Kijiji, eBay, and Craigslist dishes for you to take a look at

Just curious to know what you guys use to search craigslist? Any recommendations? I have been just using Google and something like " satellite dish".

I just go to Craigslist, pick my area and then do a 'for sale' search for satellite dish. On the all/owner/dealer setting I select owner, if I don't then a bunch of new crap shows up. I'll usually search a few other areas that are close to me too, I'm in northeast Ct so I'm very close to MA and R.I. and will usually search those too.
Someone in the Denver area might want this 9.5' Birdview perforated dish, motor, controller and receiver. Looks like its in good shape.


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Jealous! I installed MANY black dishes back in the day for birdview, but none are around here!
He still has it. I told him that I was too far away, but that I would try to find someone on this forum who wants it. When I told him about he asked me to list it here. So its still available as of 03/23/2015.

I also offered to update the link if/when his craigslist ad expires.
If that was three hours away from me we wouldn't be having this conversation ;)

Ditto! (if it is 9.5')

If that reflector is actually 9.5' it would be the first BV perf of that size that I have ever seen. I have only seen 1 BV solid that was 9.5'.

My "eyeball" measurements lead me to believe it is 8.5' though.

Still a great dish and a great deal, no matter what size it is.
I have found this location by searching Google Maps/Google Earth. If you have Google Earth enter this and zoom in: 42.376544, -83.285461
Which dish is for sale as two are pictured in the ad on Craigslist? One is attached to the building and appears to be about 9.5'. The other is attached to the three concrete supports and is close to 17' (both measurements from Google Earth).

RCN on SES 6 (40.5°W)
