One more vote for Charter w/Tivo and Mini's. Was a long time Dish customer but when they dumped SNY I switched to DTV. Was paying Charter for Internet $60+ and DTV $180+ and decided to F that and switch to Charter. Got the same channels and internet for around $140 a month. Thanks to members here who warned me that the Charter boxes were the same ones they used 10 years ago (or so), I got a Tivo Roamio and have been very pleased since.
Charter + Tivo = save money and good channel selection.
We have them coming to install Charter Spectrum cable HDTV today,called Dish to cancel and all I was offered was AT200 for the same price as AT120 which I have and Dish wonders why long time subscribers are leaving??? Are you kidding me Dish???
Your Loyalty Department sucks!!! That's why!!!, No offer of a Hopper 3 or nothing,I own my VIP922 but still no offer????? Plus the CSR acted like she did not have much time to spend with me??? Why?? Because everybody is leaving!!!!!.

I have had Charter Broadband cable internet for maybe a month and I did not get the special deal then because I did not bundle,well the Charter CSR gave me the bundle special deal for TV and internet for a year,good job! Charter!!
We plan to try the Charter DVRs so we have access to Charter's On Demand.So it's $29.99 for TV, $29.99 for Broadband Internet 60Mbps/4Mbps.No caps.

Good bye Dish!

Goodbye AT&T High Speed DSL Elite 6Mbps/512kbps for$54. for 150GB cap,after you reach the cap it's $10. for 50GB extra,our bill was $84. a month for just internet.