How come Charlie is so willing to broadcast the telephone number to the presedent of Fox, but will only broadcast his email addy, ... to his own subs?

I don't think that's a very nice way to treat YOUR customers, Charlie. If it's good to broadcast a direct line to Fox corprate, you should at least offer the same info to your corprate offices., me thinks...

It's the FOX main line, not a direct line to his office. You can do the same with Dish Network, just look up the number, call and talk to an operator. Big deal....
Does anyone have a sense of how this dispute might hurt Fox enough to force a compromise? I get a sense from all the apocalyptic complaining of how this will hurt DISH in the short term (dropped subs., having to buy people off with discounts).

But is Fox losing much right now? Are they, for instance, being forced to pay back advertising money because they've dropped millions of potential viewers? Are the RSN's themselves pressuring the FOX brass to get them back on the air with DISH?

It really seems like, at least over the next few weeks, DISH is at a disadvantage in terms of immediate pressure to cave and FOX can afford to hold out longer...and that would be bad for everyone here, on the D* forum, Cable subscribers, everyone in the long term.

Of course, this board is not representative of the general public, and a large percentage of DISH viewers likely haven't noticed, or aren't too bothered to go calling and canceling.
I am starting to shift more towards Dish's side in this dispute. Look at all the ad revenue in sports, everything is endorsed and branded. To top it off the RSNs are not commercial free, they have tons of commercials that they know people watch since sports tends to be watched live. Why should it cost anything for RSNs? Instead they are the most expensive channels to carry.

This has been my opinion for years. If they want to show commercials, then we should not be paying fees to have them in our guide. If they want to go commercial free or move the commercials to between shows, then I will be happy to agree with their carriage fees. I am tired of having a quarter of my screen taken up with ads for upcoming shows and go to our website and order a tshirt for this show crap. I rarely watch any of the so called mainstream channels programs anymore, because of all the bugs and other crap that detracts from what I am trying to watch.

I will wait and rent the dvd or watch it online without all the annoyances. That is the beauty of having an HTPC now. Sports is the only thing I will watch live anymore.
No one notices a channel is gone until they go to watch it. There are probably quite a few subs that do not notice.

Charlie has stated in the past that they pretty much know exactly how many subs they lost in NY area without YES. They also know that it is cheaper for Dish to lose the subs than to give into YES's demands. Dish probably can extrapolate that to the whole FOX RSN situation, after all they know what you watch on your receivers since they call in and report. They know just how popular/unpopular a station is.

I would suspect that if Dish could force the RSNs to a la carte they would come out way ahead, they would probably be hurt more by the O&O Fox stations and Fox News when they join the fight (which they will if this is never resolved).
This has been my opinion for years. If they want to show commercials, then we should not be paying fees to have them in our guide. If they want to go commercial free or move the commercials to between shows, then I will be happy to agree with their carriage fees. I am tired of having a quarter of my screen taken up with ads for upcoming shows and go to our website and order a tshirt for this show crap. I rarely watch any of the so called mainstream channels programs anymore, because of all the bugs and other crap that detracts from what I am trying to watch.

I will wait and rent the dvd or watch it online without all the annoyances. That is the beauty of having an HTPC now. Sports is the only thing I will watch live anymore.

If this dispute is any indication, then I think possible that some major and regional sports will likely opt for ppv , since commercial revenue is becoming much tighter and increasing commercials will only annoy people.
Ok, I get it. Prices will increase. But tell us Charlie, by how much? How much will prices increase if you give Fox (and even MSG) what they want?

I would like to know what your definition of "unreasonable" is.
"Fewer choices" being emphasized. Seems more and more to me that the big issue is RSN inclusion in the base package (i.e. AT120, that currently does not include RSNs).

Thank you, Charlie, for not giving up and forcing me to help pay outrageous sports salaries by giving me programming options that don't force me to take an expensive RSN I won't watch.

