Tribune Broadcasting Company Blacks Out DISH Customers in 33 Markets;

Caustic ? I think your definition differs greatly from most others.

The reality is, no one here knows. If someone did, they'd post it and not wait for someone to ask...
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Seems like it's been really quiet for sometime now. Either they are getting closer, or are not even negotiating?
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So, I'm wondering what, if anything, Dish will offer as the free 30 days of Sling Blue gets close to expiring. Can I get another 30 days of Sling Blue? The antenna they sent me didn't receive either of my Tribune channels, but I'm using the amplifier it came with and another antenna I had on hand, which seems to work "sometimes". I know I need ultimately need to mount an outdoor antenna, but haven't had the time yet.
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Tribune superstations are back

Not for me. WGN America is still replaced by a duplicate TNT on my guide. Also, I noticed that my CW channel is now gone completely. It was previously channel 919 in my guide, only available in SD, but up until recently, it was still there in the guide. Now it's gone and it's not even listed in the guide settings for me to put it back.
I don't see them putting wpix in the Super station only pack, and not the locals.

But you could always put up a screen shot.

Samsung Galaxy S6 Active
Not for me. WGN America is still replaced by a duplicate TNT on my guide. Also, I noticed that my CW channel is now gone completely. It was previously channel 919 in my guide, only available in SD, but up until recently, it was still there in the guide. Now it's gone and it's not even listed in the guide settings for me to put it back.

Did you try it on 233
Did you try it on 233

My WPIX 11 is totally removed now. Not even available.

233 doesn't exist for me. In the Favorite channels list, it goes from 231 RFDTV, 232 FMLYN and then jumps to 239 TNT (used to be WGN HD before the dispute).

Also, just as you said Troch, it's gone completely. I know because on the screen which shows all of my Favorite channels lists, it used to say "WROC, WHEC, WHAM and 217 more". Now it says "216 more" and I haven't added/removed any channels since a month ago. For the record, I have a H3 and I'm on America's Top 250 right now.
233 doesn't exist for me. In the Favorite channels list, it goes from 231 RFDTV, 232 FMLYN and then jumps to 239 TNT (used to be WGN HD before the dispute).

Also, just as you said Troch, it's gone completely. I know because on the screen which shows all of my Favorite channels lists, it used to say "WROC, WHEC, WHAM and 217 more". Now it says "216 more" and I haven't added/removed any channels since a month ago. For the record, I have a H3 and I'm on America's Top 250 right now.
Same here, Top 250 and have NY locals.

No WPIX in my house.

Samsung Galaxy S6 Active
KWGN ch 2 Denver as a local of mine removed completely from guide. No listing in the 230's as Super-station either.

KDVR 31 still listed with "KDVR removed Fox 31" place holder.
As Superstations I have them all back.

So to answer my statement of a few hours ago about the dispute being so quiet for awhile, I guess it's that they are still negotiating. And it would appear Tribune has agreed to separate at least the Superstations from WGN so there's some progress.
I am actually more happy to see them back first even over my local because I was worried in the end they would not be back. Maybe someone changed their negotiating position?

Or as James Long speculated DISH decided to bring them back other than to the Markets they are in because they feel they can.
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The post I saw, she said it turned on for beauty and the beast, but once the movie was done the screen went black. I am not affected by them at all, so I don't have any personal experience here.