GEOSATpro HDVR3500 - New DVBS2 STB - Photos and Initial Testing

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What software are you using to create the XML file? I tried using TextEdit, but it seems to do something to the file that makes it not work. I used the file you sent me as a template, but couldn't get it to import anything. I then opened a copy of the file you sent that I successfully installed, but after opening in TextEdit it no longer works either.

I'm trying to add 6 VEVO Music Video channels I found that work in VLC, don't know the title of the channels, so I was just naming them VEVO 1, VEVO 2, etc. The /ch3/ seems to be the highest quality, the links also work with /ch1/, /ch2/, but lower quality. /ch1/ seems to be for mobile phones, other than that the rest of the URL is exactly the same:
I have been taking an existing .xml file that works and opening it using NOTEPAD, then making my changes to the Name, List, and the URL but the trick is to not SAVE AS because it will convert it from a .xml format to a .txt format. The .txt format will not work. Be sure to make the changes and then just simply SAVE and do not SAVE AS. That is what I found works for me anyway. Check the properties of the file and make sure it is a type .xml. Hope this helps.
There is software improvement in the test file I will make available to the Forum here.

The test file goal was to improve HD recording and playback. The second goal was to test 708 closed captioning. We have achieved some progress and I would like the forum users to give it a try. This is not final file, just a test before the public file will be released.

Warning, the 608 closed captioning was turned off in this file. The complete file will be available after the weekend.

Once more summary:

1. 708cc on
2. HD playback improved
3. HD recording improved
4. HD recording while another HD channel is playing improved.
5. The Right and Left Arrow moves between satellites in the channel listing
6. Sharing the internal drive on windows network - improved
7. External channel manager connectivity enabled (I will post test channel manager once approved)

1. 608cc to be put back on
2. XMBC add-ons course updated
3. IPTV channel management

Please, test and report issues.
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seeing your posted article URL makes me think that any app that streams video on the ios platform must use a .M3U8 URL (and that may explain why seeing lots of URLs here makes me think that M3U8 URLs are more common than I was thought).

I suppose there is one last ditch thing to save the KOB streaming effort and that would involve having to find the URL that the KOB app uses. My KOB ios app plays the newscast/special events live stream and I guess since it's longer than xx mins or 5 MB, KOB has to have a M3U8 URL pointer in their app -- rather than a pointer to livestream -- to satisfy apple's requirements. How to find a URL with M3U8 I don't know since I don't know how to poke around with sniffers using my Ipod touch like I'm able to on a desktop PC. The app can't be run on a PC (that I know of) in order to use my PC tools to find the info. I suppose on my PC I could try to force a KOB mobile page to show up ( and see if it does a mobile streaming configuration rather than livestream configuration.

EDIT: just did - brings up a page that has the layout and appearance of their mobile app rather than the PC website. I went to live video section and it launched something called "doapps" so I guess the KOB ios app must use this third party interface to be able to play their stream instead of having a separate M3U8 URL called by their app.

Back when Ebru went off the air I went searching for an m3u8 url for it. I was also successful in finding others.
I used a Roku, a Cisco switch and sniffed a port I had an access point connected to. I was successful in finding the correct url for any Roku channel including Ebru.

I would run wireshark on the PC then bring up the KOB stream you were interested in on the same PC.
If there is an m3u8 url used, you will find it in the sniffer trace. If not you will definitely see how it works.

