Hopper Plus / Joey 4 users check in here!

Got the Hopper plus today. Noticed the following issues so far:
1. Lost PIP and multiscreen. Use to be able to flip between two channels (tuners) by using the input button. No longer works.
2. Forces my Samsung QD OLED TV into 4k HDR mode. No way to change it. Image and color are a mess now.
3. SD channels, like TVland, show up stretched out.
4. No display settings in Dish and ATV setup menus
The way that SD channels are displayed is horrible looking
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I've been intermittently following this thread since the beginning to keep an eye on when the plus would be available to existing customers that weren't beta testers.
I had to call loyalty with a question about my mother's account. While on the phone I decided to ask if the plus was available for regular customers and for how much?
To make a long story short I am getting it installed Friday the 13th for free (3 months free protection plan) ,box is free and no monthly charge.
I have a Panasonic plasma so I'm not worried about 4k HDR.Rarely use PIP or multiscreen.Biggest issue might be Harmony remote.
Sorry if this is redundant info-it just seems everyone posting was either a new customer or a volunteer beta tester(which I guess I sorta am now also).
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This morning one of my J4s had to be rebooted. First time this has happened for this Joey. One of my WJ4s has to be rebooted every morning. Both Joeys are connected to Vizio TVs. My other J4 is attached to a LG TV and my other WJ4 is connected to a Samsung TV. These two Joeys are running great, no morning reboots required. Very strange
HipKat tried something different troubleshooting my one WJ4 that has to rebooted every morning to get it working. Tried another Vizio TV at the same location. The WJ4 fired up five straight mornings. So reconnected the original Vizio TV and guess what! The last three mornings had to pull the cord reboot to get the Joey to fire up. So I think something in this Vizio TV is causing the WJ4 not to start up in the mornings. Does anyone have any ideas what could be causing this issue? Is there any TV or WJ4 settings that I can change? Someone else has reported same issue with a Samsung TV. DISH Support is this a known issue?
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HipKat tried something different troubleshooting my one WJ4 that has to rebooted every morning to get it working. Tried another Vizio TV at the same location. The WJ4 fired up five straight mornings. So reconnected the original Vizio TV and guess what! The last three mornings had to pull the cord reboot to get the Joey to fire up. So I think something in this Vizio TV is causing the WJ4 not to start up in the mornings. Does anyone have any ideas what could be causing this issue? Is there any TV or WJ4 settings that I can change? Someone else has reported same issue with a Samsung TV. DISH Support is this a known issue?
Just out of curiosity, which HDMI inputs are you using on each TV, the same ones? Not any Arc inputs, right?
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Just out of curiosity, which HDMI inputs are you using on each TV, the same ones? Not any Arc inputs, right?
Thanks HipKat. The original TV, I was using the ARC HDMI input. The test TV I used that has no issue doesn't have an ARC HDMI input. It is an old 2009 Vizio. For the original Vizio TV I have re-plugged the HDMI cable into a different non ARC input. Will see how goes it when I fire up the WJ4 in the morning and let you know. Thanks again, good idea to try.
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Thanks HipKat. The original TV, I was using the ARC HDMI input. The test TV I used that has no issue doesn't have an ARC HDMI input. It is an old 2009 Vizio. For the original Vizio TV I have re-plugged the HDMI cable into a different non ARC input. Will see how goes it when I fire up the WJ4 in the morning and let you know. Thanks again, good idea to try.
That's probably your problem right there. We had a statement come out last month that Joey fours and the hopper plus cannot be plugged into an arc input.
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That's probably your problem right there. We had a statement come out last month that Joey fours and the hopper plus cannot be plugged into an arc input.
Unbelievable...just one more step towards full blown paper weights.
Arc/earc should always be for the sound system so it makes sense, with my Sony Z9K, Roku Ultra is plugged into HDMI 2, 4K Blu Ray ( which I never seem to use anymore) is in HDMI 4, then HDMI 3 is EARC which goes into my Yamaha CX-A5200 Processor and EARC allows pass through for the Roku and BR player.
Does anyone know off hand if the H+ functions ok with out a dish connected to the receiver? As a mobile RV'er, we usually don't bother to set up our portable dish for one night stops en route to longer stays, so having the apps available would be good. We currently use a Firestick for streaming.
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Does anyone know off hand if the H+ functions ok with out a dish connected to the receiver? As a mobile RV'er, we usually don't bother to set up our portable dish for one night stops en route to longer stays, so having the apps available would be good. We currently use a Firestick for streaming.
That's a good question. Since it's an internet based device, I assume it would work
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Thanks HipKat. The original TV, I was using the ARC HDMI input. The test TV I used that has no issue doesn't have an ARC HDMI input. It is an old 2009 Vizio. For the original Vizio TV I have re-plugged the HDMI cable into a different non ARC input. Will see how goes it when I fire up the WJ4 in the morning and let you know. Thanks again, good idea to try.
HipKat no luck using a non-ARC HDMI port. This morning WJ4 had black screen and sound, no remote buttons worked. Had to pull the cord reboot. This Vizio TV has four HDMI ports, ARC, Best, Best, and one with no label. I had HDMI plugged into a Best port. So I moved it to the HDMI port with no label. Will see how goes it tomorrow morning.
HipKat no luck using a non-ARC HDMI port. This morning WJ4 had black screen and sound, no remote buttons worked. Had to pull the cord reboot. This Vizio TV has four HDMI ports, ARC, Best, Best, and one with no label. I had HDMI plugged into a Best port. So I moved it to the HDMI port with no label. Will see how goes it tomorrow morning.
HipKat WJ4 had to be rebooted again this morning. Trying a non-ARC HDMI port didn't work. I think there is something in my Vizio TV causing this issue. Going to try another (3rd) HDMI cable to see if that works. Will see in the morning if startup works.
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Which Joey's are compatible with HWS?

