus material at the end you could only see by using a DVR with single-frame-advance capability.
I actually stop if I see a commercial I like (we have watched several like this) of course the majority of ad's are crap and I just blast through them. I was watching Parco pi on court tv and in the middle of the show a bar comes up on the bottom of the screen for McDonald's or something for like 30 or 60 secs and all it says is this show sponsored by whomever. I think I hate the bugs more than the commercials...TBS has one that might as well cover the whole screen.
Claude Greiner said:
If the networks are so worried about us skipping the dam commercials, then they need to find a way to charge me not to see the commercials and quit bitching about it and trying to find ways to force us to watch them.

I would gladly pay an additional $50/mo just not to be bothered with it.

Just kind of made me chuckle. The only reason we have anything decent to watch is because of the products that paid to be on.
FlyingJ said:
Just kind of made me chuckle. The only reason we have anything decent to watch is because of the products that paid to be on.

I agree...even though I don't watch the commercials myself, My favorite line was once from a Turner executive who said something like if you don't watch the commercials that you are a thief and stealing from them (that's paraphrasing because I don't remember the exact quote as it has been several years)
Yes, to almost all these points.

With TiVo, I can just speed through all the commercials. Very infrequently, I have stopped to look at one if it caught my attention.

Yes, some people have gone to the trouble of incorporating their stuff into a TV program - Not too annoying.

I do not like it when they advertize an upcoming show in the bottom right or left of the screen as another program is being broadcast. Well, it was annoying in the beginning, but now I am used to it and don't even look at it during a show - so its 'surprise' or 'shock' effect no longer applies.

Where do advertizers go from here? - I don't know.
the main thing I hate about the crap at the bottom of the screen is when there is info in the names, dates or translated text, I guess most of the bugs are automated and will pop up when they are schedules even if there is info or a translation on the screen (much rather have the translation dubbed...but that's another gripe).
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