Time for some serveroptimization.
Some behind the scenes baseball talk...
We do not use the default Xenforo search engine, we use a Search Engine called "ElasticSearch" which is more robust, has a lot more features and is faster than the build in Xenforo search.
I made this server I followed directions on a website of how to install ElasticSearch and the necessary Java components to get them installed here on the new SatelliteGuys server. Unfortunately in my rush to get things moved over I didn't notice it installed really old versions of ElasticSearch and the Java needed.
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While this is not slowing down the server in any way it is bugging me as I know later versions use a lot less resources. On this new server we doubled our memory to 64 gig, which is up from 32 from the server we were on last week and was up from the 16 gig we have been using for the last 2 years on the old server.
So as I write this I have turned off the enhanced ElasticSearch and am temporarily moving us back to the default Xenforo search engine. Also as I type this I am now building the search index for the Xenforo search engine. And it moment is appears this reindexing is not slowing the site down at all which is great.
I will then be uninstalling the old Java and ElasticSearch and will be installing the latest versions. While I am doing this work the search engine may be funky and or may not work. Just be aware I am actively working on it.
I will feel much better when I know we are on the latest and greatest.
Also looking at the graphic above our PHP is using a lot of CPU, so the PHP needs optimization which I will be doing as well. The usage is a lot higher then it was on our other servers, so I feel it can be tweaked... And sometimes when you tweak the PHP the site runs faster too. Another bonus.
So this is how I am spending my July 4th. I need to mow the lawn but too hot and humid out there not to mention that we keep getting spot rain showers for a few minutes at a time. I will sit here in the AC and play here on the computer and watch the fireworks here on SatelliteGuys.

. How are you spending your 4th of July?