Or I could do it.
KOB stream = Content-Type: video/x-flv = Flash Video

GET /10066184_3399986_432c7f1c_1_678@141118?v=3.6.0&fp=WIN%2018,0,0,232&r=GLFQR&g=WDCPKVEKSRUQ HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:37.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/37.0
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Connection: keep-alive

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: AkamaiGHost
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: video/x-flv
Content-Length: 2147483647
Expires: Fri, 18 Sep 2015 22:44:10 GMT
Cache-Control: max-age=0, no-cache
Pragma: no-cache
Date: Fri, 18 Sep 2015 22:44:10 GMT
Connection: keep-alive
Access-Control-Allow-Headers: *
Access-Control-Expose-Headers: *
Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET, HEAD, OPTIONS
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
(Stream Starts Here)
FLV....................... 0.0.42..broadcasting_app...Producer 0.0.42..operation_system...Windows 7 Service Pack 1 (build 7601), 32-bit.
videodatarate.@.0.......keywords.....rating.....title...Producer stream..videodevice...Producer Video..framerate.@=.S.Uk(..videokeyframe_frequency.@....t.k..audiodevice...Producer
Last edited:
And for comparison here is a trace of the Ebru m3u8 stream Roku uses:
(Sniffed using wireshark and VLC from a PC)

GET /i/digii_ebru_usa_sp_1@25226/index_2_av-p.m3u8?sd=10&rebase=on HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: VLC/2.1.5 LibVLC/2.1.5
Range: bytes=0-
Connection: close
Icy-MetaData: 1

HTTP/1.1 206 Partial Content
Server: AkamaiGHost
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: application/
Expires: Fri, 18 Sep 2015 23:11:53 GMT
Cache-Control: max-age=0, no-cache, no-store
Pragma: no-cache
Date: Fri, 18 Sep 2015 23:11:53 GMT
Content-Range: bytes 0-482/483
Content-Length: 483
Connection: close
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Set-Cookie: _alid_=DybsemeyUMv3i0Geiy2v9g==; path=/i/digii_ebru_usa_sp_1@25226/;

(parsing of the m3u8 file contents to select appropriate stream)
Been doing some experimenting the last couple of days. I have found out that if I replace the internal flash drive with a Kingston I have, the box stops stuttering on HD channels.
Also while recording it seems to have cured a lot of it, but not all. Sometimes it records HD fine for awhile, only tested for about 10 minutes at the most so far.
At other times it will lock up at about 45 seconds into recording. This is only on HD, SD is fine it appears. If I put the internal drive that came with it back in, it starts acting up again.
Also noted that for some reason when MY flash drive is in, the CPU load drops way down.
Still nothing completely conclusive but food for thought.

Also noted that the little heat sink on the chip gets so hot during HD, that you would not want to hold your finger on it long...Too hot in my opinion, may switch out for a larger heat sink at some point, I have plenty heat sink compound.
I found that mine runs cooler with my internal flash drive removed, and I'm using a powered USB hub to connect my rear external drive. I'm using a 3TB Toshiba Canvio Desktop External Hard Drive (DWC130) to record to. A few glitches on some HD channels, but not all of them. Signal strength seems to make a difference as well. I also had better luck using a Toshiba 32GB flash drive in place of the original 16GB flash drive. I think the USB bus may be slightly under-powered, but that is just my opinion. I was thinking about changing the heat sink as well, maybe add a cooling fan and have it powered by my external USB hub, was thinking about removing the serial port to run the cable out to the USB hub.
Have you tried new firmware?
Using 1045. Still runs hotter using the internal USB that came with the receiver, but my own supplied drive seems to run cooler, and with it removed, the front & rear seems to respond better to my external hard drive and flash drives. I noticed some of my channels have a weaker signal, probably due to all the stormy weather we had recently, so I'm hoping to get to do some re-adjusting and fine tuning to my dish this weekend. That way I'll know if signal strength is having any effect on recording or not. I also have had my receiver to reboot while trying to record from HD channels, and those recordings become corrupted, and also when watching IPTV occasionally, the stream freezes a few seconds just before it reboots, and the remote or front panel buttons don't work when the screen freezes.
I found that mine runs cooler with my internal flash drive removed, and I'm using a powered USB hub to connect my rear external drive. I'm using a 3TB Toshiba Canvio Desktop External Hard Drive (DWC130) to record to. A few glitches on some HD channels, but not all of them. Signal strength seems to make a difference as well. I also had better luck using a Toshiba 32GB flash drive in place of the original 16GB flash drive. I think the USB bus may be slightly under-powered, but that is just my opinion. I was thinking about changing the heat sink as well, maybe add a cooling fan and have it powered by my external USB hub, was thinking about removing the serial port to run the cable out to the USB hub.