Chukster... The exact amount is confidential between Dish and providers. I remember back when the conflict was with Lifetime networks... Dish offered to disclose the amount to the public if Lifetime would agree... Of course, Lifetime said no and a few weeks later it was resolved.

It's also more complicated because, if Dish caves, then the next provider up for contract renewal will go in asking for a higher rate... And then the next... So, before you know it... February comes around and Charlie's showing the PowerPoint slide with how much each package is increasing... and then the the forums flood with outrage about price increases for no 'new' channels.

I know it's beating a dead horse... but al-carte' really would help solve the problem.. Get what you pay for. If people aren't willing to pay for the channels, then that must mean the channel sucks. Let every individual customer decide... If you want the channel and the price is worth it, get it. If not, don't.
Ok, I get it. Prices will increase. But tell us Charlie, by how much? How much will prices increase if you give Fox (and even MSG) what they want?

I would like to know what your definition of "unreasonable" is.

I don't know about this dispute, but in the Versus and D* dispute, D* was 'protecting me' from an 'unreasonable' increase of 20%. Sound familiar. Turns out, 20% increase on the tier I was a sub to amounts to $.05. That's right, a nickel. To be fair, Versus wanted to raise the rate from $.20 per sub to $.25 per sub + include it in the next lower tier, an increase of the full quarter for those folks. So, in real numbers D* was protecting my tier (Choice Ultimate) from a cost hike from $68.99 to $69.04 and the subs to the tier below (Choice Extra) from $63.99 all the way up to $64.24. ....and just like Charlie, D* assured it's subs that IF Versus got this outragus increase, they would be 'forced' to pass those cost on to it's subs.
Gees, so to protect me from a nickel a month increase, they lost $68.99 a month. Excuse me, I like low prices as well as the next guy, but I also love watching the NHL, the Tour de France and the PBR on Versus. D* (or E*) claiming a nickels worth of protection (or even a quarters worth) for its subs is complete BULL when a pkg is already well over $60 to start with.
Yea this was posted on facebook the same day the channels went. The reaction on facebook was very very negative towards dish. I'm sorry to say, but the reaction is warranted. Especially the fact that the company had fair warning.

Gee, thanks Bob for saying ZERO about any of the points made by Charlie.

Instead, you are giving a spin and characterizing other people's comments as all being one thing. :rolleyes:
I don't know about this dispute, but in the Versus and D* dispute, D* was 'protecting me' from an 'unreasonable' increase of 20%. Sound familiar. Turns out, 20% increase on the tier I was a sub to amounts to $.05. That's right, a nickel. To be fair, Versus wanted to raise the rate from $.20 per sub to $.25 per sub + include it in the next lower tier, an increase of the full quarter for those folks. So, in real numbers D* was protecting my tier (Choice Ultimate) from a cost hike from $68.99 to $69.04 and the subs to the tier below (Choice Extra) from $63.99 all the way up to $64.24. ....and just like Charlie, D* assured it's subs that IF Versus got this outragus increase, they would be 'forced' to pass those cost on to it's subs.
Gees, so to protect me from a nickel a month increase, they lost $68.99 a month. Excuse me, I like low prices as well as the next guy, but I also love watching the NHL, the Tour de France and the PBR on Versus. D* (or E*) claiming a nickels worth of protection (or even a quarters worth) for its subs is complete BULL when a pkg is already well over $60 to start with.

That is just one channel. What if every channel went up a nickel? You have 200 channels * .05 = $10. That is the problem. It isn't just about one channel. It is about the cumulative effect.
That is just one channel. What if every channel went up a nickel? You have 200 channels * .05 = $10. That is the problem. It isn't just about one channel. It is about the cumulative effect.
...and if my bill ONLY goes up $10 over the next ... (How long is the standard contract for, 3 years?) ... 3 years for a top tier of programing, and it eliminates any channels being dropped, I don't think that's 'unreasonable', but that's my personal opinion.

100.2 Sudden Death
