Very happy with things. I think this is our highest ratings ever.
Been working on revamping our email system, and now bouncing emails from our server will no unsubscribe a user from gettiing additional emails when they are subscribed to a topic, instead of just bouncing back to our server and sitting in a mailbox. This change already saved us 2 gig of space on the hard drive.
In addition we are now also using all the latest email security protocols, including DKIM so we are not spamming the world and are secure when sending emails.
About the only thing I am not happy with now is our backup. With the new host we have rented server space to backup to which is offsite. And while it is enabled, I have not received notice that the backups were transfered to the external server. In addition I can not check their server to see if it uploaded as you can not access their server from the public internet.
I did notice they are offering S3 object storage which our backup software is comatible with, and its cheaper than the FTP backup storage server I am paying them for now... and offers more space.
SO I guess I will start working on that soon.
And best of all other than me restarting services when I was updating things and optimizing... we have had ZERO down time. Thats a big improvment! (knock on wood!)
June was an expensive month for us as we paid for 3 servers, but thanks to our Pub Members / Supporters we were able to pay for them all.