GEOSATpro HDVR3500 - New DVBS2 STB - Photos and Initial Testing

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I've been able to successfully install dishes with 1200, etc. receivers for some time. (about 50 total: did one today) I've had support from many on here. Thanks. This is a mission for me to allow folks to see G19 and a hobby to learn new things. This receiver (3500) is my current 'new thing' experiment. Aaron sold it to me being open to the fact that it was still in progress. I went up to Conyers about 6 weeks ago to install a system and was surprised to see the user had paid a little premium to get this receiver. I turned it on and was totally lost. It showed channels and he was fine to dial the channels he wanted. I haven't heard from him since.

I got mine and plugged it in and found the same. It has been in the box for a little while. I am in no way ready to understand all the things Brian has been talking about on here, but would like to be able to do the things I dan do with a 1200 as well as do IP streaming by ethernet to this receiver.

So, from reading, I think I could update the firmware by internet. If someone could give me a recipe for updating it, please do.

Thanks, Bill
I've been able to successfully install dishes with 1200, etc. receivers for some time. (about 50 total: did one today) I've had support from many on here. Thanks. This is a mission for me to allow folks to see G19 and a hobby to learn new things. This receiver (3500) is my current 'new thing' experiment. Aaron sold it to me being open to the fact that it was still in progress. I went up to Conyers about 6 weeks ago to install a system and was surprised to see the user had paid a little premium to get this receiver. I turned it on and was totally lost. It showed channels and he was fine to dial the channels he wanted. I haven't heard from him since.

I got mine and plugged it in and found the same. It has been in the box for a little while. I am in no way ready to understand all the things Brian has been talking about on here, but would like to be able to do the things I dan do with a 1200 as well as do IP streaming by ethernet to this receiver.

So, from reading, I think I could update the firmware by internet. If someone could give me a recipe for updating it, please do.

Thanks, Bill
Bill, please call me at the office, I will walk you through.

888-483-4673 my extension is 8203

Thank you,
Do you have to receive ku-band to be able to get the satellite update? I am C-band only and from what I remember reading it was sent via a ku band satellite.
The online update is available for everybody, the automatic Glorystar online update will be released as the new public versions become available.
The FTA software is available on demand. I should make version 1045 available tomorrow on the FTA side.

The satellite update is only available on Galaxy 19 97w and will be available on Optus D2 152E Ku.
The 1045 Firmware has been enabled in the FTA firmware if you are connected to the internet. Please go to Menu > Manager > Version > Online Update and you will find the 1045 in the Firmware dropdown.
Let me know if you have trouble doing so.
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The 1045 Firmware has been enabled in the FTA firmware if you are connected to the internet. Please go to Menu > Manager > Version > Online Update and you will find the 1045 in the Firmware dropdown.
Let me know if you have trouble doing so.
I got 992 for a download - what am I doing wrong?
Thanks, Eugene.
My wife is watching 3abn on Roku now. When she is finished, I'll try the directions you posted on here. I'll call in the AM if I need to.
Thanks, Eugene.
My wife is watching 3abn on Roku now. When she is finished, I'll try the directions you posted on here. I'll call in the AM if I need to.
Bill, please, check the quality of 3ABN IPTV on HDVR3500 and let me know if it compares well with Roku, let me know how it compares, thank you!
Is there a sample IPTV template I can use to create my own IPTV list? I tried to import one I had used on my X2 Premium HD receiver. It was an XML file, but it wouldn't import to the GEOSATpro HDVR3500, so I'm guessing there's something different in the format somewhere. I want to add 360 North, CMC (California Music Channel), Miami TV, Cool TV, AMG TV, Ebru TV Africa, and a few local TV channels that offer streaming. Thanks!
Is there a sample IPTV template I can use to create my own IPTV list? I tried to import one I had used on my X2 Premium HD receiver. It was an XML file, but it wouldn't import to the GEOSATpro HDVR3500, so I'm guessing there's something different in the format somewhere. I want to add 360 North, CMC (California Music Channel), Miami TV, Cool TV, AMG TV, Ebru TV Africa, and a few local TV channels that offer streaming. Thanks!

See following post from before:
Watch post 453:

To add it to receiver, please do following.

Download and save IPTVSample.xml into your flash drive.
Plug flash drive into your receiver.
Press IPTV button to go to IPTV. Press Red button to Settings. Press Blue button and find the IPTVSample.xml on your drive and press OK.
Pres Exit and wait to get back to video. Then press ok and press right arrow until you see category NEW, there you will see Arte Francois channel, click ok on it.

