DirecTV does not support multi room DVR functionality DISH does

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I was a DISH network customer for a long time. Recently I switched because I was not happy with the DISH network customer support.

One of the key criteria for my business was that DirecTV must be able to do what DISH network does, specifically provide DVR functionality (pause, rewind etc) on each set. DISH does this effortlessly.

With my DISH setup I had a single DVR in my family room and a simple STB in the other rooms. With this setup I had full DVR functionality AND access to DVR recordings on each set.

I was told by the DirecTV sales guys that DirecTV could do this with no extra cost and I believed them since DISH network could do it.

DirecTV CANNOT do it and this really makes me mad and now I am stuck on this SHITE network or get slammed with $400 if I go off the service.

I have asked them to provide me with this functionality and they say it will cost me an extra $300 including gear and install. They cut down the cost to $150 but it is still not good enough

Because of this I want to make DirecTV's life miserable but I can't because I am not big enough nor can type fast enough :)

Also the channel acquisition time with DISH is MUCH better than DirecTV.

I would hardly call a poor quality SD rf output "multi room DVR functionality"

Not to mention if you are watching it on both tv's, it turns it into a single tuner dvr.

When I was with dish I never liked this, and knew the only reason they did this was so Dish could save money by trying to force you to use 1 receiver for 2 tv's.
I would hardly call a poor quality SD rf output "multi room DVR functionality"

Not to mention if you are watching it on both tv's, it turns it into a single tuner dvr.

When I was with dish I never liked this, and knew the only reason they did this was so Dish could save money by trying to force you to use 1 receiver for 2 tv's.
Did they have a gun... In a time when everyone is saving money it's not a bad thing. You could still get use the dvr on one tv no one is forcing you to do anything!!!:eek: GOD!!!!
Did they have a gun... In a time when every is saving money it's not a bad thing. You could still get use the dvr on one tv no one is forcing you to do anything!!!:eek: GOD!!!!

If you read my post correctly instead of taking a couple words out of context, you would have understood correctly. I said "trying to force you"

Thats what they do, like it or not. They try to sell it as good feature, when all it really does it make the DVR less functional by losing a tuner when you use the other TV.

Not to mention you do not save any money, as they will charge you 5 bucks unless it is hooked to phone.
If you read my post correctly instead of taking a couple words out of context, you would have understood correctly. I said "trying to force you"

Thats what they do, like it or not. They try to sell it as good feature, when all it really does it make the DVR less functional by losing a tuner when you use the other TV.

Not to mention you do not save any money, as they will charge you 5 bucks unless it is hooked to phone.
Maybe your your attitude changed about it when you found out you couldn't do it with D*.:eek:
Also, I was wondering if it is possible to output from my new receiver to my TV in the bed room. I do not need to be able to have different show at the same time, just want to have it sometimes. The installer said it could not be done with the hddvr, but when I ordered service, I was told they can do it.
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The solution that E* has is great as long as you don't mind crippling the capabilities of your DVR, ie. I should be able to dedicate 2 tuners to 1 television and not have to worry if they are both busy recording something when TV2 wants to watch a show.

do the Directv DVR's allow recording of OTA on a third tuner?
Maybe your your attitude changed about it when you found out you couldn't do it with D*.:eek:

If you read my old post correctly, I was asking how to see the content from the receiver on another tv. Not needing it to have "multi room DVR functionality".

Also my HR does this just as well as my dish receiver. My attitude never changed, you can read all of my posts, I am no fanboy.

There is no way I could consider any of the current DVRs from Dish or Direct to have "multi room DVR functionality". The only provider I know of that should be able to legitimately claim this capabilty is U-Verse.
Dish Network really must want to be the system of choice for those who don't care much about TV. Pretty smart marketing, calling the fact that they force customers to use one DVR for two rooms a "feature."

All the DirecTV equipment in my signature cost me about $300 total. I started with a basic 4-room SD system and upgraded as I became eligible for deals. Much more flexible than Dish and not expensive. (If it was, I couldn't have done it.)
If you read my old post correctly, I was asking how to see the content from the receiver on another tv. Not needing it to have "multi room DVR functionality".

Also my HR does this just as well as my dish receiver. My attitude never changed, you can read all of my posts, I am no fanboy.

