OTA adapter on the Edision OS MIO 4K

I doubt it would be all that hard to do, as even the Geosat MicroHD could do it 7 years ago. It just needs somebody with the interest and ability to do it for us.

The reason that the microHD had CC (EIA608/708) support was due to several hundred hours building data files and testing. Yes, it could be done, but it was not easily accomplished. Interest and ability helps.... ;)
The reason that the microHD had CC (EIA608/708) support was due to several hundred hours building data files and testing. Yes, it could be done, but it was not easily accomplished. Interest and ability helps.... ;)

So it seems it really is a big deal, like El Bandido says. Glad you already have some experience in what needs to be done, lol. Maybe you could lay it out in a thread, and we'll see how to go from there...
The venerable microHD has some other traits that won't be duplicated. I was just reminding myself of that when I fired up my microHD connected with a SlingBox on my cellphone while having dinner in a restaurant last Monday. No reason to replace that STB :)
I'm not near my Mio 4K this weekend and was wondering if someone could assist with a customer's question?

He is using the TNAP image and Hauppauge 950Q. Is the 950Q driver in the plugin driver list? If so, what is it named? If not, where did you find the 950Q driver?

Thanks for your assistance!
I'm not near my Mio 4K this weekend and was wondering if someone could assist with a customer's question?

He is using the TNAP image and Hauppauge 950Q. Is the 950Q driver in the plugin driver list? If so, what is it named? If not, where did you find the 950Q driver?

Thanks for your assistance!

Sorry I didn't see your post a bit earlier. I'm just doing periodic drive-by's on the site today.

The 950q driver is in the built-in installed drivers list under packages. You can see them all in the WebIF:

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Thanks primestar31.

To confirm, the Hauppauge 950Q driver plugin is not displayed in the plugin GUI and can only be downloaded or must it be activated via WebIF?

It's already built IN the installed image. I'm not using one at present, but simply plugging in the USB dongle should work. If it's not showing in your customers list, he's either not looking in the right place, or he accidentally removed it.

I don't see the driver listed IF I look directly on the receivers Packages list using my tv set. I can only "see it" in the "Installed" list if I look through the WebIF screen, as shown above in my screen print. I think it would show up in the "Tuners" list IF I had one plugged in.
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Pretty much automatic for me too. I plugged the Hauppauge XBox One version in and it showed in the tuner list. It identified as an LGDT3306A. I enabled it and scanned the channels in.
There is a folder named LGDT3306A in the MIO but I can't see the contents with Windows.
The customer is reporting that the tuner is not appearing in the tuner setup menu after inserting the 950Q USB tuner in either USB port.

Great suggestion to reboot after plugging in the USB. That is likely the issue. I had to reboot after installing the RTL-SDR USB dongle.
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When in doubt, REBOOT, lol

I worked a computer Helpdesk for two years. People used to really get pissed off when you asked if they "rebooted". They'd nearly always lie and said "they did", even if you were sure they didn't. If you asked them to do it again, and they actually did, it typically fixed a LOT of issues...
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If anybody wants to see "hidden things" such as these drivers, I very much recommend doing that through the WebIF screen. Just bring that up in your browser, and on the Lefthand side vertical menu, down towards the bottom under "Extras", click on "Settings". Then on the middle screen, you'll see the "Settings" vertical window bordering the larger "in the middle" screen called "OpenWebif Browser Settings".

Click on "Packages" hyperlink under that "Settings" window, and it'll open the "Packages" window in the middle area.

From there you can search on drivers or whatever. Let me WARN you though! IF you highlight an installed driver with a swipe and scroll across like you'd do to try a "copy/paste" it'll ask if you want to "Remove Package".

Conversely, IF you are in the "Update" screen it'll ask if you want to "Install Package". You can hit "Cancel" and cancel out.

So be very careful if you have somebody check in there for something, as you could possibly make a mess of things. I'm not sure if there's only the single confirmation before removing/installing, so let this be a warning.
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The reboot did not solve the problem. But, received more information that may explain.

The tuner model is actually a HVR-950 (edit). This appears to be an older NTSC/ATSC model and uses a different chipset than the 950Q. It appears that this model may have been patched at one point for E2, but unable to find any current documentation. It is my guess that the 950 chipset is not supported, but the 950Q is?
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The reboot did not solve the problem. But, received more information that may explain.

The tuner model is actually a DVR-950. This appears to be an older NTSC/ATSC model and uses a different chipset than the 950Q. It appears that this model may have been patched at one point for E2, but unable to find any current documentation. It is my guess that the 950 chipset is not supported, but the 950Q is?

Only Hauppauge ATSC tuners seem to be supported at present. If you look at the screenprint I posted on the first page below your post, those are the only drivers presently ported to this build. That's not to say others couldn't be added, but somebody would have to do that.
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