The rs-232 plug on the HDVR3500 only uses three wires, maybe just use unused pins on the rs-232 port instead of removing it?

You could buy a 9 pin D-sub male plug and wire up the original connection and use unused pins for your connections, that way you'd still have access to the rs-232 port, which can be handy.

If you have some old computer stuff laying around, you might not even have to buy one. :)

Although, if you do this, you might want to also make a pass through connector to plug on to it that allows the existing rs-232 connections but isolates your connections, so there'd be no problems for sure if you hook it to a computer or such.
A HDVR3500 owner made a request that I really like....

When the important "To Do" list is addressed, could the Service Information screen have a simple motor function added? Add "Step East/West" and "Save". This would simplify motor position fine-tuning and saving, instead of the multiple steps to enter the install menus.

Love it when FTA hobbyist come up with cool, "duh... That makes sense" suggestions!

Every time that we receive a firmware update the first thing that I do is go to the Service screen in hopes that this feature has been added. To do a simple position tweak to the dish motor it takes several steps to browse to move and save the position. I actually reach over and pick up my ASC1 positioner remote instead of navigating to the necessary screen on the HDVR3500 to move and save the dish position. This addition would allow me to put away an extra remote control. Maybe this was not possible but just in case that it is and it is not on the improvements list I wanted to re-post as a reminder.
Please, test and report issues.

ver 1107 destroys your channel and satellite dd to fact default, so do what I didn't do and make a backup of your databases before updating. at least all I lost was deleting the non-north amer sats and the changing of the LO's of the north american sats to better sync up with my spectrum analyzer. Blind scans are easy to redo and I don't change channel names since I recognize freqs and sr's when i highlight channel names so I didn't lose a boatload of channel name changes.
Going to install the new update in a few minutes. Also, did you see my previous post asking what software you used to make the IPTV file? I tried using TextEdit, but it seems to do something to the file to make it not compatible. I opened the one you posted to me, and it doesn't work any more after editing with TextEdit either. Glad I kept a untouched copy...
Going to install the new update in a few minutes. Also, did you see my previous post asking what software you used to make the IPTV file? I tried using TextEdit, but it seems to do something to the file to make it not compatible. I opened the one you posted to me, and it doesn't work any more after editing with TextEdit either. Glad I kept a untouched copy...
Yes, I answered, I use dreamweaver. But I also edit in notepad. I also saw xmlnotepad, it makes sense.
Going to install the new update in a few minutes. Also, did you see my previous post asking what software you used to make the IPTV file? I tried using TextEdit, but it seems to do something to the file to make it not compatible. I opened the one you posted to me, and it doesn't work any more after editing with TextEdit either. Glad I kept a untouched copy...
Please back up your settings. As mentioned previously some versions will do complete reset.
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Every time that we receive a firmware update the first thing that I do is go to the Service screen in hopes that this feature has been added. To do a simple position tweak to the dish motor it takes several steps to browse to move and save the position. I actually reach over and pick up my ASC1 positioner remote instead of navigating to the necessary screen on the HDVR3500 to move and save the dish position. This addition would allow me to put away an extra remote control. Maybe this was not possible but just in case that it is and it is not on the improvements list I wanted to re-post as a reminder.
This is not too complicated and I understand your struggle, this is useful for me as well, especially with weak transponders.
Thank you for the reminder.
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Please back up your settings. As mentioned previously some versions will do complete reset.
Thanks for the reminder, I usually always back up regularly anyway, mainly so I can save the wild feed transponders to make it easier to re-scan. I have about 2 dozen transponders from 91 west that I added in just 1 week of blind scanning
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Ripping DVD's for My SatBox Issues

Old Swedish dishes