There is no way I could consider any of the current DVRs from Dish or Direct to have "multi room DVR functionality". The only provider I know of that should be able to legitimately claim this capabilty is U-Verse.
I agree with you that by putting the 622 or 722 in to dual zone mode crippled the DISH dvr and that's why I never used it I like your self had the same video feeding at least one more room for convenience. A D* dvr + a $15 modulator emulates that experience exactly.
Learned something new. Something to add to the list of to many limitations for D* for me.:eek:
I don't understand how this is a limitation.
It seems to me if all things are even...
you have 2 rooms with a HD-DVR in one and a HD receiver in the other
with D* the second receiver can view HD content off the DVR in the other room
with E* their receivers can't share video at all
now with E* (622,722) you can send the second tuner video via coax to another tv but at that point you essentially have 1 single tuner HD-DVR and 1 single tuner SD-DVR

So if you want 1 single HD tuner DVR and 1 single SD tuner with the convenience of not running a sat feed to the second tv DISH is your choice.
But having cheap full functioning receivers on multiple tvs with the ability to play back recordings from your HD-DVR it seems Directv is the choice.

And maybe DISH is working on the same place shifting software but like everything else with DISH they will be a couple of years behind Directv.
I am telling you what I had. I had a DVR in my family room and basic sets in other rooms. I had unique programming on each set. Are you telling me I did not have what I knew I had?
You are correct. Dish does have dula tuner recivers desinged to "talk" to twotv's. Each tv has independent viewing capability and each receiver is equipped with two remotes. One of which is RF.
Currently, Directv's dual tuner recievers are designed to "talk" to just one tv. They come wiht just one remote and have single outputs for one tv.
They may be working on new receivers that will perorm in the same manner as Dish's. I do not know.
I would hardly call a poor quality SD rf output "multi room DVR functionality"

Not to mention if you are watching it on both tv's, it turns it into a single tuner dvr.

When I was with dish I never liked this, and knew the only reason they did this was so Dish could save money by trying to force you to use 1 receiver for 2 tv's.
Huh? You're geting one reciver to operate two tv's .In the case of the DVR BOTH locatiuons can view and record independently. What more do you want?!!!

Currently the technologyu is in place to have both locations HD but the cost to put in the box itslf is probably a hinderance.
Right now the coax method is in use. A single coax cable to a remote tv will not carry HD.
So be patient. The technonlogy will change and there will eventually be a way to do this.
Dish does not "force" anyhting.
Customers are perfectly able to lease a second DVR or HD normal receiver. Accounts can have up to 4 tuners.
SO what caliber gun was that which was held to your head? 9mm? 40 Cal?
Glock? Sigsauer? Smith&Wesson?
Customers are perfectly able to lease a second DVR or HD normal receiver. Accounts can have up to 4 tuners.
One of the points made was D*'s receivers are being enabled to share content with each other and with E* the only option is to have one dvr send half of it's capabilities to a SD tv in the other room.
Having multiple receivers makes the most sense if the price is not prohibitive. In my case I am getting 2 HD DVRs with D* to replace the 1 622 I had with E* and my bill will still be cheaper after all incentives drop off.
Huh? You're geting one reciver to operate two tv's .In the case of the DVR BOTH locatiuons can view and record independently. What more do you want?!!!

Currently the technologyu is in place to have both locations HD but the cost to put in the box itslf is probably a hinderance.
Right now the coax method is in use. A single coax cable to a remote tv will not carry HD.
So be patient. The technonlogy will change and there will eventually be a way to do this.
Dish does not "force" anyhting.
Customers are perfectly able to lease a second DVR or HD normal receiver. Accounts can have up to 4 tuners.
SO what caliber gun was that which was held to your head? 9mm? 40 Cal?
Glock? Sigsauer? Smith&Wesson?
Must be a real big gun. :eek:
One of the points made was D*'s receivers are being enabled to share content with each other and with E* the only option is to have one dvr send half of it's capabilities to a SD tv in the other room.
Having multiple receivers makes the most sense if the price is not prohibitive. In my case I am getting 2 HD DVRs with D* to replace the 1 622 I had with E* and my bill will still be cheaper after all incentives drop off.

Did you figure in the added $5.00 per month extra and the added $199.00 that you pay in advance to this.

For me to get the same capability from D* as from E*. I would need 1 HDDVR, 1 DVR, 1 HD receiver, and 1 standard. Thats taking into account that at some time in the future D* receiver will be able to share video from the DVR. This would cost me $200 in start up fee's, plus with the added box fee's D* is easy $20 more a month. Plus I have to Buy special adapters to get OTA to intergrate into my receiver.

Now lets look at the ease of doing multiple rooms from these receivers. I can setup a four channel cable system on several other tv's. I have 4 UHF remotes and just move around from tv to tv. D* can not do this in any easy way. Add in the fact that I only need 1 wire from the dish and I can diplex in OTA on that wire, D* can't do that. Now I will admit it is nice that you can record and watch at the same time with a D* DVR, but at this point I can only watch it where I recorded it. Most of the time I can record and watch the same way with E* DVR, with added feature of being able to watch it on any tv. Plus I can switch back and forth from Dual to Single mode with the push of a botton, and have PIP during special times like NFL playoffs, NCAA bowl season and March Madness.
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