Stargate Universe

Why is no one except Rush allowed to play with the com-stones? I'd think the Lieut. would let the Col. know that Rush says he's "in charge"...

I'll give Sanctuary the benefit of the doubt and see how they resolve the cliffhanger from last season, but if it's a lame resolution, then further viewing from me will be in serious doubt. It isn't the show's fault how Sigh-figh advertises them (above the bug and pop-ups). That's just Sigh-figh trying to hype the show, since it's been gone for almost 9 months. I am rather annoyed that SGA & SG1 seems to have been removed the rotation for awhile though...
Well one can see the basic premise of the show, and I do not know if I will like it. The ship is too far removed from earth to ever really interact with earth. So, the ship just goes along its business, occasionally stopping, allowing them to interact with a planet or two for a short time, then continues.

There probably will be 2 types of episodes:

1. Ship episodes where they discover a new part of the ship and have some drama about a new function/device (like on Atlantis, always some new lab somewhere to be found). They kept exclaiming that the ship is just so huge, maybe it is on the scale of Atlantis.

2. Drama on a planet when the ship stops somewhere.

Other questions come up like power and repairs. They seem to already be short on power, where are those ZPMs when you need them? It looks like they are going to have to get busy and do a lot of repairs. If the ship was launched unmanned how much food is there? I am sure we will have episodes dealing with each of these issues.

They went out of their way to be sure the ship is too far away. It will be interesting to see if they finally allow contact like they did with Atlantis.
Well I can live with Shooter McGavin offing himself to save the ship. But wow, this show really lacks a lot of originality. Even his death is almost spock-like in a ST II kind of way.

They basically took the "Stargate Universe" (i.e., the world of stargate, the ancients) and created Lost in space. Unlike Voyager, we a have a rag-tag group of people, as opposed to a real crew. Lots of personal conflict, characters that don't strike me as ever even making it as characters in the real world of SG1. Instead, the rag-tag crews desire to get home (earth) reeks a little bit of BSG.

I am glad that they can at least use the gate, and I'll give it a chance. But I can't say the first episode changed my original point of view that much.
It will still be the 'new planet of the week' for awhile just like the other shows were. Only instead of starting from a bunker or a floating city its a ship. I suppose they could have done a space station. Like Atlantis they dont have any control over anything. They had to do something to save the city from collapsing under the water and killing everyone. This time they had to do something to keep the air from getting out and suffocating everyone. Like before everyone is cut off from Earth. Like before there is the usual pilot heroic sacrifice. There is the seemingly uncaring scientist. The second in command taking the lead. The issue about who is ultimately in charge. And more.

Its a familiar SG formula and its a matter of its implementation and how it evolves. Besides, there is much more to come obviously. Phillips is nowhere to be seen on the ship. We can assume he escaped from the planet. Next week we get to see how he fits into it all and how he got to the ship, assuming he does and its not something else. In the end the setting and method of travel will be unimportant if a well thought out story can be fit within it.

I also seem to remember that alot of people thought Atlantis was going to be a disaster after the pilot was aired. :p
Maureen summed it up well, though she's obviously seen several more episodes than we have.

From the way she made it sound though, it doesn't sound like we have a lot to look forward to... I bet Sigh-figh declares it a "hit" though and gives it a second season for the simple reason that they've not got much else for Friday night going for them except Sanctuary, and after nearly 9 months off, how big of a draw is it going to be?
At least with SyFy there is a good chance they will make a few seasons, so the show will have a chance. Other networks would have already cancelled it. The seasons will just be like all the others, short and randomly placed throughout the year.
I didn't like Stargate Atlantis when it first came one so I am hoping the same thing happens. I hope it gets better and grows on me.
It actually surprised me in the fact that I did not expect all of the civilians ... I thought it would be a small crew of 8 or so ... more people does give them the flexibility for more plots though ... they could always pick up someone/something along the way too ...

The one thing the I did not buy was the gamer kid. Okay ... I get he is a math wizard ... but in one day he figures out how to use "ancient" technology, starts moving these camera things around, opening and closing doors via a console that no one has ever seen ... too much for me ...

This is the one thing that I found lame in Atlantis ... I forget the guys name, but in the show he was from Canada and seemed to ALWAYS figure things out ... being raised in Canada ... okay ... Canadians are smart ;) ... but that smart ;)

Back to SGU ... if they keep the show "darker" (like BSG) where its based on people's RAW emotions ... like the one soldier sneaking food into his packet for example ... while small it was a pure raw emotion and makes you wonder what will happen. If they make it too "campy" though and all of a sudden find a garden room in this ship with showers and rest rooms ... and may as well throw in a medical center with all of the medicine they need ... too much.

It has promise ... I hope they keep it real ...
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Well, evidently they've got power problems too, since Rush freaked out about the power issues when the Col. tried to dial the gate...

So, if the ship has power problems, but self-dials gates after jumping out of hyperspace and then only gives them 12 hours before it's going to go back into hyperspace...won't the ship eventually run out of power too?

Here's another one that bugs me: they jumped ONTO a moving ship. Wasn't it rather quite well established on SG1 that they couldn't jump onto/off of a moving ship because the address was no longer correct? Oops!
Well, they had not done 9 chevrons before, and that address is specific to the ship. I'd think since the address is the ship, it does not matter where it is.
I'll admit I'm on withdrawal from space based shows and for now (besides reruns) this is all there is. So I'll keep watching until it proves itself bad enough to be worthy of MST3000 treatment. If they just show enough exteriors of ships in space and an occasional battle here and there to kick my subwoofer into action I'll keep watching. :)
Okay, I can buy that...but they when the ship stops at a planet, why not just dial Earth, since the address ought to be valid, or at the very least, Rush and the wiz-kid ought to be able to figure out the drift-corrected address...

You need to know the point of origin from the planet in order to do that.
Okay, I can buy that...but they when the ship stops at a planet, why not just dial Earth, since the address ought to be valid, or at the very least, Rush and the wiz-kid ought to be able to figure out the drift-corrected address...

Maybe they will... eventually.
Not that much Puffier since Continuum... ;)


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