My Joey 4s now have software version P512/P612 updates. Also my 2nd Hopper 3 that has issues also received the available Joey software update too.
Did that help with your linking issue? Seems like a long wait for a tech visit. I generally get a appointment next day or two max!My Joey 4s now have software version P512/P612 updates. Also my 2nd Hopper 3 that has issues also received the available Joey software update too.
Tech visit is Thursday. I may cancel it, not sure yet.Did that help with your linking issue? Seems like a long wait for a tech visit. I generally get a appointment next day or two max!
I'm doing pretty well a few months in with the Plus. Only remaining issue I'm dealing with is the long skip time on skip forward/backward. That's still a pretty big deal. But we're really enjoying the one input/all apps a button away with the Plus home screen. Joey 4s are working well, not getting some of the issues reported. Did have the black screen on channel 540 on the Joey, but the channel up/down fixes it. We are though, only a One Hopper Household. And I just really enjoy having my recordings, my apps, and my most recent shows viewed on apps a few clicks away. The return time from streaming back to DISH live is much faster than the input switch I had to do between a Fire Cube and DISH.After a little time with my Joey's software updated to P512/P612 the black screen issue seems to be fixed. The remote control responce time is better with the exception of the skip forward feature while watching a recording. Still taking about 3 to 4 seconds for the skip action. My Hopper 3s with no Plus attached skip action is within a second. So wife can't live with that. DISH tech visit is still scheduled Thursday 15 Dec to install my Hopper Plus on my spare Hopper 3 that the wife never uses.
Yep the Hopper Plus and Joey 4s are pretty kool having all the apps in the Home screen. Really will be super when the long skip time is fixed.I'm doing pretty well a few months in with the Plus. Only remaining issue I'm dealing with is the long skip time on skip forward/backward. That's still a pretty big deal. But we're really enjoying the one input/all apps a button away with the Plus home screen. Joey 4s are working well, not getting some of the issues reported. Did have the black screen on channel 540 on the Joey, but the channel up/down fixes it. We are though, only a One Hopper Household. And I just really enjoy having my recordings, my apps, and my most recent shows viewed on apps a few clicks away. The return time from streaming back to DISH live is much faster than the input switch I had to do between a Fire Cube and DISH.
I did try to replace my J4 that requires reboot every morning with my other two J4 that do not and it seems to be not a J4 issue, but the Samsung TV it is connected too. Something about how the J4 and Samsung connect to on another causes an issue. This never happened with my 4k Joey before.For my two WJ4s and one J4 that require re-booting every morning to wake them up, ... I will call DISH and have both my WJ4s replaced if they are still acting up.
Well couldn't take it any longer. Had another internal DISH tech visit this morning. He replaced both my WJs. They are working great so far. All four Joey 4s and Hopper Plus are working great with the exception of the long skip time while watching a recording. Time will tell.DISH tech came today. Got the Hopper Plus up and running on my spare Hopper 3 and software version is H330/P112. Long skip time while watching a recording is still there as same with my Joey 4s. Do you know Scott Greczkowski if DISH is still working on this issue? I learned a shorter method to remove the Hopper Plus from the Hopper. Press the Hopper power button and disconnect the power cable from the Plus at the same time. Then connect the HDMI cable back into the Hopper. Boot up time for the Hopper is much quicker.
For my two WJ4s and one J4 that require re-booting every morning to wake them up, would you believe he said to disconnect both my Hopper's OTA adapters! I think that is a little strange. I still believe the wake up issue is Joey related. My other J4 fires up every morning and works great. Tech removed and replaced my other J4 so will see in the morning if it wakes up without having to re-boot it. If it works good for a week or so, I will call DISH and have both my WJ4s replaced if they are still acting up.
I did learn something new from the tech. A quick way to get to the Diagnostics screen in the Hopper Plus and Joey 4s, press the remote Home button for about two seconds and the Diagnostic screen pops open.
Maybe you have a J4 going bad. I had to reboot three of my J4s every morning. My fourth J4 has never needed a morning reboot. Those three bad J4s have been replaced. Will see how the J4 morning wake ups goes for a week or so. If issue starts again I don't know what I am going to do.I did try to replace my J4 that requires reboot every morning with my other two J4 that do not and it seems to be not a J4 issue, but the Samsung TV it is connected too. Something about how the J4 and Samsung connect to on another causes an issue. This never happened with my 4k Joey before.
If there isn't an update in in the next few weeks I am going to call dish and request a 4K Joey replacement just so I don't have to deal with this every day..... Getting the Wife to restart the J4 every morning is becoming a nuisance.
Let me know if you have any other ideas to help.
Maybe you have a J4 going bad. I had to reboot three of my J4s every morning. My fourth J4 has never needed a morning reboot. Those three bad J4s have been replaced. Will see how the J4 morning wake ups goes for a week or so. If issue starts again I don't know what I am going to do.
I think you are correct. Software issue.I don't understand why so many Joey 4 clients and Hopper 3 servers have to be replaced. I doubt that there is a hardware issue that causes the Joey 4 and Hopper3 receivers to stop working. It sounds like corrupt software causes the Joey 4 and Hopper 3 receivers to fail. You would think that Dish could use the reset function to Reset the Hopper 3 or Joey 4 back to Factory Defaults and then the correct software could then be loaded.
Perhaps they are just replacing the Hopper 3 and Joey 4 to save time. Can some of the Dish installers comment on what happens to the defective Hopper 3 and Joey 4 units that they have replaced.
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It's been long-standing complaint that techs will rush to change a receiver when that's not the issue. Like all retrieved receivers, they get sent back to Dish.I don't understand why so many Joey 4 clients and Hopper 3 servers have to be replaced. I doubt that there is a hardware issue that causes the Joey 4 and Hopper3 receivers to stop working. It sounds like corrupt software causes the Joey 4 and Hopper 3 receivers to fail. You would think that Dish could use the reset function to Reset the Hopper 3 or Joey 4 back to Factory Defaults and then the correct software could then be loaded.
Perhaps they are just replacing the Hopper 3 and Joey 4 to save time. Can some of the Dish installers comment on what happens to the defective Hopper 3 and Joey 4 units that they have replaced.
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That is an issue I have seen people on our technician portal reporting.Anyone else having the issue where when you turn on the television and Joey 4 the home screen sticks and won't go away? You can go to the guide, the diagnostic window, apps and it disappears until you back out of that menu and then reappears. You can tune to a channel but the home menu continues to display over the video. It seems like if you wait long enough (a minute or two) it will sometimes go away, but other times I have had to restart the Joey 4.
Thanks. I have found those options work about 50% of the time. The other 50% of the time I have to reboot the Joey 4 or sometimes if you wait long enough (minutes) the options you describe will work. Very frustrating and only one of many issues requiring almost daily reboots on one device or many. My wife is to the point she wants Dish completely ripped and replaced by something else. I am holding her off for now but I am also running out of faith Dish is ever going to fix this garbage.That is an issue I have seen people on our technician portal reporting.
The fix for it being stuck on the Hopper Overlay/ Home Screen is to hit the home button then the back button has worked. Another one is to go to settings and then Dish settings and then back out.
My wife is to the point she wants Dish completely ripped and replaced by something else. I am holding her off for now but I am also running out of faith Dish is ever going to fix this garbage.