I get a ok signal depending on the weather. Would it be wise to add a amp to the antenna? If so, what would be a good one to get?
It might be cheaper to buy a better antenna.
Where are you located and how far are you from the broadcast towers you want to receive?
Running a report from here: RabbitEars.Info would help us know better how to answer.
Thanks, What would be a good antenna for all the stations?The Toledo CBS and ABC stations are on VHF high (channels 11 and 13) so your antenna may be weak on VHF high band which requires elements in the vicinity of 14 inches (ch. 12) tip to tip, whereas UHF channels harmonize with elements about 4 to 6 inches.
Depending on the construction of your home made antenna, that might be why those 2 VHF channels are weak.
Great idea. I love my Winegard HD7694P. Luckily for me all my all my signals come from the same direction.The Winegard is pretty solid. Two of them, connected by a splitter, one pointed toward Toledo and the other pointed toward Lima, would solve this issue.
Well, any addition of a combiner or divider will cause a 3 dB loss, period. And 3 dB is half your signal. Although you may not see it in the picture, that's what will happen.Channel Master sell a combiner for identical antennas pointed in different directions that won't cause signal loss.
The Channel Master JOINtenna combines coaxial inputs from two individual outdoor TV antennas allowing for the distribution of two antennas on a single coaxial cable.
51 reviews
Channel Master specs less than 2 dB insertion loss for the JOINtenna so it probably isn't half the signal being attenuated. But it is important to understand the affect of using such devices.Well, any addition of a combiner or divider will cause a 3 dB loss, period. And 3 dB is half your signal. Although you may not see it in the picture, that's what will happen.
I use 2 Televes DatBoss Mix LR antennas with a T-force 560482 preamp pointed at 2 separate markets.One Columbus Ohio is 45 miles away and the other Parkersburg/ Charleston is 50-65 miles..The T-force gives me a signal of 82 instead of 76 and combines both antennas which a already have preamps.I wouldn't buy anything except for Televes products but that's just what's worked best for me..I'm here to tell you, two antennas can and will work. I use mine every day.