You will start watching it.
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I was able to upgrade to 1045. Thanx.
3abn isn't in the IPTV list. I'll want to learn to add to/edit the list. I compared Amazing facts. SD no difference. I compared NASA TV on both. HUGE difference! This is much better.
I have seen that most current 3abn on roku is very good.
Right now, HOPE is playing on Roku HD Very good. Equal to IPTV NASA. Looks like full 1080P to me.

You didn't ask for my evaluation of 1200, but I want to say that G19 thru the 1200 of current 3abn and Hope in 480p look excellent!

Good nite. I'm pleased.
I was able to upgrade to 1045. Thanx.
3abn isn't in the IPTV list. I'll want to learn to add to/edit the list. I compared Amazing facts. SD no difference. I compared NASA TV on both. HUGE difference! This is much better.
I have seen that most current 3abn on roku is very good.
Right now, HOPE is playing on Roku HD Very good. Equal to IPTV NASA. Looks like full 1080P to me.

You didn't ask for my evaluation of 1200, but I want to say that G19 thru the 1200 of current 3abn and Hope in 480p look excellent!

Good nite. I'm pleased.
3ABN is there, their whole list, just press right arrow key for 3ABN and LLBN lists
I figured out the IPTV list, THANKS! Added 360 North, California Music Channel, & Dr TV in my test file. Now it's time to see what else I can find to add to my list. :D
Thanks again. I found that list and was able to see 3abn, and switched back and forth from Roku and IPTV. Practically the same on a lower quality stream. There seems to be a lot of variability in overall video quality. Obviously, IPTV has the bandwidth (local ip access limited: I have 60meg cable) to provide stunning video when displayed through a modern TV. 3abn et al stream to the satellite and IP material that recorded on varying camera levels.

Aside from the opinion above, I did see when comparing NADA last night that switching back and forth, IPTV was far better than on Roku. A direct question for you folks who really know this stuff: Does this 3500 use a better process of grabbing streaming materials and displaying HDMI than the little boxes like Roku, AppleTV, Chromecast, Fire?

Regardless of the answer above, I can appreciate the streaming, recording, satellite receiver, etc. all in one box.

Going forward with my learning this box, I'd like to record from IPTV, etc. and find a favorites list for satellite.

Knowing the kind of folks I install dishes for, not too many qualify to utilize this box. (not so sure about myself :-))

Does this 3500 use a better process of grabbing streaming materials and displaying HDMI than the little boxes like Roku, AppleTV, Chromecast, Fire?
We are using apple decoding stack. The beauty is in the eye of the beholder, I really honestly believe that HDVR3500 is displaying Apple Live Streaming protocol better then Roku. But it's not always what hardware is better, it's also, what content how simple the access to that content is. So I do not believe anyone can claim who is better. We know that chrome cast has sold more units then anyone, that's because they are $35. But chrome cast owners don't watch tv as much as Apple TV owners. So the matter is not in capabilities. Let's get some good content going, let's make it easy to access and we will have a great time.

I just wanted to report to you, that since we started selling HDVR3500, we have simple grandmas and grandpas calling us and saying, thanks, i love this thing. People are happy about IPTV. Some of them had Roku before, but Roku makes it so complicated, people simply give up. Our receiver gives you simplicity of FTA, instant FTA channels as well as instant access to the IPTV channels.
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We are using apple decoding stack. The beauty is in the eye of the beholder, I really honestly believe that HDVR3500 is displaying Apple Live Streaming protocol better then Roku. But it's not always what hardware is better, it's also, what content how simple the access to that content is. So I do not believe anyone can claim who is better. We know that chrome cast has sold more units then anyone, that's because they are $35. But chrome cast owners don't watch tv as much as Apple TV owners. So the matter is not in capabilities. Let's get some good content going, let's make it easy to access and we will have a great time.

I just wanted to report to you, that since we started selling HDVR3500, we have simple grandmas and grandpas calling us and saying, thanks, i love this thing. People are happy about IPTV. Some of them had Roku before, but Roku makes it so complicated, people simply give up. Our receiver gives you simplicity of FTA, instant FTA channels as well as instant access to the IPTV channels.
I'm having trouble with importing IPTV channels. I made a file with 4 channels, uploaded and it worked fine. Decided to add more, now I only have 1 new channel, and it won't even let me delete and re-apply the 1st file I created. So now I only have 1 new channel in my IPTV list, other than what was already there. All my links work perfect in VLC and are .m3u8 links. Any ideas? Do I need to upload what I created an let you see if you can figure out if I done something wrong? Also was wondering how I can rename my list to Favorites or something else other than New. THANKS!
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